Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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Swoon :drool::drool: I love these two pics, Carolyn3843 That second one really makes me feel quite :devil: Put all naughty thoughts away as I have a busy day and will see all you UK ladies later, pull up a seat at about 9.30 tonight, I offer a selection of wine, soft drinks and chilled beer (for MacsLady) and there will be nibbles etc. *waves bye* :)
Awww, beer just for me!:) I really enjoyed last night's ep, especially the Mac/Hawkes scene and the Mac/Flack scene.
It was really interesting seeing how disgusted and sickened by the pics of the little boys Mac was - he actually had to turn away, and it really seemed to shake him up. He was so disgusted that it clouded his judgement, and he, like Danny, couldn't see past the pictures at first. I loved seeing that - we've seen Mac lose it with suspects and be angry or sad over a particular crime, but he was truly sickened by the idea of child molestation and pornography. I'm glad Hawkes was there to make him see reason, it was kind of a reversal of last week, when Mac stopped Hawkes from letting his emotions over Kara's rape make him lose it on a case by attacking the rapist. This time, it was Hawkes who made Mac realize they had to dig a little deeper before concluding the coach was a bad guy.
That scene with them was just amazing, though, there were hardly any lines, yet Gary played Mac's disgust and horror and his inability to see things rationally really well, mostly through facial expressions and body language. I loved Mac and the father in interrogation at the end, Mac seemed to feel guilty for having made a snap judgement, and yet because of that he could understand where the father was coming from - the father made the same judgement on seeing the pictures. I liked what Mac said at the end to Flack about what a waste the deaths on this case were - the young man who died, and the coach, and also the father going to jail was a waste because he was a good man who just made a snap judgement.

Loved Mac's unquestioning loyalty to Flack. Sophia, I know you said on the 'UK' thread you miss the old Mac who would act the 'boss' and keep some distance. I actually liked how he didn't even question Flack. I think we saw the 'boss' Mac with Hawkes last week. He and Flack are very close after all, and I loved Mac's conviction he did nothing wrong. I guess Mac should have looked at what happened with Flack as an investigator, and not Flack's friend, but again I think that he refused to believe Flack did anything wrong shows he does have soft side, and that he does make judgements - a bad one about the coach, a good one about Flack.
Loved him inviting Flack to catch a hockey game, even though he doesn't like the sport, that was sweet. I don't like it either, but I wouldn't mind watching it with Mac and Flack.:devil::devil::devil:

We're definitely seeing a much softer side to Mac lately, and I wonder whether this is because of what happend with Joe/Ethan in 'Hostage' and 'Veritas' - that it's some kind of reaction to the fact that he made a bad judgement there too that almost got him killed, and he feels the need to connect with people more (Ella, Hawkes, Flack), and protect those he cares about (Hawkes, Adam, Flack) or whether it's just that he's opening up more and letting his emotions lead him more both in his interactions with the rest of the team, and in the way he works cases. Or a mix of both.
It's very interesting anyway, and last night's ep was great. Mac looks fantastic in that dark red shirt, too.:drool::drool::drool:
I can not and will not take credit for someone else's screencaps. If you will look at my post with those 2 pictures in it, you will see they are in a quote box where I quoted CSIsenna. If you look under the quote box you will see where I said "Those 2 pics are exactly what I was talking about, CSIsenna.
Thank you very much." CSIsenna's post with those pics in it was a reply to my previous post asking for screencaps of Mac's reaction when Danny ask Mac "What do you think of the name Kurt?
So please direct all your compliments on those pics and Thank You's for posting those pics to CSIsenna. If I knew how to do screencaps, I would so I wouldn't have to ask for them.
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Awww, beer just for me!:) I really enjoyed last night's ep, especially the Mac/Hawkes scene and the Mac/Flack scene.
It was really interesting seeing how disgusted and sickened by the pics of the little boys Mac was - he actually had to turn away, and it really seemed to shake him up. He was so disgusted that it clouded his judgement, and he, like Danny, couldn't see past the pictures at first. I loved seeing that - we've seen Mac lose it with suspects and be angry or sad over a particular crime, but he was truly sickened by the idea of child molestation and pornography. I'm glad Hawkes was there to make him see reason, it was kind of a reversal of last week, when Mac stopped Hawkes from letting his emotions over Kara's rape make him lose it on a case by attacking the rapist. This time, it was Hawkes who made Mac realize they had to dig a little deeper before concluding the coach was a bad guy.
That scene with them was just amazing, though, there were hardly any lines, yet Gary played Mac's disgust and horror and his inability to see things rationally really well, mostly through facial expressions and body language. I loved Mac and the father in interrogation at the end, Mac seemed to feel guilty for having made a snap judgement, and yet because of that he could understand where the father was coming from - the father made the same judgement on seeing the pictures. I liked what Mac said at the end to Flack about what a waste the deaths on this case were - the young man who died, and the coach, and also the father going to jail was a waste because he was a good man who just made a snap judgement.

Loved Mac's unquestioning loyalty to Flack. Sophia, I know you said on the 'UK' thread you miss the old Mac who would act the 'boss' and keep some distance. I actually liked how he didn't even question Flack. I think we saw the 'boss' Mac with Hawkes last week. He and Flack are very close after all, and I loved Mac's conviction he did nothing wrong. I guess Mac should have looked at what happened with Flack as an investigator, and not Flack's friend, but again I think that he refused to believe Flack did anything wrong shows he does have soft side, and that he does make judgements - a bad one about the coach, a good one about Flack.
Loved him inviting Flack to catch a hockey game, even though he doesn't like the sport, that was sweet. I don't like it either, but I wouldn't mind watching it with Mac and Flack.:devil::devil::devil:

You and me both :devil::devil::devil::devil: I loved that end moment as well.

We're definitely seeing a much softer side to Mac lately, and I wonder whether this is because of what happend with Joe/Ethan in 'Hostage' and 'Veritas' - that it's some kind of reaction to the fact that he made a bad judgement there too that almost got him killed, and he feels the need to connect with people more (Ella, Hawkes, Flack), and protect those he cares about (Hawkes, Adam, Flack) or whether it's just that he's opening up more and letting his emotions lead him more both in his interactions with the rest of the team, and in the way he works cases. Or a mix of both.
It's very interesting anyway, and last night's ep was great. Mac looks fantastic in that dark red shirt, too.:drool::drool::drool:

Yes I thought he looked really good last night..:drool: I agree we are seeing a softer side of Mac this season and to me for the most part it works, but in a few cases it seems a little off if you get what I mean. :confused: It comes across as inconsistent. I literally have to run out the door to work I will try to be more specific later..:)
I can not and will not take credit for someone else's screencaps. If you will look at my post with those 2 pictures in it, you will see they are in a quote box where I quoted CSIsenna. If you look under the quote box you will see where I said "Those 2 pics are exactly what I was talking about, CSIsenna.
Thank you very much." CSIsenna's post with those pics in it was a reply to my previous post asking for screencaps of Mac's reaction when Danny ask Mac "What do you think of the name Kurt?
So please direct all your compliments on those pics and Thank You's for posting those pics to CSIsenna. If I knew how to do screencaps, I would so I wouldn't have to ask for them.

Firstly my apologies to CSIsenna, Thank you very much for the lovely Mac pics, I was so :drool: over them my eyes were not focusing that well. I am sorry that I made this mistake I will try to be more careful in the future, so lovely pics though please forgive me :)

Carolyn3843 Thank you for bringing this to my attention I am sorry for not giving credit to the right people, hopefully I have made up for it now, like I said I will try to be more careful in the future. I do not know how to do screencaps etc either so rely on those that can to 'make my day', so again apologies and thanks :)
Welcome to the thread mrsjrewing. Have a great time here.
Fruitbat, thanks for the promo pics. :devil::devil::devil:
Carolyn, let me see what I can do for you with that particular pic. :drool::drool::drool: I'll get back here ASAP. :lol:

And back I am, I assume that you mean one these two pics, Carolyn :drool::drool::drool:


I have yet to thank you for these two pics you gave us CSISenna, quite lovely. I am sorry that I didn't credit you with them first time round, my mistake, Thank you for making my day! Sophia :)
^^^That's ok Sophia, I don't mind really, I just love sharing, especially pictures of Mac, on the other hand I'd like to keep him to myself :devil::devil: But who wouldn't :lol::lol:
I need a boost now, My Nats is gone for the week and I feel a little sad. Gotta make it through the next 2 day's till the new ep.

those are some nice pictures of mac and thank you so much for them. i haven't been able to watch the repeats on "spikitv" since i have to be working third shift all this week but i am off after 6am wednesdat morning and don't have to go back until friday morning. thanks again for the pictures.
Heya guys! :)

Do you happen to have any pics from the season 5 latest episodes? :confused:
I miss to see my Mac...:devil::D:devil:'Ups sorry, I meant "our" Mac! :lol:

Luckily today comes the new ep. in here. It's "Down in a rabbit hole"
I love it! it's one of eps where Mac looks especially sexy!:devil::devil::drool::drool::devil::devil:

I post some pics later cause my photobucket doesn't work at the moment...:scream:
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MacsLovlyAngl, wow, wow! Many thanks for them, many very good works. The pictures are exellent. Thanks! My arm acts already blow for a lot dowloads.
You are all welcome, glad they helped.:) But the thanks should go to Roxi, it's her site.:)



Look at those gorgeous eyes.:) and lips.:)
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