Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Some nice pics, everyone.
About Mac and his shirts, I do like black and blue particularly, but the green and red are also verrrrrrry nice. And no shirt would be best of all. :devil:
About Peyton, I didn't mind her, I liked the way she brought out a softer side in Mac. But she's not who I'd pick for Mac - that would be me, of course. :devil: Seriously, though, I'm a Mac/Jane shipper. but TPTB will never go that way. If they did put Mac with someone, I'd like him with someone from outside the lab, just a regular civilian. Someone like that girl Polly or that Rose woman, maybe, a woman who he met on a case, maybe, and then started dating. If it had to be someone from the lab, with Jane gone, I guess I'd say Stella, though I always saw those two more as close friends.

Now, it's time for a nice guttery pic


:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
hey everyone :)
love the pic ml
just too add my few piccies and was wondering if anyone could make me a macky icon???

The arms!


The neck!

Need i say more

A rose for each and evry one of us :)
Happy to help also try the CSI NY challenge there are some really nice Gary/Mac icons in the Music challenge I am sure once the challenge is over the makers my be happy to let you use one if you like them.
Well me being nice thought i'd take it on my phone then put on YT but it was just my look that I got 'memory full'!! :lol:
Thanks for thinking about it Natty. :D

You know its a pain he's on UK TV and I still cant see him....*sulk*

Well at least I will get a Mac fix tomorow night on channel Five.

Plus in the US we have the 333 conclusion to look forward to. Its a pity we may only have 4 more new eps to left to see this season though..... :( :( :(
^I know - we only get half the Mac-ness this season. :( :mad: But he does look very yummy this season too, :devil: and has a good story arc.
I know I have enjoyed the 333 storyline and the interaction with Flack and Stella so far this season. So I was really looking forward to what they would come up with next its a bit of a pain in the backside...*sulk*

By the way Macslady I posted some wifebeater pics in the Gary thread.
Wow, Mac was so hotly intense last night! I can't wait till next week, it should be very Mac-ful. *yay*

I know there was talk of actually discussing Mac's character on here beyond 'he's hot'. So I have a question. Some people have criticized Mac for saying the whole 333 thing is all about him. Do you guys think he can be a little narcissistic (sp?) at times? Like in last night's ep and also 'Comes Around' when he said something about him being put 'on trial' being a personal thing against him.

I think he WAS a little narcissistic but I think that comes from paranoia. When he's put on the spot or under extreme strain, he does seem to get a little self-obsessed, but in all fairness, who doesn't? I think this is a human fault in Mac. He's not perfect, he's not infalliable, he's human.

By the way. when I use the term narcissistic, I'm not referring to the full-blown psychological disorder thingy, I'm using it to mean 'egotistical' or 'self-obsessed'.

I don't think Mac is by any stretch totally self-obseessed, he just is a little bit sometimes, and he is not the most self-obsessed character in the CSI franchise or in NY.

Please don't hate me for saying something mean about Mac. *ducks* I still love him more than all the other CSIs ever. I don't want to 'diss' Mac, I just want to discuss what I view as one of his (very few) flaws. I think the fact that he HAS flaws makes him a much more believable/well-rounded/likeable character. The quote I chose from RK Milholland as my signature really sums up how I feel about Mac and his flaws.
MacsLady said:
Wow, Mac was so hotly intense last night! I can't wait till next week, it should be very Mac-ful. *yay*

I know there was talk of actually discussing Mac's character on here beyond 'he's hot'. So I have a question. Some people have criticized Mac for saying the whole 333 thing is all about him. Do you guys think he can be a little narcissistic (sp?) at times? Like in last night's ep and also 'Comes Around' when he said something about him being put 'on trial' being a personal thing against him.

I think he WAS a little narcissistic but I think that comes from paranoia. When he's put on the spot or under extreme strain, he does seem to get a little self-obsessed, but in all fairness, who doesn't? I think this is a human fault in Mac. He's not perfect, he's not infalliable, he's human.

By the way. when I use the term narcissistic, I'm not referring to the full-blown psychological disorder thingy, I'm using it to mean 'egotistical' or 'self-obsessed'.

I don't think Mac is by any stretch totally self-obseessed, he just is a little bit sometimes, and he is not the most self-obsessed character in the CSI franchise or in NY.

Please don't hate me for saying something mean about Mac. *ducks* I still love him more than all the other CSIs ever. I don't want to 'diss' Mac, I just want to discuss what I view as one of his (very few) flaws. I think the fact that he HAS flaws makes him a much more believable/well-rounded/likeable character. The quote I chose from RK Milholland as my signature really sums up how I feel about Mac and his flaws.

I think you make a very valid point I do think that the writers last season, and to a lesser extent with the 333 storyline (as it is all about him) did have Mac come off as a little (self obsessed) paranoid, although in the end it did turn out that he was right, they were looking for a scapegoat last season, and they were trying to make it him. I don’t think the writers went far enough in laying out the stress factors last season and to me that’s why it came off a little OTT for his character. I don’t think season 1 or season 2 Mac would have reacted that way or would have been so in people’s faces with his comments of “this is all about me”. But I agree I do think that stress featured in how he reacted or over reacted.

With the 333 storyline we have it laid out more, this is definitely all about Mac. But again I think they dropped the ball a little, we had clear strong stress points in the first few episodes, the calls, the luggage, comments from Stella and Flack, and in Down the Rabbit Hole he was joggings due to the fact he couldn’t sleep and he was ignoring the calls, then for a couple of eps nothing! We get a throw away line in one ep that the calls had stopped but personally I would like for there have been something to show us Mac was still on edge and to show us how unnerved he was even if it was just Flack or Stella checking up on him or voicing some concerns, just something before last nights episode and before the big show down next week, by the way go to the spoiler thread and check out next weeks promo….OMG!!!!!!
:eek: :eek:
I don't mind Mac seeing the 3:33 connectors as being all about him, in fact, I really never even saw it that way, until several posters started referring to it every single episode, in the review thread. I've always seen it as a paranoia, a fear that he's not really willing to discuss with himself even, let alone with anyone else. He knows that whatever the cause is behind the entire 3:33, the outcome is not going to be good. It's going to get ugly for him, and possibly for some of the people he cares for, around him. But I've never really seen his actions as narcissistic, I see the "All About Me" scenes that some folks have been referring to more as the proverbial "Lightbulb Going Off Over His Head", the dawning of realization, another possible piece of the 3:33 puzzle falling into place, and his frustration that he can't seem to put it together, the stalker is always a step ahead. I'm definitely looking forward to next week's conclusion! :eek:
Ok my turn I guess....I really like the 333 storyline- its great! Since Peyton 'left' Mac has had somethig to worry about so it has helped to build up his relationships with Stella and Flack. Since we first saw the phones calls I took it as it was Mac's storyline and a good way for us to find out more about him.

In the last episode I had to laugh when he said that the puzzle was about him because how could he have suddenly realised that! But then again if this stalker had been after him for a few months then that would always be on his mind especially with a bloody t-shirt sitting in his office.

I am so excited after watching next weeks preview because it looks like Mac will have lots of screen time and many emotions will be in there!! Its going to be a great ep for developing everyones characters! :D

Ok heres Next weeks promo
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