Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Gorgeous Gun Porn pics, natty! And FB, both Mac and Flack look yummy in your pics. Love Mac in shades! Welcome to the Mac thread Seren, and don't worry about the naughty step - we're all naughty when it comes to Mac too. We will send you to the naughty BED where you will have to sit with Mac, and Flack's gonna be there too. ;) :devil:
^^^ Yep your welcome to join us in the gutter hunny! :devil: We're always there if you need company, we have even decorated the place :devil:...

Erm Flack and Mac you say I just found an oldie...
Oooh, lovely pics, natty. :)

So my S2 boxset finally came :) and last night I watched Heroes. Here are some nice Mac pics for y'all -

Mac and Aiden together, and Smiley!Mac. So cute!

Now for a little bit of EyePorn...



and another nice Smiley!Mac


Now some Angsty!Mac


And now a Pissy!Mac

And finally, Mac in Marine Mode (I wish I was Danny in this pic... :devil:)


All pics from CSI Caps.

I also watched 'Jamalot' I love how the trainer/cop Polly flirts with Mac. First she takes her top off right in front of him and says her skirt's a little tight and asks him to give her hand, and offers to teach him to 'jam', then she tells Flack she'd rather have Mac come to take her in and she wants to send him more than just her regards, and then when Mac goes to take blood samples from all the team, she says 'I can think of better things to give you than my arm' and asks if he wants to swab her. Mac gets all embarassed, it's so cute! And go Polly! I'd love to have Mac come take samples from me, and I definitely wanna give him more than just my regards... :devil: :devil: Oh, and I love how he says to Lindsay 'it's the uniform' that makes Polly flirt with him. As someone said before in the last thread, it's more than just the uniform that makes Mac appealing...I'm off to 'jam a lot' with Mac now...*grabs Mac* :devil: :devil: :devil: Another scene I like in Jamalot is the one where Mac and Lindsay are testing all the teams' products for DNP, and Mac asks if women need all these products. Not only does he look really confused and cute, but it's just such a typical 'guy' thing to say. Of course, my reply would be, 'I don't need any of these products, just you, Mac!'. :devil: But I might need some products to use on Mac...olive oil for example :devil: :devil: :devil: Right, that's it, I'm moving into the gutter. Natty, is there room down there in Gutterville for little me?
Seren_y_Gogledd said:
Hmm... am I too new to mention phrases like "Sandwich filling" in relation to those pics? Those two can dust me for prints any day

Welcome Seren hope you have fun here. Glad you liked the pics and I love the way your mind works…. :devil:

MacsLady said:
We will send you to the naughty BED where you will have to sit with Mac, and Flack's gonna be there too. ;) :devil:

Ooooh can I have a turn on the naughty bed….my only problem would be to join in or just watch Mac and Flack….*erm is it hot in here or is it just me…*

MBGrissom said:
I agree re: interaction between Mac/Dobson. I don't know why so many critics & veiwers seemed to think that Joey Lawrence was horribly miscast in that role, I think he did a fantastic job! And the interplay between he and Gary was riveting, IMO.

I know I don’t get it either I loved Joey as Dobson.

MacsLady said:

I also watched 'Jamalot' I love how the trainer/cop Polly flirts with Mac. First she takes her top off right in front of him and says her skirt's a little tight and asks him to give her hand, and offers to teach him to 'jam', then she tells Flack she'd rather have Mac come to take her in and she wants to send him more than just her regards, and then when Mac goes to take blood samples from all the team, she says 'I can think of better things to give you than my arm' and asks if he wants to swab her. Mac gets all embarassed, it's so cute

Another scene I like in Jamalot is the one where Mac and Lindsay are testing all the teams' products for DNP, and Mac asks if women need all these products. Not only does he look really confused and cute, but it's just such a typical 'guy' thing to say. Of course, my reply would be, 'I don't need any of these products, just you, Mac!'. :devil: But I might need some products to use on Mac...olive oil for example :devil: :devil: :devil: Right, that's it, I'm moving into the gutter. Natty, is there room down there in Gutterville for little me?

I loved Polly in Jamalot. See I would really love to see her pop up now and again because it would be great to see Mac’s reaction if he turned up at a scene and she was one of the patrol cops. He is so cute when he gets embarrassed or flustered. And can you imagine the fun Stella or Flack could have at his expense if they teased him about Polly.

Mac and Olive Oil….move over MacsLady cause I am joining you in the gutter…nice pics by the way… :D
I love this little exchange from Heart Of Glass:

Peyton: "Your vic died of a broken heart...cardiomyopathy, most common in women in very passionate relationships."
Mac: "I'll be very careful."

Mmmmmm... be gentle with me, Mac ;)
MBGrissom said:

I agree re: interaction between Mac/Dobson. I don't know why so many critics & veiwers seemed to think that Joey Lawrence was horribly miscast in that role, I think he did a fantastic job! And the interplay between he and Gary was riveting, IMO.

They've clearly been watching too much Blossom.

I haven't seen all three episodes yet, we had Cold Reveal last night but next week it's all Miami so it'll be at least a fortnight (Five :mad: better give us a NY double bill the following week). DVD night next Tuesday methinks!
^ I know, damn C5! So we should hopefully get the end of s3 in the first week or two of January, then hopefully not too long after that, they'll start s4. Last year it was the first Saturday in February. They usually start Vegas and NY off in the same week. Thank God I have my s1 and s2 DVDs to get me through Christmas.
Today at work, we all wore silly ties to raise money for the Stroke Association. It was fun, and it made me think of Mac and ties... :devil:
So, here is a lovely Mac-tie pic:


and another...

Hope you like.

Hey, natty, I like your avatar. Mac is my favorite guy on NY (you'd never have guessed, would ya? :D) but Danny is Number Two along with Flack. Danny looks really hot there. But Mac is HAWT. I wish they would do a 'Men of CSI NY' calendar with Mac, Danny, Flack, Adam, and Hawkes. That would be totally drool-worthy. They could have Mac in Black, Flack in Wife-Beater (from You Only Die Once), Danny in that pic in your avatar, Adam in his lab coat, and I don't know about Hawkes- he wore a red sweater once which was nice.
Or maybe, just for us Taylor Girls, they could do a Mac Calendar. Mac in a wifebeater for June, maybe, Shirtless!Mac for July/August, Mac in a Santa hat and nothing else for December.... :devil: :devil: :devil: BTW, natty, have ya seen The Thing About Heroes yet?

Pics from CSI Caps
Macslady love the pics that is one of my favorite Mac scenes. He just looks so cute when Lindsay runs her experiments on him.

As for a NY Callendar or a Mac one I would like that...I would want shirtless Mac for February as thats my birthday....but I have to agree with you Mac under the Christmas Tree with nothing on is VERY apealing :devil:
natty, have ya seen The Thing About Heroes yet?

Yep :D

I would love a CSI NY calender never mind a CSI Men calender :eek: But wait... what about a... Calender Boys one (just like the film) :devil: :devil:
Poor Mac seems to have p*ssed off quite a few people in the last few eps, doesn't he, judging by the 'grading' threads. :( He doesn't seem too popular with quite a few people on the talkcsi boards. Has anyone else noticed this? Not that it really matters - everyone has their opinion and everyone's opionon is valid. And at least some of us still love him. :)
Only 3 more Macs left! And double Miami next week - double Horatio and no Mac on Tuesday. I'll have to use my DVDs to get my Mac fix. ;)
A Men of CSI calendar?! :eek: Oooh, sign me up, if anyone ever made one! Nekkid Mac under the Christmas tree? *drool* Now, that's the pic that I want!

MacsLady, I noticed the fairly recent animosity from a few posters on this board towards Mac too, but I try to ignore it; as you said, each to his/her own. They say "To-may-to", I say "To-mah-to", and all that jazz... :rolleyes: :D

*Edited to remove a cranky-pants comment on my part :eek:
Awww. Mac's never been the most popular around here but I'm not complaining :D The lesser people to share him with :devil:

Macslady, are you familiar with stellaluna at LJ? She writes fantastic ep recaps and I love how she views Mac ;)

So, did we get a lot of Mac in the latest ep? I haven't seen it yet.
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