Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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Oh wow, that is cool! A Mac/Gary cupboard door.

MacsLady I can't quite believe that I have been lurking on this board for a long time (years!) before plucking up courage to de-lurk and I have only been here a few weeks and I have admitted that I have plastered Gary/Mac pics on the inside and outside of every cupboard I have in my kitchen( well it is where I spend most of my time),:) The worse thing is (and I am holding my head and :eek:) They are laminated !!:lol: I know the shame!!

Ooh I am going to miss my bus!!!

Well, of course they're laminated. You wouldn't want to get food splatters (from cooking) on them, or people's fingermarks from when they open the cupboard.:lol:

I've nearly missed my bus a couple of times because I've been on here before going to work. 'I was drooling over Mac' is not an excuse I can see my boss accepting somehow.:lol:

I do look forward to my Saturday nights watching NY though. Even if the story isn't that good, I can always drool over Mac.:drool:

meggzie, welcome to the thread. I agree Mac gets more gorgeous every ep, and he does have that vulnerable quality that makes you just want to hug him - there are many, but one that always really makes me want to wrap him in my arms is at the end of Blink when he goes to Ground Zero. I must have seen that ep about 6 times, and that scene still has that affect.
MacsLady its not just about fingerprints and food splatter it all about removing my lip marks!!!

'Blink' for me was and still is an amazing episode for me and a great introduction to Mac Taylor and his team. Even for those of us not personally involved with the awful events of 9/11 could not watch this epsiode and feel indifferent. I have to say that I really enjoyed Season 1. It featured real people and real crime.

I am still here watching CSI NY so obviously I still enjoy many elements of it.

I can't give up on it! :)
WOW!!!:eek::eek::eek: Absolutely stunning poster!!!:thumbsup: I have to say that I'm jealous cause I'd give pretty much anything to get Mac-poster to my room wall!!! :hugegrin:

Only I'd probably have to gladwrap it (I hope it's the right word!:rolleyes:) Cause without it I'd drool:drool::drool::drool::drool: and ruin to whole poster!:lol::lol::lol:

He looks sooooo hot and handsome that my thoughts are going...:devil::evil::evil::devil:
That Mac poster...well, I have no words. Just a busted keyboard :drool: They don't sell the magazine where I live :( so I can't rush out and buy it *cries* Does anyone know where I can order it from?

I do, however, have a back issue of the magazine I got when I was on holiday in Canada last year, so that'll keep me going (for now...):devil:
Hiiii im new to this thread :)
Mmmm Mac Taylor what a gorgeous man :drool: actually gorgeous might be a understatement.
anyway I'm going to spend some time just staring at pictures of him, yes it has become a bad habit, a bad habit i don't ever intend to quit :)

bye for now!
Oh wow, that is cool! A Mac/Gary cupboard door.

Ooh I am going to miss my bus!!!

I do look forward to my Saturday nights watching NY though. Even if the story isn't that good, I can always drool over Mac.:drool:

meggzie, welcome to the thread. I agree Mac gets more gorgeous every ep, and he does have that vulnerable quality that makes you just want to hug him - there are many, but one that always really makes me want to wrap him in my arms is at the end of Blink when he goes to Ground Zero. I must have seen that ep about 6 times, and that scene still has that affect.
i agree i love that episode he is such a good actor aswell as being incredibly gorgeous :drool:

even though hes older than my dad lol
Welcome to the thread Meggzie :devil:

I just watched Felony Flight again and I must say I fell in love with Mac all over again. Here's some caps. :devil::devil::devil:

And of course most of all some tongue porn :drool::drool::drool:

I'm loving those pictures:drool::drool::drool: Mac looks scared of the horse though in some of the pictures:lol:
i like those pictures too and you are right mac does look a little scared of the horse in some of those pictures but he sure does lookmvery good in them tho.
Carolyn, let me see what I can do for you with that particular pic. :drool::drool::drool: I'll get back here ASAP. :lol:

And back I am, I assume that you mean one these two pics, Carolyn :drool::drool::drool:


Those 2 pics are exactly what I was talking about, CSIsenna.
Thank you very much.
Swoon :drool::drool: I love these two pics, Carolyn3843 That second one really makes me feel quite :devil: Put all naughty thoughts away as I have a busy day and will see all you UK ladies later, pull up a seat at about 9.30 tonight, I offer a selection of wine, soft drinks and chilled beer (for MacsLady) and there will be nibbles etc. *waves bye* :)
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