Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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And um, Jools, your banner is killing me :lol: (and your avie still makes me snicker too) :p

Anything to please El :D

Erm ... I just watched Taxi again and decided I needed a late Mac Snack... dunno where the hell I got the idea, but somehow I ended up at the candy store :devil::devil:

Jools I love that pic. you posted!:thumbsup: Mac really looks like a sweet little boy somehow.I dunno why!?!:rolleyes: Maybe that look has something to with it! :lol:

Secondly I have to say your banner is amazing!!! I nearly fall out of my chair and hold my breath from shocking when I saw it!:guffaw: I actually put that in my computer wallpaper or can I say it's a wallpaper but never mind ya know what I mean! ;)

I can't wait Wednesday! Even though I can't watch it :scream::scream::scream::scream:but still at least pics help to heal my pain!:hugegrin:

And these pics should heal something also! :devil:

I think he has every one of these pics super cute boyish grin! :drool::drool::drool::drool:
"sigh" he should keep an eye on us ladies cause seeing that kind of
expression at least I almost gona jump in to screen! :angel:
Awww, Jools and Sam, your pics are so cute. I agree with Sam that in Jools' pic he looks like a little boy. I love when Mac shows his knowledge and gets excited about something. Last time I remember seeing it is in 'The Closer' from s1, when he realized they might be able to prove that guy in jail was actually innocent.
Sam, your pics are all adorable too.

And Jools, your banner is :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
from which episode is this one? it´s hot:devil:

Last time I remember seeing it is in 'The Closer' from s1, when he realized they might be able to prove that guy in jail was actually innocent.
i loved that scene. he was so happy, like stella said: she never saw him like that since...
but the best at this scene was mac saying:" reasonable doubt". the accentuation was so sweet. when i heard it the first time i couldn´t get it out of my head anymore. all the time he was saying "reasonable doubt"..."reasonable doubt"..."reasonable doubt" couldn´t get rid of it. i think it start again:lol:

two pics from season 2 (i start watching it again:drool::drool:)

and two of the said eppy - the closer:
Saw the last three eps last night (finally!).

I love how frustrated he was with the whole letting-Adam-go thing. I wonder when will they get back to that. As someone mentioned many moons ago, Mac & Stella's argument in this ep harks back to Officer Blue.

I also noted that the daughter's name in Dead Inside is Ella. Hee.

*is ready with her pompoms to cheer Swimming!Mac*
Re: Mac and Peyton, I loved them together, and was sad to see her go. She brought out things in him that no one had before, and certainly no one has, since. I do miss her now and then, which is odd, since I am definitely not a shipper, usually; :lol: I just liked the character. Thought Quinn was a great character too, but didn't really see major sparks between she & Mac, not like the ones with he and Peyton. And don't even get me started on Jordan... :shifty: (was that even her name? That's how little she appealed to me.)

Re: the upcoming related storyline with Julia Ormond's character, I'm not really looking forward to it in some ways, since they're Boss/Subordinate, and I tend towards thinking 95% of Boss/Subordinate "romantic entanglements" are distasteful. :wtf: But I'll my fingers crossed and my mind open, and we'll see how it goes... I am looking forward to "Swimming Pool Mac", though!
Aw, thanks for the pics Jimenz. You always post great pics! The Closer was also the ep where Mac said he hadn't taken his wedding ring off yet because he didn't want to. It was so sweet how he wore his wedding ring right to the end of s1. That he'd worn it for 3/4 years after 9/11 (s1 ended in 2005). He must have loved Claire a lot. She was a big part of his life, and I hope we get to learn more about her soon, ideally through Reed and Mac talking. I loved it when Mac started talking a bit about her personality in Like Water for Murder.

I wonder whether in this coming ep, we will find out if 'Mac' is short for something, or if it's just 'Mac'.
Not sure how I feel about the new love interest either, in a way I'd rather have a storyline that gives us more insight into Mac on his own rather than a love interest. Something like the Child's Play/Ruben storyline was for Danny, or the Sam storyline is for Flack. I'd love to see Reed back.
But I am definitely looking forward to Swimming Mac, or at least pics of that scene, for now. And hey, even if the new love interest storyline is bad/goes nowhere, we might get Shirtless!Mac out of it. I hate D/L, but it did result in a Shirtless!Danny. Yes, I am shallow, I know. It's not my fault though- must all the NY men, Mac especially, be so damn hot? You can't blame a girl for being a bit shallow!

Jordan wasn't even a love interest for Mac. She was just someone he helped out (aw, and wasn't it sweet how he helped her with her ex?). I think maybe she wanted something more, but Mac didn't.

Hehe, the man does attract the ladies, though, doesn't he? And we know why!

Jimenz, I hadn't picked up on Mac's accentuation on that line in The Closer. But I do love his accent and his voice generally. It's an unusual voice, sort of both a bit nasal (but not in a bad/strong way) and a bit gravelly at the same time. His eyes are unusual too, with that green-blue-gray colour mix they have. I do think that's part of Mac/Gary's attractiveness, that unusual nature of his eyes/voice. He's a little under 6ft as well, but still he has amazing presence and command.
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Oh..... oh.... oh My God... Mac is leaving me speechless here.

Surely we don't wanna miss THAT :devil::devil::devil: So yummy and a big enough pool for Mac and all his Taylor girls :drool::drool::drool:
Thanks for the post Fruitbat :):):)
Jimenz, I hadn't picked up on Mac's accentuation on that line in The Closer. But I do love his accent and his voice generally. It's an unusual voice, sort of both a bit nasal (but not in a bad/strong way) and a bit gravelly at the same time.

agree with you.i love his voice too. i remember hearing his real voice for the first time (the first movies i watched with him were dubbed), it was like my heart stops beating, it was soo sweet but so hot at the same time. yeah his voice is really an attribute i like the most (among other things:devil:).the funny thing is that he could talk for a whole episode in one pitch. but i love these monotone articulation. it´s one thing which is soo typical for mac - and that´s just fine!!!

fruitbar thanks for the links. he looks so hot in the interview:drool::drool:

btw i noticed that no statement goes by without using the word hot.but it´s the first word that crosses my mind when thinking of mac/gary:lol:
Oh..... oh.... oh My God... Mac is leaving me speechless here.

Surely we don't wanna miss THAT :devil::devil::devil: So yummy and a big enough pool for Mac and all his Taylor girls :drool::drool::drool:
Thanks for the post Fruitbat :):):)

Thought you guys might like that :D:D

btw i noticed that no statement goes by without using the word hot.but it´s the first word that crosses my mind when thinking of mac/gary:lol:

Your not alone there Jimenez:lol:
I watched youtube video where Macc was in pool!:devil::devil::devil: I almost drop my jaw!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
He was sooooo :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
He should give us mercy cause seeing him swiming is so damn tempting!
AND I just managed to check his swimming trunks! BLACK!!!!!! :devil::devil::devil:

You know I'm out of words right now I'm just waiting that you can post pics of the episode!:angel:
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