Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Re: how Mac knew right away the puzzle was about him, I wondered that too, but then I realized (unless I'm very wrong) that the 2 specific buildings that were missing the puzzle pieces - hence, must have special significance - were also 2 buildings that had significance personally to Mac, too. He's constantly waiting for that next puzzle piece to appear and fit into place, so when he saw the pieces missing from the puzzle, it dawned on him that it wasn't about Stella at all, but about him and the stalker. Had Mac not come and seen the puzzle/missing pieces personally, he never would have made that connection.
^^^I second that MBGrissom, but I don't think he knew right away that it was about him, The Riverton building was his first crime scene. When he looked at the second missing puzzle piece, it was his first NY apartment. And in Mac's view everything is always connected. So here you go!
MDG has new update pics. Wouldn't mind working out and jogge'long with Mac myself :devil:

MB, I certainly wouldn't mind being 'connected' to Mac either. :devil:

CSISenna - gorgeous pic. I'd love to work out with Mac. He'd be all sweaty - i.e. wet - and we could take a shower together after :devil: :devil: :devil:....oh, ok that's it, I've been away from this board for three days (I went to Brighton to visit some family and we went to London which made me think of Mac) and already I'm back in gutter territory! :devil: Ah, it's good to be home. :)
Yes I did rather like that jogging scene in Down The Rabbit Hole :devil: :devil:

I cant wait for this weeks episode. The promo makes it look so good. I want the writers strike to be over but I am happy we are getting the conclusion to Mac's storyline befor they run out of eps. :(
I think you make a very valid point I do think that the writers last season, and to a lesser extent with the 333 storyline (as it is all about him) did have Mac come off as a little (self obsessed) paranoid, although in the end it did turn out that he was right, they were looking for a scapegoat last season, and they were trying to make it him. I don’t think the writers went far enough in laying out the stress factors last season and to me that’s why it came off a little OTT for his character. I don’t think season 1 or season 2 Mac would have reacted that way or would have been so in people’s faces with his comments of “this is all about me”. But I agree I do think that stress featured in how he reacted or over reacted.
Excellent point. I think the writers were trying to develop Mac's character and show he's not perfect, but they went a little OTT. I also think it is stress that makes Mac act a little self-obsessed/paranoid - I mean in 'Comes Around' Sinclair was going after him even after the DA decided he'd done nothing wrong, and though Sinclair was doing it for the department I'm not surprised Mac took it personally - it WAS an attack on his reputation. Also, I think that at the end of Past Imperfect when that father of the missing girl confronted him with a gun, Mac realized that his actions with Dobson had consequences outside of his own life and work situatiom. I loved that scene - Mac really seemed to feel for the guy - perhaps because Claire was also never found like the guy's daughter. The first thing Mac said when the guy showed the gun was 'There are innocent people in the street', and I loved that. I think it shows that although he can be a little self-obsessed occasionally (and anyway, who isn't?) he always puts other people first - even strangers on the street. And that he later held and comforted the guy who had just pointed a gun at him also shows he generally puts others first. So, while he did occasionally come across as paranoid amd self-obsessed throughout the Dobson thing, I could still sympathize with him, and understand why he was being that way. I liked that we got to see that he is flawed. Flawed heroes, IMO, are much more interesting and realistic than perfect ones.

With the 333 storyline we have it laid out more, this is definitely all about Mac. But again I think they dropped the ball a little, we had clear strong stress points in the first few episodes, the calls, the luggage, comments from Stella and Flack, and in Down the Rabbit Hole he was joggings due to the fact he couldn’t sleep and he was ignoring the calls, then for a couple of eps nothing! We get a throw away line in one ep that the calls had stopped but personally I would like for there have been something to show us Mac was still on edge and to show us how unnerved he was even if it was just Flack or Stella checking up on him or voicing some concerns, just something before last nights episode and before the big show down next week,
Yes, I agree. I think that in the earlier eps, we really see how on edge he is, but because they hadn't mentioned the whole 333 thing since Boo (i think) Mac's comment about the puzzle did come off as a little excessive and make him seem self-obsessed. If they had had the puzzle in ep 8, I don't think it would have come off that way. And, in all fairness, the puzzle WAS all about him just like the 333 thing is all about him, that's the whole POINT of the storyline. MB said that scene was the 'Lightbulb-Going-Off-Over-His-Head' thing. and I think that the writers probably intended the line 'this puzzle is all about my life' to show that, but because they dropped the ball a little by not keeping up the image of Mac on edge and not mentioning 333 for a while, it came off as him being self-obsessed. What I liked in the scene is that Mac said the 333 stalker was getting at him through his team - the stalker obviously knows that a good way to mess with Mac is to mess with people he cares about. Like I said before, Mac always puts others before himself, and if he comes across as a little self-obsessed occasionally, well, he's entitled.
So Mac is flawed, and I like that the writers are trying to show that, that they make him more than a 2-dimensional perfect guy. And of course, I still love him. *hugs Mac*.
OMG, I can't WAIT for this week's ep. Lots of Mac - yay.
So Mac is flawed, and I like that the writers are trying to show that, that they make him more than a 2-dimensional perfect guy. And of course, I still love him. *hugs Mac*.
OMG, I can't WAIT for this week's ep. Lots of Mac - yay.

I prefer him flawed I don’t like perfect its boring and Mac is FAR from boring.

Its something that does annoy me about the show a times. Sometimes the writers get it so right like with Mac's interaction with Flack over the Truby case, and with his interaction with Reed. Then they do seem to go for the OTT route that makes you think WAIT A MINUTE. Its a lack of consistency that grates on my nerves not just with Mac but they have done the same with Danny and Stella. They come up with great ideas then let them fizzle out without giving a satisfying conclusion.
^ Yes, the lack of consistency with all the characters can be very grating. Like you say, they were spot on with the interaction between Mac and Flack over the Truby thing. But they went OTT in the Dobson eps and ruined it.

How hot was Mac last night? Great Mac-centric ep. And wasn't little Mac just so cute? Awwwww. I like that Mini-Mac couldn't shoot the guy, and how Big Mac still has nightmares about that night. I also loved that Mac told Drew he didn't want to be a hero, he just wanted to be himself. That's so typical of Mac. I love that about him - that he just wants to be a regular guy, he sees what he does as just doing his job, not as something 'heroic'. It was great seeing Mac in Chicago too.
Fruitbat said:
So Mac is flawed, and I like that the writers are trying to show that, that they make him more than a 2-dimensional perfect guy. And of course, I still love him. *hugs Mac*.
OMG, I can't WAIT for this week's ep. Lots of Mac - yay.

I prefer him flawed I don’t like perfect its boring and Mac is FAR from boring.
He is definitely FAR from boring. I prefer him flawed too, it makes him interesting. And I don't think he's totally narcissistic at all, just a little self-obsessed occasionally. And the thing with Mac (and other characters) is though he has some flaws, he has so many sweet/wonderful /nice traits that you can forgive him his flaws. And, being totally shallow, he's just so hot it's hard to stay mad/annoyed with him for long.
So, what do you guys like about Mac, aside from that he's hot? For e.g. one thing I love about him is that he really cares about and believes in protecting innocent people - for example he spoke in 'The Closer' about all the innocent people who died on 9/11, and then in What You See he seemed really bothered by the murder of that creep's mother. There are lots of other eps too where we see how much he hates it when innocent people are hurt/killed, and how he tries to help them - like he did with that woman in Night, Mother. Talking about Night Mother, another thing I like about Mac is the way he can see evidence in different contexts. In that ep, at first the evidence suggested the woman had killed that other woman, and Flack was all ready to put her away, but Mac was able to see past what the evidence first said, and realize she was innocent. I liked how he trusted his gut on that one. I think as the seasons have progressed, Mac's learned that trusting his gut instincts, something he's previously criticized other members of the team i.e. Danny for, is sometimes a good thing.

I really enjoyed this week's ep, and am looking forward to seeing some caps. It was a very Mac-ful episode. I'm just so annoyed that we only have 4 left now. :mad: Oh well, I have s1 Mac at my disposal ( :devil:) and also some re-runs taped from the five/fiveUS reruns of the s2 finale (Marine Mac, yummy) and a few from s3, and the s3 reruns on Tuesday nites on five. I love C5 just because it gives me a lovely weekly Mac-Fix. Also, early next year we should be getting s4 on tv here, and I still haven't seen the first 2 eps of that. We're getting close to the end of s3 now - Tuesday's ep was 'What Schemes May Come.' I was jealous of Peyton in that ep - imagine having Mac run to you and be all protective/caring towards you. He was so sweet to her in that ep. *sigh, swoon*

And here is a present from me for all of us to share - it's a pic of Mac from CoTP, all hurt and vulnerable looking and in need of some TLC... :devil: :devil:

....any volunteers to look after Mac? I'm first! :devil:
Pic is from CSI Caps.
MacsLady said:

He is definitely FAR from boring. I prefer him flawed too, it makes him interesting. And I don't think he's totally narcissistic at all, just a little self-obsessed occasionally. And the thing with Mac (and other characters) is though he has some flaws, he has so many sweet/wonderful /nice traits that you can forgive him his flaws. And, being totally shallow, he's just so hot it's hard to stay mad/annoyed with him for long.

Its not shallow he is HOT. :D

So, what do you guys like about Mac, aside from that he's hot? For e.g. one thing I love about him is that he really cares about and believes in protecting innocent people - for example he spoke in 'The Closer' about all the innocent people who died on 9/11, and then in What You See he seemed really bothered by the murder of that creep's mother. There are lots of other eps too where we see how much he hates it when innocent people are hurt/killed, and how he tries to help them - like he did with that woman in Night, Mother. Talking about Night Mother, another thing I like about Mac is the way he can see evidence in different contexts. In that ep, at first the evidence suggested the woman had killed that other woman, and Flack was all ready to put her away, but Mac was able to see past what the evidence first said, and realize she was innocent. I liked how he trusted his gut on that one. I think as the seasons have progressed, Mac's learned that trusting his gut instincts, something he's previously criticized other members of the team i.e. Danny for, is sometimes a good thing.

Well I agree with the whole Night Mother ep. The other one I liked was the season 3 ep with Flack and the kid with the pigeons “Sweet 16”. Remember when Mac let him escape and Flack called him on it and then when Flack confronted him in his office and Mac asks him to give him time and if he is wrong he will arrest the kid himself. To me that was a major shift in Mac’s character.

Another insight in Mac’s character was “Oedipus Hex” We see at the end of the ep how much this affected Mac the waste of human life the senseless death of an innocent man trying to turn his life around. We see when Stella comes in to help Mac pack away the evidence that she knows how much it has affected her partner and friend. Something the same as in “Heroes” when he goes above and beyond to return the watch to the soldiers girlfriend.

Another example is “Officer Blue” his end comments to the shooter leave us in no doubt about how Mac feels. Also another Season one ep “Supply and Demand” we also see at the end that Mac feels for the father of the student that was killed and we are left with the image of Mac helping him pack up..

I don’t understand the ones that say Mac is cold, I wonder sometimes if they are watching the same show as myself.

As for this weeks US ep I loved it but I would like to have had more Mac jeopardy and more scenes with Mac and Flack. MacsLady I agree with your comment on the spoiler thread I would like to see an ep where Flack turns to Mac for help. As I have said before I love these two together, they were the highlight of season 3 for me as well as Reed.

By the way love the pic and I would look after him ANYTIME!!
Ok I have been reaaly busy lately but hopefully after this week there'll be a little less stree in RL so i'll be able to post more!

I would love to see more Flack/Mac scenes like the one where Mac spoke about his father. Those are the sort of scenes which I love! Gary and Eddie just act it wonderfull :) I also love the eps where Mac gets to involved or when it gets personal like in Sweet 16, Officer Blue and Heroes. I do actually understand why some people can say that he appears 'cold' sometimes but I always think that they are the scenes in which he takes to personally!
Fruitbat said:
MacsLady said:

He is definitely FAR from boring. I prefer him flawed too, it makes him interesting. And I don't think he's totally narcissistic at all, just a little self-obsessed occasionally. And the thing with Mac (and other characters) is though he has some flaws, he has so many sweet/wonderful /nice traits that you can forgive him his flaws. And, being totally shallow, he's just so hot it's hard to stay mad/annoyed with him for long.

Its not shallow he is HOT. :D

Yes he definitely is.

Well I agree with the whole Night Mother ep. The other one I liked was the season 3 ep with Flack and the kid with the pigeons “Sweet 16”. Remember when Mac let him escape and Flack called him on it and then when Flack confronted him in his office and Mac asks him to give him time and if he is wrong he will arrest the kid himself. To me that was a major shift in Mac’s character.
i really liked that too. Mac's finally learning that it's okay to trust his gut instincts as well as evidence.

Another insight in Mac’s character was “Oedipus Hex” We see at the end of the ep how much this affected Mac the waste of human life the senseless death of an innocent man trying to turn his life around. We see when Stella comes in to help Mac pack away the evidence that she knows how much it has affected her partner and friend.
I can't really remember that ep, but will check it out next time it is on tv. Thanks for pointing out a 'Mac Moment' I'd missed. :)

Something the same as in “Heroes” when he goes above and beyond to return the watch to the soldiers girlfriend.
Aww, I loved that ep and the scene in the bar with Mac and Ellie. It was such a sweet thing for him to do, and he really did go above and beyond. For me it's the little things like this that make Mac a hero, not just the big Snow Day type things that get media attention.

Another example is “Officer Blue” his end comments to the shooter leave us in no doubt about how Mac feels.
oh yeah, Mac was really disgusted that a military man would use his skills to kill an innocent cop. The killer betrayed that code of honor which Mac holds to so firmly, and he also killed an innocent man - the cop had nothing to do with what happened to the guy's uncle (was it his uncle?) and I think that really disgusted Mac as well.

Also another Season one ep “Supply and Demand” we also see at the end that Mac feels for the father of the student that was killed and we are left with the image of Mac helping him pack up..

I loved that ep, Mac really connected with the father, and the image of him helping the guy pack up his son's things showed Mac offering the guy his support in a very Mac-like quiet and genuine way.

I don’t understand the ones that say Mac is cold, I wonder sometimes if they are watching the same show as myself.
I know! Mac always struck me as a very emotional character who really connects with the victims of crime. Some other examples I just thought of are his connection with the deaf woman in Silent Night and with the kid's mother in 'Tanglewood' when he tells her he didn't know her son, but understood his need to belong. That was such an interesting comment, and it made me think Mac experienced a similar need to belong when he was that age and that's one of the reasons why he wanted to join the Marines. I wonder whether his dad maybe died when he was quite young -in his teens maybe - and Mac was left with just his mom (I'm assuming he has no siblings as Stella refered to the team as Mac's 'family' last week, and none have ever been mentioned) just like the kid who was killed in Tanglewood was - and that was what gave him a 'need to belong'. Poor Mac doesn't seem to have any 'real' family - no siblings, his dad is dead, and he's never mentioned his mother, nor any of Claire's relatives (except Reed). So he joined the 'family' of the Marines (btw, I would LOVE if one of his old Marine buddies turned up next season in a case, it would be great to see Mac talk more/remember his time in the Marines) and then he joined the 'family' of the NYPD, and finally he now has his 'family' of his CSI team.

As for this weeks US ep I loved it but I would like to have had more Mac jeopardy and more scenes with Mac and Flack. MacsLady I agree with your comment on the spoiler thread I would like to see an ep where Flack turns to Mac for help. As I have said before I love these two together, they were the highlight of season 3 for me as well as Reed.
I would have liked more Mac jeopardy and more Mac/Flack interaction as well - I loved them in s3 too. I hope we get some Flack angst and Mac/Flack friendship next season. Oh, and I definitely want more Reed - I love the softer side he brings out in Mac, and he also gets Mac to talk about Claire. Mac's marriage to Claire is one of the areas of his character's story I'd really like to see developed, along with his Marine days and his family.

By the way love the pic and I would look after him ANYTIME!!
Okay, you can look after him next. Be gentle with him, though, he's all injured and angsty. And he's tired after his time with me. :devil: :devil:
Great discussion and assessment of Mac and his ups, downs, strengths and weaknesses, everyone! I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Count me in as another viewer who loves the interaction between Mac/Flack. I think it's done very realistically on the parts of the writers who put the words into the characters' mouths, and of course on the parts of Eddie and Gary, who just nail their words and emotions with eachother every time. I would have to say that Stella, and to a bit lesser extent Hawkes, are 2 of Mac's closest friends on the show, but as far as who actually seems to understand him the best, even without words, seems to be Flack, at least this season, and by the end of last season. I find that intriguing. I would like to see the writers explore the relationship between Mac and Sinclair, too. I'd like to see it become a litle, sticky sometimes, for want of a better word. :)

Fruitbat, I totally agree with what you said earlier that you don't find Mac cold, and often wonder if those who seem to rather consistently find him that way are even watching the same show :lol: Amazing how we can all be watching the same characters and same scenarios, and get something so drastically different out of it sometimes, isn't it? Get 5 people in a room who watch the same scene, and you'll likely get at least 2 or 3 extremely different takes on it, I'm sure. Particularly when it comes to watching our "favorites" on the show, character-wise. Not particularly being a huge Danny Fan myself, I'm likely to get a very different reaction to a scene or storyline with him, than someone who is a huge fan of his.
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