Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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I've been catching up on my NY eps and saw eps13-17 last night.

Man, is it just me or has Mac been smiling/laughing lately? (the suspect telling Flack he'd give him $49 to replace the suit, Stella seemingly cursing in Greek and other moments) Ilaahvet! :)

Also, was I the only one disappointed with what eventually happened to Ella? Just me? Okay. *glum*

Anyway, I still have quite aways to go before I can watch the latest ep but thanks for all the screencaps!
I've been catching up on my NY eps and saw eps13-17 last night.

Also, was I the only one disappointed with what eventually happened to Ella? Just me? Okay. *glum*

no lol your not the only one

I was kind of disappointed in the way it went as well... I was expecting/wanting a bit was an intriguing idea and could have lead to some good emotional moments..but it just seemed to end a bit abruptly.

Though I am VERY glad they didn't turn her into the predictable crazed stalker. But it would have been nice if they had made a bit more of it and had another strong scene between her and Mac.

Mind you I am also disappointed in the way this weeks ep went...but possibly thats cause I expected more from the ep considering we had Craig T Nelson to go head to head with Gary.
But they finally get a good guest star that can hold his own with Gary and they go for the predictable... :wtf: It just seems such a waste of good acting talent when the script just does not do them justice.

I've been catching up on my NY eps and saw eps13-17 last night.

Man, is it just me or has Mac been smiling/laughing lately? (the suspect telling Flack he'd give him $49 to replace the suit, Stella seemingly cursing in Greek and other moments) Ilaahvet! :)

Also, was I the only one disappointed with what eventually happened to Ella? Just me? Okay. *glum*

Anyway, I still have quite aways to go before I can watch the latest ep but thanks for all the screencaps!
I was kind of disappointed in the way it went as well... I was expecting/wanting a bit was an intriguing idea and could have lead to some good emotional moments..but it just seemed to end a bit abruptly.

Though I am VERY glad they didn't turn her into the predictable crazed stalker. But it would have been nice if they had made a bit more of it and had another strong scene between her and Mac.

Oh, I agree totally. I, too, was hoping for something more would happen between the two (and not the crazed stalker part as well). It's like they wanted to end that story ASAP and just squeezed it in there. Just to have a resolution.

Hmm, so Nelson appears some more in the horizon, eh? Interesting. I'm not that updated on spoilers but thanks for that. Anyway, I like Julia Ormond's character. She plays off against Mac very well (but I believe I'm biased. Gary is sooo good he has chemistry with everyone, probabaly even with inanimate objects, lolz)

I know we still have a few eps before the end of S5 but I dunno, the past season seems really Mac-lite. Unlike when Peyton or Reed was around. I liked those stories more (well, of course I would :lol: )
Hi guys. Feels like I haven't posted here in ages!

Thanks to everyone who has posted the truly :drool::drool: pics of Mac.
I am liking season 5 so far - The Party's Over was just on last Saturday, and I loved the scene with Mac catching the robber and 'handcuffing' him with a plastic bag. Awww, our favourite Detective recycles.
Though it was so obviously a stunt double doing the actual running.:rolleyes:
Loved the Mac/Adam scenes too.

Dunbrook seems an interesting nemesis for Mac in The Party's Over
it's a shame that what I've read about 521 suggests he becomes rather run of the mill.
I wish they'd give Mac an interesting nemesis, one the whole team would fight too. A really sick killer maybe, who has no personal connection or vendetta against Mac but who Mac has to bring down. I also want to see more of Mac's friends/family from his past - Reed, and I'm dying to see one of his old Marine buddies, he's talked on the phone to a couple of them already when it's relevant to the case, we need to see one of them. *coughGibbscough*

I do agree he's smiling a lot more lately, it's nice.:) I want some Pissy Mac too though, that's just hot!:devil:

I don't mind the Mac-liteness so much, he's still getting some good stuff. What does bug me is that one or two bits of Mac's storylines this season seem kinda OOC. But then Danny's getting married, suddenly comes from a family of cops, and has lost his glasses so I guess we're lucky.

Hey, we did get Wet Mac twice this season, so I'm willing to give the writers a little leeway in what they do with Mac, as long as they don't go too far.
I just hope we get Reed next season at least, love Kyle Gallner and Gary together. I read an interview with KG in the latest CSI NY mag and he said one of the main reasons he took the role of Reed was to get to work with Gary, and Julia Ormond said the same thing.:) I like Gary's chemistry with her too, and also with Mykelti Williamson (Sinclair) and Craig T. Nelson (Dunbrook). The actress who plays Ella has intersting chemistry with him too.
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies!!!!! Mac in black IS BACK!:drool::drool::drool::drool:

Check these pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heya guys! :)

Boy it feels like forever since I've visited here! :rolleyes: Hmmm...What would be better than come here and see those :drool::drool::drool::drool: pics of Mac! :devil: Thanks a lot! :thumbsup:

Of course I brought something to you also. ;) Here's some pics. Enjoy!


I love how well he speaks with his eyes! ;)


I have to say he's in excellent shape if you look at his age! ;)
My thoughts are starting to go..."viiicked"



Somehow I see that look very sexy one...


His expression says clearly: "Really?!?" :lol::lol::lol:


Nice dark red shirt...:drool::drool::devil::devil::drool::drool:
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hey sam. thanks for the pictures and you are right he does look like he's in great shape considering his age. i still can't believe how hi is actually. thanks so much for the pictures of mac. anne
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