Mac #5: Back In Black!

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I love that the characters on NY are complex enough that they raise such different opinions. In regards to Mac, some people really like him (that's us!), some really don't, and some are in the middle, they like him but they're not huge fans. But at least Mac doesn't p*ss as many people off as poor Lindsay seems to.
I of course love him, and one of the things I really like is that he is, as you put it MB, a character with 'ups, downs, strengths and weaknesses', which make him a fully rounded, human, and attractive character. I really hate those shows where one or all the characters are always perfect in every way all the time. That gets boring.
I also agree with you that Flack is one of the characters who seems to understand Mac best. Not so much in s1 and s2, but definitely in s3 and s4. In s3, Mac and Flack do have a big disagreement over the handling of the Truby issue, but I think this sort of brings them closer in the end - Flack is there for Mac in 'Comes Around' and in season 4. That Mac confides in Flack about Peyton and confides in him again when they're in Chicago in The Thing About Heroes rather than Stella (who he mostly confided in in s1 eps like The Closer and s2 eps like CoTP) suggests that he thinks of Flack as a very close friend who understands him. I really, really, really, hope we get some Mac/Flack interaction next season with Flack going to Mac for help when he has some sort of problem. We've seen Mac be there for Danny in Tanglewood, OTJ, and RSRD, and for Stella in The Ride Along, and even for Lindsay a little in Obsession (I think that's it - the ep where she leaves for the trial in Montana and he hugs her) and also in that s2 ep about the girl in the mermaid suit. Even though he fired Aiden, he was even there for her in a way because he promised her he would get Pratt, and he got Pratt for her murder because of a clue she left specifically for him - one she knew only he would understand. And he was there for Hawkes in 'Raising Shane.' So, the only one we haven't seen Mac be there for is Flack. I know he saved his life in CoTP, but we haven't seen him be there emotionally/to provide moral support for Flack yet and I really would love to see that.
I love that though Mac is very hard on his team sometimes, and sometimes criticizes them for things he later does himself, he is always there for them 'when the chips are down'. That's what makes a good leader, and a good man, IMO.

Okay, discussing Mac like this is fun, but you know what's also fun? Mac NeckPorn! :devil: So here are some nibbilicious pics from 'Tanglewood':




Yummy, huh? :devil: :devil:

Pics from CSI Caps.
Today I had the urge to watch Season1 and am currently watching Blink, I love mac in this episode. The ending where he is talking to the woman about his wife and then when he goes to groung zero always brings a tear to my eyes :(
^Aw, I know. :( We see in that scene how vulnerable Mac is beneath the tough/confident/calm exterior he puts forward. I watch that scene and I wonder how anyone can think of him as cold. I love how Gary conveys Mac's emotion in such a subtle way - through his voice, eyes, facial expression, body langusge - it's so powerful and real, you really feel Mac's pain, it just radiates out from him. And the Ground Zero scene is incredible - brings a tear to my eye every damn time too. :( Mac doesn't say a word in that final scene but you can just feel his pain. I like how Claire's death drives Mac - he felt powerless to stop her death and those of thousands of other innocent people on 9/11, so he does everything in his power as a detective to bring justice to and help and protect other innocent people. Another Claire-related scene I love but makes me sad for Mac is in 'What You See is What You See' where Mac goes to talk to the guy from the DA office and the guy meets his wife for dinner, and we see Mac looking on, looking all sad and longing, obviously remembering having dinner with Claire and thinking how much he misses it. :( Another scene which makes me sad for Mac is the one at the end of Some Buried Bones when he tells Reed Claire was never found. :( I really hope Mac gets some closure on Claire next season.

I had a s1-urge today too, and rewatched Tanglewood and Supply and Demand. Very nice Mac eps, Tanglewood especially, I love when he says to Sonny 'I was a Marine you little punk. I've put men in the ground on foreign soil so you can sleep at night. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would ya, kid?' He's so intense and hot. He's disgusted by guys like Sonny who kill for sport. He hated the killer in Supply and Demand for the same reason. I think it's because he's a Marine, and Marines kill because they have to, not for the fun of it like Sonny or the guy in S and D. Oh, and I also like S and D because we get to see Mac in Marine-mode when that guy who was selling the dodgy handbags jumps out of the Dumpster. Yummy. :devil:

I have also ordered season 2 on dvd. I need more Mac as there are only 4 eps of the new season left!
Aw, lovely Mac pics, natty. The one with him smiling at the end of 'Comes Around' is my favourite. :)
It's kinda quiet on this thread lately - everyone's busy with RL I guess. :( I have a week off work, so am watching lots of Mac! I re-watched 'Past Imperfect' today, and though Mac is mean to Adam I do feel sorry for him because he's all stressed out 'cause of Dobson. Some people think Mac is a sanctimonious ass in the Dobson eps, but I think though he's a little sanctimonious and hypocritical, I think it's because he's really stressed out. And Dobson's so repellent that I can't help side with/feel for Mac. But Joey Lawrence and Gary are fantastic in their scenes together, as are Gary and Eddie Cahill in theirs. I love the Mac/Flack interaction in the Dobson eps, especially when Flack calls Mac out for being a bit of a jackass at times but is there to support him nonetheless. Kind of like us Taylor Girls - we support Mac but we can recognize his flaws. But I don't think Flack would be too keen on doing some of the things to Mac that we Taylor Girls want to... :devil:
I know I would love to have seen more of Dobson. Joey Lawrence was great in the episodes. I think stress was a major factor in Mac's actions and reactions in these eps. He did the right thing aresting Truby but he has got to have been thinking about the fallout of putting Truby away. Then is all starts to hit the fan, Dobson killing, then falling from the building, then Gerrard and Sinclair, it all just keeps pilling up on him.

I loved the Mac Flack talk in last nights ep.

Flack venting his frustrations on Mac it was nice to see the by play between the two.

Flack: I gave you my case book, without that you would never have been able to lock Truby up.
Mac: It was my responsibility, you did the right thing, let it go, let me take the hit.
Flack: So what are WE gonna do about Dobson.

I think this last line from Flack is great...what are WE going to do about it. Letting Mac know they are in this together.

Just like its Don trying to calm Mac in the courthouse when the inquest goes to court.

But I don't think Flack would be too keen on doing some of the things to Mac that we Taylor Girls want to...

Errm well I kinda like the idea of Mac and Flack :devil: :devil:
Wowzers...I just came to a realization...
I knew I LOVED Mac in blue but holy Mac in that burgundy shirt (that second pic) is just yummy :D He is good enough to eat...
I am patiently waiting for more gun porn though....that is my all time favourite Mac moments lol
Did I hear gun porn, i'm 'ya girl...




Have that many pics og Gary/mac on my photoshop and iit took me ages to find the ones I wanted :lol: Then again it was worth it :devil:
Fruitbat said:
I know I would love to have seen more of Dobson. Joey Lawrence was great in the episodes. I think stress was a major factor in Mac's actions and reactions in these eps. He did the right thing aresting Truby but he has got to have been thinking about the fallout of putting Truby away. Then is all starts to hit the fan, Dobson killing, then falling from the building, then Gerrard and Sinclair, it all just keeps pilling up on him.
I know, poor Mac. I think he definitely deserved that trip to London with Peyton (though he should have gone with ME! :devil:) but then the whole 333 thing started there....poor Mac. I think he needs some comfort... :devil:

I loved the Mac Flack talk in last nights ep.

Flack venting his frustrations on Mac it was nice to see the by play between the two.

Flack: I gave you my case book, without that you would never have been able to lock Truby up.
Mac: It was my responsibility, you did the right thing, let it go, let me take the hit.
Flack: So what are WE gonna do about Dobson.

I think this last line from Flack is great...what are WE going to do about it. Letting Mac know they are in this together.

Just like its Don trying to calm Mac in the courthouse when the inquest goes to court.
Yeah, Flack's really there for Mac in the Dobson ep, and I think he can understand why Mac's so angry/upset/frustrated, becasue he feels the same way because he put Truby away too. While Mac's getting heat from his superiors about it, we know Flack's been getting heat off other cops about it (he mentions it in Sweet 16). Both are being blamed/taking heat for the bad consequences of a good choice they made.
So next season, I would really like an ep where Flack's career is in danger for some reason, and he's taking heat from Sinclair/Gerrard, and he's getting all angry/upset, and turns to Mac for help. I know this isn't the Flack thread, but I'd love to see something really get under Flack's skin (like the Truby thing did). Like Mac, he's usually so calm and in control that it would be interesting to see him lose that a little, like Mac did in the Dobson eps and with the whole 333 thing.

Errm well I kinda like the idea of Mac and Flack :devil: :devil:
You are so evil :lol:
Hi everyone, I'm new. Glad to see there's lots of MacDrooling going on here! LOVING the pics and really wishing this was my computer and not a library one so I could print a few (bedroom wall could do with some decoration methinks!)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a Taylor Girl with you all :)
Hmm... am I too new to mention phrases like "Sandwich filling" in relation to those pics? Those two can dust me for prints any day. (Do you have a naughty step or similar here? Think I need to sit on it)
Welcome to the Mac Madness, Seren...and no, you're never too new to mention delicious phrases like "Sandwich Filling" when it comes to Mac/Flack!

And thanks everyone for the lovely piccies, made my morning! :D

I agree re: interaction between Mac/Dobson. I don't know why so many critics & veiwers seemed to think that Joey Lawrence was horribly miscast in that role, I think he did a fantastic job! And the interplay between he and Gary was riveting, IMO.
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