Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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Sam lovely pics I just love his eyes..and his neck...and ....err I will stop there..:guffaw::guffaw:

Guys I posted pics for Mac and Stella for ep 24 over on the picture thread there are 4 nice shots of them. One is the one Ghawazee posted a link to already and 3 more.. Not really spoilery but I thought it best to leave them over on the pic thread..Mac is looking very nice..:drool::drool: They are at post 540.
Fruitbat I checked those pics and I agree with you that Mac looks very handsome:drool::drool::drool: and my thoughts went straightly to something vicked which I don't ver dare to mention! :devil::devil::evil::evil::devil::devil:

Yesterday we had a "Halloween episode" in Finland I mean the ep was "Boo" but it was so much in Halloween theme that it started feel funny to watch cause it's spring now!:lol:

Well it was a good episode maybe not one of my favourites, but on the other hand to me all I need to see is Mac and the episode is more than great! :guffaw:

Here's some "Boo pics!" :D

He's such a cutie when he just wants to be! :adore:
956x27.png"Is it just me or does someone else has vicked thoughts!" :devil::devil:


Mac in leather makes me


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Sam, nice photos. The last photo Mac with the bad look. I found it very good. We are in Germany still with relay 4. Only in autumn the new relay 5 starts.
nel2h I understand you-in Russia S4 finished a couple weeks ago. And we dont know, when we can see S5
Sam thanks for piks - ohh :drool:
Sam Sam, thanks for making smile today :) It's been a tough dat, but you're getting an award for rescuting mine with those caps
Thank you to everyone that posts all these gorgeous pics of our favourite detective, they are scrummy, you brighten my day! Thanks to one and all I am so drooling now! :drool::drool::drool::drool:.

Not only very wicked thoughts to some of them, down right illegal thoughts probably!!! And me a happily married woman!!:devil: Thought you might like to know my husbands name is Mac Taylor! Got it changed by deedpoll by the way only cost £10.!!:lol:
Ummm so Im new to this particular thread, but not new to the idea of the hotness that Mac posessesss! I've looked this over and I really CANT wait until season 10...thats like seasons from now!

As a soon to be Marine I am particularly proud fictional or not that we have such hotness representing us. *laughs*
NM42, welcome to the thread. So you're going to be a Marine? That's cool!:cool:

No Good Deed was on here last night, and I thought it was a great Mac episode. He was definitely smiling a lot in this episode, it was so nice to see. I enjoyed the whole Ella storyline in this ep too. Yes, one part of me was yelling 'No, Mac, stay away!' but at the same time I couldn't help being touched by his words to Stella about what he sees in Ella, and his desire to reach out to and help her. It's been a while since we've seen Mac reach out to a victim, and because he doesn't do it all the time like Horatio does, it's always interesting to see. I also think it's interesting that Mac understood that Ella was lonely even before her parents died. The implication was obviously that they didn't have enough time for her, and Mac really seemed to feel for her on that one. Made me wonder if he ever felt neglected by one or both of his parents - he's referred several times over the years to there being 'bad' parents out there, or to children being neglected/disappointed by their parents.
I loved his talk to Stella, and I liked his talk to Ella at the end too, when he said she'd be 'okay'. The story about his childhood friend was interesting too, especially that he didn't really know how to comfort his friend. I think it's the same with Ella - he's aware, I think, that reaching out to her could be risky, I think he recognizes she's unstable, but at the same time he wants to help her and doesn't quite know how, or if he should.
I liked seeing that Mac is every bit as capable of making questionable judgement calls/being driven by his emotions as anyone else on the team. It's a shame we probably won't see any more of Ella.
I also thought it was interesting how in his talk with Stella,Mac seemed to be questioning whether what they did (putting killers away) really brought people closure. It's the first time we've ever really seen him express any doubts about his job, and what it means. I wonder whether he was thinking of Claire when he said that - I don't think he's ever had any real closure on her death.
Mac reaching out to Ella was described by the RT reviewer as being similar to Horatio always reaching out to kids of victims, but I thought that while it was a little unexpected for Mac, the storyline was still pretty in character for him - he has always had a compassion for victims and he's reached out to them several times before. We just don't see it all that often.
I liked how this storyline showed both Mac's flaws (letting his emotions cloud his judgement) and his good attributes (compassion). I defininitely think they're showing us a more human, more vulnerable Mac this season, a Mac who is vulnerable not only to the actions of others (Joe/Ethan, Ella) but to his own emotions.

What does anyone else think, about s5 Mac, and/or about the whole Ella thing? Like I said before, it's a shame this seems to be her last episode, because while she is a 'stalker' she's very different to Drew last season and any storyline with her and Mac would have been very different to the 333 one.
I liked how this storyline showed both Mac's flaws (letting his emotions cloud his judgement) and his good attributes (compassion). I defininitely think they're showing us a more human, more vulnerable Mac this season, a Mac who is vulnerable not only to the actions of others (Joe/Ethan, Ella) but to his own emotions.

What does anyone else think, about s5 Mac, and/or about the whole Ella thing? Like I said before, it's a shame this seems to be her last episode, because while she is a 'stalker' she's very different to Drew last season and any storyline with her and Mac would have been very different to the 333 one.

We are starting to see the "human" side of Mac.
He's coming out of the abyss so to speak (His wifes death)
I'm sure it won't be all good attributes either.
He isn't the superman we all thought he was, but honestly who wants superman? Except for Lois Lane I suppose.

I was a little worried about the direction they were going with the Ella story
I thought we were gonna get a creepy older man/younger woman thing and that would soooooo not be with Mac's character! The writers snapped back just in time...well, it may not be over with never know.
I really hope they don't go the romance route for Mac and Ella, but I doubt they will - she's not Mac's type, and I can't imagine Gary wanting to do a romantic storyline with a character named Ella - his daughter's name.

I do think Mac is making a mistake getting closer to Ella. I'm curious as to what motivates him to help her, why he cares so much. Is it because she's all alone in the world, and he feels the need to help her because he felt the same way after Claire died? Does he feel the need to 'save' her because he couldn't save his wife on 9/11 - that's motivated him to reach out to people before. Or is there something else in his past that's motivating him? Or is it just that Ella hits a soft spot in Mac and even he doesn't quite know why? Something about Ella really hits a nerve with Mac, to the extent he asks Stella for advice. As for him going to see her at the end, he disregards Stella's advice (bad Mac) but I wonder if he was trying to extract himself from the situation. He told her to call him if she needed anything, which seems a bit odd for Mac, but it reminded me of Stella giving that abused woman her card in Some Buried Bones in season 3. Stella did that because she felt for the woman because of what happened to her with Frankie. I wonder what it is that drives Mac to reach out to Ella in a similar way?

His judgement is definitely clouded when it comes to Ella, though, which I find intriguing and I'd love to know why. Shame they're apparantly not continuing the storyline.
A warmly hello to everybody here !!!

First of all I want to apologize for my english. I had my last english lesson in the last century (hihi..) and no real opportunity to practise.
Because of that I was ashamed of writing, although I registered a week ago. But my admiration and love for Mac Taylor and the frank and funny way you all write here, gave me courage to write today.
To be honest I didn`t really watch al lot TV the last years for my family and job didn`t gave me time therefore. On the one hand there is my over all loved son, on the other hand my work at the office. I studied laws and work as a consulter of the mayor of our city( projectmanagement, treaties......) But in the last time both jobs got more and more demanding and after another crazy day I switched on the TV and saw CSI New York and divine Gary Sinise. I was fascinated of all that science stuff - for criminology was a part of my studies - and I was fascinated of that unbelieveable man.
In the meanwhile I have a little DVD-collection ( impostor !!!!!!!!), although it was not easy to get them here. I like them all but it is Mac Taylor and his charakter which stimulates my fantasy.........

So that is the reason I ask you:
Please, please let me join your community to exchange fotos, thoughts....of our idol!
Best wishes to all from europe!

Welcome udonna glad you joined us. I am sure you will fit right in here. :) Nice to here that you have become hypnotized by our Detective Taylor. :drool: It shows you have great taste :) Please feel free to jump right in and share your thoughts and pictures of our favorite ex Marine.

And if you want to drool...:rolleyes: err talk about Impostor please join us on the Gary thread as well...

And don't worry about your English its perfect as far as I can see.. :)
Thanks for your warmly welcome!!!!

I am not in the office today for I have to got to the doctor later:rolleyes:
On the other hand I will use my free time to search this site for another great pics of my man of my dreams :drool:.

Another thanks for the link, I see , I have a lot to make up for.

I wish you a nice day!!!

Thanks for your warmly welcome!!!!

I am not in the office today for I have to got to the doctor later:rolleyes:
On the other hand I will use my free time to search this site for another great pics of my man of my dreams :drool:.

Another thanks for the link, I see , I have a lot to make up for.

I wish you a nice day!!!


Dont worry you will find LOADS of pictures of our man on both threads..:D Just try not to drool on your keyboard :lol:

Have a good day picture hunting..
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