Ha! that's easy. Season 2, Episode 4. Corporate Warriors. The scene where he's testing all the weapons found in the CEO's office, especially the Katana. He looks so sexy and beautiful and strong and dangerous in that scene... when I saw that, that was the EXACT moment I fell for him :adore: I gotta thing for guys with weapons, and when you factor in his sexiness, and the eyes and the voice, well, I didn't stand a chance
Gosh, how could i forget this
. He looks unbelievably sexy in that top and them pants cause you can see all the muscles flex :drool:
second favorite: at the end of the scene with Lansing (the crazy bomber guy) when he goes all Marine on him.... ooh, I watched that yesterday with my sister, and it was all I could do to not drool everywhere. :drool: :drool:
Yes, very intense seen but very nice in the Kevlar aswell :drool:
He looked hot in that shirt and the face :drool:.
[/QUOTE] Uh, you'll have to be more specific. While the face always looks good, most shirts he looks good in as well. However, the argument can be made that he looks best without a shirt.
Oh yes, he does look fantastic without a shirt. These were the ones i was talking about
:drool: he looks so beautiful and handsome in it :adore:. I'm sorry that its massive, i don't know why
i like this shirt aswell and the tie. Excuse me while i go and run my fingers threw his hair :drool:
The facial expression is sexy aswell ,gosh all of us would of loved to of been Lindsey then, looking into those gorgeous green eyes. I think i have a thing for dark haired, green eyed men now :lol:
Talking of facial expressions Mac has some funny ones and some that make him look like a little boy, its really cute
For example, someone has a pic where Mac is with i think its Quinn and Stella and he is wearing the csi ny jacket and is face is like ''I'v just been caught with my hands in the cookie jar before dinner''.
. so cute
I'v just been through Jade's photo bucket album for them pics, she has a lot of Mac pictures after i looked through them all i was like ''He is really 56 y/o, my god he looks so hot''. Made me very flustered *giggle*
I just love Mac(can u tell?) he's simply amazing