Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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M E R C Y, ME R C Y ...

with a newbie,
let me join the party:devil:

I think I really missed something ............ but I am sure time and all the ladies here will enlighten me:evil:.

And another one, couldn't resist in posting that piccie. Mac is in need of some real TLC. :devil::devil:

Ya didn't miss a thing, all us Taylor girls line up for this drooling man. *grabs out gear to play around with Mac after FB* :devil:
So on a short note, CSISenna, I wuv your avvie not only on the Marine side (Ooh-rah, couldnt resist sorry :D) but because Mac and Gibbs are teh shizznizzlebits man!

And I knew all of you Taylor girls couldnt resist...but I man who CANT right?

Welcome udonna! :D
your postings seem sometimes very mysterious to me, but I am a diligent pupil and willing to learn!

A hearty hello back to you, NM42, nice to meet you.

So on a short note, CSISenna, I wuv your avvie not only on the Marine side (Ooh-rah, couldnt resist sorry :D) but because Mac and Gibbs are teh shizznizzlebits man!

And I knew all of you Taylor girls couldnt resist...but I man who CANT right?

Welcome udonna! :D
Likewise! :D

I dont know why im so excited, probably because its the weekend....well an hour from now it'll be the weekend for me :D

NY on the tv! YAY!
Well then have a great time.
It is here 9:30 pm and I had a free day because of a public holiday. I was just watching a dvd ( season 2) for here we can see CSI New York on TV only once week on monday. God bless DVD-recorder. So I surf a little bit through the night before I go to sleep.
Well, I think I can start to plan my dreams...:devil:


Likewise! :D

I dont know why im so excited, probably because its the weekend....well an hour from now it'll be the weekend for me :D

NY on the tv! YAY!
Thanks for that picture of Mac from this week's episode. CSISienna
That scene brought me to tears along with the following one when he met up with Hannah's cousin. That scene was so.... well done.

I say it was about time we see Mac unravel some. He always comes across or tries to come across so polished and put together. But underneath that smooth exterior is a man with feelings, feelings he needs to let out every once in a while.
My fav Mac pix is from s4e1, in the hot black shirt:drool:. I don't know why, but certain people look delectable in really dark black shirts! Who agrees? Give me an M! Give me an A! Give me a C! What does that spell? MAC! IN! BLACK! WOOO!
First of all, welcome to the new folks - udonna (your English is excellent!), niightrider, and Meatball, and anyone else I may have forgotten....these hot Mac pics scramble my brain!:drool:

And another one, couldn't resist in posting that piccie. Mac is in need of some real TLC. :devil::devil:
And another one! From what I've read about the ep, and that pic of Mac CSISenna posted, the poor man's definitely in need of TLC. *hugs Mac, and that's just for starters :devil:*

I say it was about time we see Mac unravel some. He always comes across or tries to come across so polished and put together. But underneath that smooth exterior is a man with feelings, feelings he needs to let out every once in a while.
I agree, I think we've seen that quite a bit this season, that Mac isn't as 'put together' as he'd like people to think. I love seeing that softer, vulnerable side of him.
Hello, MacsLady(what a great nickname - isn´t that the thing we all dream of...:drool:)

nice to meet you and thank you for your compliment:alienblush:.

I haven´t seen the ep yet for we have here the rerun of season 4. But I have read a lot about it. One thing is for sure: it touches a very, very sensitive topic and I am looking forward how the producer dealt with it.
I can imagine and I am sure, that Mac was, again perfect in his role.

I would like to see him in a totally different role: a man really in love, crazy for love, madly in love, impassioned, illogical.......

Even in season three, when he was together with Peyton ( oh god, I know she hasn´t deserved it, but I hate this woman!!!!:klingon:), he seemed so untouchable, so reserved to me!

Do you feel the same ?! I think the postings here are much more passioned than the bedscene with Peyton. ( I hate it!!!!:angryrazz:)

What do you think of ? Don´t be angry with me but that´s my opinion. I want more passion in love for Mac, he is such a great guy!!!!!!

First of all, welcome to the new folks - udonna (your English is excellent!), niightrider, and Meatball, and anyone else I may have forgotten....these hot Mac pics scramble my brain!:drool:

And another one, couldn't resist in posting that piccie. Mac is in need of some real TLC. :devil::devil:
And another one! From what I've read about the ep, and that pic of Mac CSISenna posted, the poor man's definitely in need of TLC. *hugs Mac, and that's just for starters :devil:*

I say it was about time we see Mac unravel some. He always comes across or tries to come across so polished and put together. But underneath that smooth exterior is a man with feelings, feelings he needs to let out every once in a while.
I agree, I think we've seen that quite a bit this season, that Mac isn't as 'put together' as he'd like people to think. I love seeing that softer, vulnerable side of him.
I haven't seen Yahrzeit yet, but Green Piece was on here last night, and I definitely wanted to give Mac some TLC when he was telling Danny how he held back on having kids because he was scared he'd disappoint her, and how his voice broke when he said he now regrets that. That scene is a definite example of how we've been seeing a more vulnerable, much less put together Mac lately. I think what Mac said - basically, that even he had had doubts about his ability to be a father, but how he now regrets holding back because now Claire is gone and he can never have that chance with her - was exactly what Danny needed to hear. I think Danny was comforted by the fact that a man like Mac, who he sees as a father figure, had experienced the same doubts as him. I loved the emotion in Mac's voice when he talked about Claire, and the conviction when he told Danny he'd be a great father. Mac may be making a big mistake in his judgement with Ella in 5.16, but I like that he sees a goodness in Danny that people like Gerrard didn't, and that even Danny himself might not see.
I also loved Mac's disgust with the terrorist and the racist. Interesting how he said he was glad he wasn't in the room with the neo-Nazi, and that people like that reinforced his belief in the death penalty. I'm not sure where I am on the death penalty, but I like that Mac has the strength of his convictions.
Interesting that he knows quite a bit about various terrorist events/groups (Oklahoma, the first WTC bombing) I wonder if he made a point of knowing that stuff after the 1983 barracks bombing, or after 9/11 - an attempt to understand 'the enemy', and why his comrades and/or Claire had died so that he could recognize and stop it in the future? Loved his words to the terrorist that 'his people' would keep fighting them. It's always interesting to see which particular criminals really push Mac's buttons, and terrorists of course are an obvious one. Neo-Nazis/racists too, now, interesting. I do love how Mac has a very strict moral code/convictions.
Dear MacsLady,

I am deeply impressed about the contents of this ep and the way you reflected about it. I am sure I had the need to go right through the glass of the TV to hold and hug Mac, to comfort and console him, easing his pain, yelling there´s always a way out.........
It´s great to follow his changes through the seasons and to my mind he is getting more and more loveable, adorable, cute............I am lost for words.
I am so looking forward to see season 5. Until then I live for your soulful postings!!:luvlove:

I haven't seen Yahrzeit yet, but Green Piece was on here last night, and I definitely wanted to give Mac some TLC when he was telling Danny how he held back on having kids because he was scared he'd disappoint her, and how his voice broke when he said he now regrets that. That scene is a definite example of how we've been seeing a more vulnerable, much less put together Mac lately. I think what Mac said - basically, that even he had had doubts about his ability to be a father, but how he now regrets holding back because now Claire is gone and he can never have that chance with her - was exactly what Danny needed to hear. I think Danny was comforted by the fact that a man like Mac, who he sees as a father figure, had experienced the same doubts as him. I loved the emotion in Mac's voice when he talked about Claire, and the conviction when he told Danny he'd be a great father. Mac may be making a big mistake in his judgement with Ella in 5.16, but I like that he sees a goodness in Danny that people like Gerrard didn't, and that even Danny himself might not see.
I also loved Mac's disgust with the terrorist and the racist. Interesting how he said he was glad he wasn't in the room with the neo-Nazi, and that people like that reinforced his belief in the death penalty. I'm not sure where I am on the death penalty, but I like that Mac has the strength of his convictions.
Interesting that he knows quite a bit about various terrorist events/groups (Oklahoma, the first WTC bombing) I wonder if he made a point of knowing that stuff after the 1983 barracks bombing, or after 9/11 - an attempt to understand 'the enemy', and why his comrades and/or Claire had died so that he could recognize and stop it in the future? Loved his words to the terrorist that 'his people' would keep fighting them. It's always interesting to see which particular criminals really push Mac's buttons, and terrorists of course are an obvious one. Neo-Nazis/racists too, now, interesting. I do love how Mac has a very strict moral code/convictions.
Gary has said even in the Interwiew he likes the character of Mac. He says the Mac a decent guy is. I also find this.
So I was just watching Snake eyes....again, and I realized that Gary knows how to play like the perfect bad guy in the movie. There is something so SINISTER about him, and I dont know there's just something that I dont have a word for that makes him that likeable bad guy that you root for in the movie.

I think that its the sleep deprivation talking now....:shifty:
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