Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

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Yay Sam, ice swimming with Mac :drool::drool::drool: he can warm us all up :devil::devil::devil:
Here's some caps from last night, I'm sure Natty will bring a bunc more, she's a lot better with that zipping thingy :guffaw::guffaw:

That's should be one hell of an ep. :devil::devil::devil: Is it wednesday yet? Bring lots of buckets for the drool in this place :lol::lol::lol:
You and me both Natty...:devil:

Click on the spoiler girls
Mac Taylor in a swimming pool....well its not a shower scene but its WAY more than I thought we would it next week yet.....:devil: I know natty already posted a link that Jools found, thanks guys, but I spotted this one with a high res option, ...WHAT so sue me I wanted a closer look..:devil::devil:

It's way more than I expected too. Wow, swimming Mac! Wet and shirtless...:drool::drool::drool::devil::devil::devil: Shame we don't get a scene in the locker room showers, but TPTB have more than made up for that cruel denial of Mac Skin from Veritas. Good things really do come to those who wait.
Re Mac's new love interest - I have my issues with Mac being involved with Julia Ormond's character but that does offer the possibility of further shirtless scenes in bed or showers...:devil: That would be good compensation.

Thankees for the pics, CSISenna. It's nice to see you back, pampering the Sexy Marines, btw.:bolian:
Wet, Shirtless Mac... *fans herself like a mad thing* Is it next Wednesday yet?!!!! :drool:
Thanks for the caps of last night's ep, very niiiiice! Loved Mac's line last night to Lindsay: "I have two questions. Why, and Why?" :lol:
Thanks again for those:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: pics Jools! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Did you have heard alredy about new CSI:NY game!?!;) If not check this video in youtube

I'm personally totally into computer games and I have already CSI: Game
I cant wait to get this one! :D Gary talks in the video something about this new game. And he looks soooo hot there! :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
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thanks for the pics csisenna.
it´s just neckporn, isn´t it:devil: damned, this man is way too hot for me:drool: and these lips..wahhhhh

and sam thanks for the link. gary is indeed lookin totally hot his outfit:drool::drool::drool: the wihite shirt under the black is soooo...:devil::drool::drool:

so it´s weekend for me!!!!!:thumbsup:lets start it with a few nice pics:

Augh...more wet Mac *slips in drool* I can't wait til they start showing these episodes over here :)

I finally got S4 part 2 CSI:NY on DVD which made me very I can watch Mac anytime :D
Ah, those pics are love Jimenez. So, everyone, what do you think of...

Mac's new love interest this season? I don't follow spoilers very closely, so maybe it was revealed she would be the love interest before the pictures came out, but when I first saw the pictures, I just knew it. I just knew they were going to set her up with Mac.
I for one, am still undecided. I think that TPTB might have chosen a very cliche route for this, and I'm just hoping that they haven't. And, well, I still kind of miss Peyton :rolleyes:
Just poking my head in, haven't been in here in awhile.

Loved Mac's line last night to Lindsay: "I have two questions. Why, and Why?" :lol:
:p yeah, he's had a few good ones this season. "Usually I'm a lot less charming" being another one. Hope they keep giving him stuff like that.

As for:
alexlily: So, everyone, what do you think of...

Mac's new love interest this season? I don't follow spoilers very closely, so maybe it was revealed she would be the love interest before the pictures came out, but when I first saw the pictures, I just knew it. I just knew they were going to set her up with Mac.

I for one, am still undecided. I think that TPTB might have chosen a very cliche route for this, and I'm just hoping that they haven't. And, well, I still kind of miss Peyton :rolleyes:
Aw, I liked Peyton, but ya know, I really don't miss her. Go figure. I liked that she opened Mac's character up, and made him more vulnerable than we'd typically seen him. I also liked that she chopped up some poor bugger's liver made a pate served it 'round and everybody loved it. Okay, I know, joked about it. But she gets points for that much. :p Basically, I liked and appreciated how that relationship was handled in the context of the show, and I don't mind that it was pretty much contained within one season and not beyond.

I also liked Quinn and thought she was very good. She was interesting with Mac too, even in just a few scenes together. Let us in on a few things about Mac's past we didn't know. I wouldn't have minded seeing more of her as a recurring character even if they'd maintained a soley professional relationship.

I knew they were writing a new love interest for Mac this season. I also knew a character was being written in as Mac's new supervisor under Sinclair for a few eps. I then read Julia Ormond's name among so many others guesting this season. I had no idea initially that the boss was also the love interest in question. Yeah, I was disappointed in a way.

I do think having Gillian be his departmental superior could be in danger of being a cliche let-down, but I'm hoping that Gary and Julia can elevate whatever scenarios are written for them.

What I do think will be interesting in S5 is that while Mac told Stella at one point that Peyton had been the one to initiate things between them, it's now implied that it will be Mac doing the pursuing this time around. That certainly isn't something we've seen from Mac before. :p I will be curious about that.

And um, Jools, your banner is killing me :lol: (and your avie still makes me snicker too) :p
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Mac can pursue me anytime he wants. He wouldn't have to work too hard, either. Just give me that smile of his...:drool::devil:
I agree that it will be interesting to see Mac do the chasing. Gary is a very talented actor, and I've read that Ormond is good too, so I hope they will be able to make even a cliched storyline interesting and good. Ormond is British. Hehe, our Mac seems to have a thing for Brit ladies. Of course, the whole thing might work out like Mac and Jordan, and never really come to anything - Jordan was supposed to be a 'love interest' for Mac.
Much as I want to see Shirtless!Mac (if TPTB do make the Mac/Gillian thing horribly cliched, a ShirtlessMac would be good compensation) I would rather we learn more about Mac and Claire's relationship. He clearly loved her very much, despite what happened with Quinn, and I'd love to learn more about their relationship and marriage. TPTB could give us that via Reed, which would be wonderful, I love the softer/fatherly side Reed brings out in Mac. And Gary plays those few scenes where Mac talks about Claire with such emotion. Mac's marriage to and love for Claire and his grief over her death is such a huge part of his character, yet she's hardly mentioned.
i like peyton i think that it was sad that she stayed i london bur i like the ending of 4o4 that he went to play and stella came to suport him

only to days to the next episode can´t wait
^I liked Peyton too. It's sad she left, but we did get to see Mac in Black playing Bass and of course Stella going to support him, like you I think that was a lovely ending for the episode.

scherlinh, here comes Mac, pursuing us....


pic from CSI Caps
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