Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Sam222, I think about Mac a lot too. Oooh, you're so lucky to know a guy who reminds you a lot of Mac. Probably if I get a boyfriend, he will be similar to Mac. The things I like in Mac - blue/green eyes, older, body type, and the personality things as well, are the type of things I'd like in a guy in real life. But Mac will be my sexy man till I get a real boyfriend. Hehehe!
I really felt like strangling the Radio Times guy this week, when he said the scariest sight of all in "Boo" was Mac's face. He used words like "haggard" and compared him to Munch's The Scream. Which of course was totally wrong. Yes, he looked a bit tired, but not in a scary way - just like he needs some serious TLC.
MacsLady I like also those things of Mac... :p :p
This guy you know IS quite a lot older than me...but we are still very good friends actually been 3 years already! ;) ;)
And truly his blue eyes are so similar as Mac's eyes!! <3 <3 It's so hard to be "normal" in front both guys looks!!!
I always feel like I'm melting then...Their looks "BURNS"!!!
I hope also that my future buyfriend will be as cute, handsome and honest as Mac is...That I can feel to be safe in his hug and arms!!!
But my SEXY GUY will be Mac also! for a loooong time!!!! :D
Seren_y_Gogledd said:
I really felt like strangling the Radio Times guy this week, when he said the scariest sight of all in "Boo" was Mac's face. He used words like "haggard" and compared him to Munch's The Scream. Which of course was totally wrong. Yes, he looked a bit tired, but not in a scary way - just like he needs some serious TLC.
I know! David Butcher is MEAN. I bet he's ugly too! At least Alison Graham is NICE about Mac, though she can be harsh on NY (and Miami of course) as a show. I think she has soft spot for Mac though - she referred to him as hunky in her review of PWM and in her one of SD she said Mac would be quite welcome to come to London but he should leave Peyton in NYC!
I really think that a lot of newspaper/magazine reviewers take themselves a bit too seriously when it comes to the CSI franchise. I think DB was trying to be 'funny' with the Mac comment, and he just wasn't. He never says anything nice about CSI NY anyway. Hey, Seren, ya wanna come on an ass-kicking mission with me? We'll go straight to the RT HQ and show a certain reviewer what happens when you diss Mac. Or we could call him at 3.33am for a month and see how HE looks. :D :lol: :D
But Mac doesn't look haggard or like a Munch-based scream mask, like you say he just looks tired and in need of TLC, which we will take turns to offer him after we're done with our little ass-kicking mission. :D :devil:
MacsLady I was going to suggest calling him at 3.33am too(great minds think alike huh?), was just a bit worried someone might take it seriously and then we'd get the blame! Yeah, he's so jealous because he'll never be as hot as Mac. I don't mind if he doesn't think much of the plot, but taking cheap shots at someone's looks ( especially if they're WRONG ) is out of order.
^It is out of order to take cheap shots like that. As far as I know, people on this board, even those who don't like Mac, or don't like any of the characters take cheap shots at their looks. He should know better. I hope Alison Graham told him off - SHE at least appreciates the hunky-ness of Mac. Sensible lady!
I'd get really ticked if someone on my radio station dissed Mac, but as far as I can tell they didnt. They were just talking about how they cant speed or go really fast through yellow lights so they dont have to stop at them anymore because they installed cammeras on them to catch speeders. lol
It was really amusing actually.
MacsLady said:
^It is out of order to take cheap shots like that. As far as I know, people on this board, even those who don't like Mac, or don't like any of the characters take cheap shots at their looks. He should know better. I hope Alison Graham told him off - SHE at least appreciates the hunky-ness of Mac. Sensible lady!

I looked at this week's review and it's about as neutral as possible - there's no mention of Mac at all. I've got an image in my head of David Butcher being chased around the RT office by Alison Graham, armed with a freshly-sharpened pencil...
Seren_y_Gogledd said:
MacsLady said:
^It is out of order to take cheap shots like that. As far as I know, people on this board, even those who don't like Mac, or don't like any of the characters take cheap shots at their looks. He should know better. I hope Alison Graham told him off - SHE at least appreciates the hunky-ness of Mac. Sensible lady!

I looked at this week's review and it's about as neutral as possible - there's no mention of Mac at all. I've got an image in my head of David Butcher being chased around the RT office by Alison Graham, armed with a freshly-sharpened pencil...
AG - How dare you be mean about hunky Mac! You can criticize the show all you want, Butcher, but don't you dare be mean about Mac! I'm gonna poke holes in your face till YOU look like a Scream mask....
DB - Aggggggggh! :lol:

I just watched Boo, and Mac doesn't look haggard at all, just tired. Oooh, he looked so hot in the leather jacket, yummmy! :devil: And I want him to grab me like he did that voodoo lady - I'd grab him right back... :devil: :devil: :devil: The blind woman was right when she said he was cursed - he is - with EXTREME SEXYNESS! The thing he has to 'be careful' of is all of us Taylor Girls hiding waiting to jump on him and do wicked guttery things to him... :devil: :devil:
And of course, when Mr 333 shows up, if he threatens Mac, he'll be pounced on by a bunch of Taylor Girls in superhero outfits! But he'll be much more tired after thanking us all! :devil:
To me it's sad to see Mac tired :( cause I simply think that he REALLY should smile and be happy <3 <3 <3

And I have pics. where Mac is wearing a letter jacket soooo
HOT!!! ;) ;)

Also about that "grabing thing" Ohh..I'd wanna be also that women there who he "grabed" except I'd surrender in front his eyes for seconds...cause he's "truly cursed with extreme sexyness!!!":D

Hey that 333 rescue operation would be good!!! hih..he would be REALLY tired...thanking for all you know!'s not quick job, but is that a bad thing...I dont' think so!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
^Mr 333 is gonna be in BIG trouble when he turns up. Nobody messes with our man! We are all super :mad: with the 333 guy!
Mac would be VERY tired after 'thanking' us all. :devil: Great idea, Seren!
I just love Mac so much, I love that he has flaws - it makes him interesting and real, but how he's such a hot, sweet guy underneath that tough Marine/cop exterior. I love that maturity he has (I like that in Flack too, I prefer guys like Mac and Flack to guys like Danny who I think is cute but kinda immature, whereas Mac (and Flack) are all older and experienced and mature and hot) I know some people see him as cold, I've never seen him that way, I love how Gary Sinise plays Mac's emotions so subtly, through hie eyes, facial expressions, body language, voice etc. Also I know some people think he's self-centered, but I've never seen that either. But then, I am very, very biased. ;) I love Mac's voice too, sooooooo sexy, love that accent! And I love his eyes, how sometimes they look really green and other times blue, and other times a mix. I always pause my dvd when watching an ep to drool over his eyes. Also his neck and arms. But I also watch scenes over and over like the one at the end of Blink (STILL brings a lil tear to my eye, that one) over and over.
I hear the new CSI NY book Four Walls is coming out in April or something, and it's written by Frank DeCandido, not Stuart Kaminsky who wrote the other 3. I am looking forward to seeing how DeCandido writes Mac. I really liked how Kaminsky wrote him, in the last book Deluge there was UnShaven Mac, Tired Mac, and also a flashback scene to do with his life with Claire that was really sweet and also hot, it involved Wet Mac! :devil:
Sorry for the Mac rant, I just got inspired for some reason. I think I'm gonna have a Mac Fest this weekend and maybe watch all 3 season finales. Mac's always hot in those, and he usually gets a decent storyline too. I hope we'll get another good one this season now the writers are back.

EDIT: To go with the rant, I give you the gift of Pissy Mac because we all know that a Pissy Mac is a Hot Mac:





to finish off, a different but very nice view of Mac.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
I'm wicked, I know.

Pics from CSI Caps.
Truly 333-guy has no chance againts us! If he hurt our Mac he will redget and badly!!! :mad: :mad:

I love Mac also SO much! That how sincere and honest.
I don't know why so many people thinks that he's cold..cause
he's everything else as cold..."hot as fire" ;)

And other things of him what capture me everytime...I have quite same things as you MacsLady...

Eyes: Blue or green and sometimes shade of gray too...HOT :p
Neck and arms:Hardly needs explanation! :D
MacsLady said:
To go with the rant, I give you the gift of Pissy Mac because we all know that a Pissy Mac is a Hot Mac:


I LOVE pissy Mac and yes he is VERY hot....

to finish off, a different but very nice view of Mac.

:devil: :devil: :devil:
I'm wicked, I know.

Yas you are but he does have very nice ASSets :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
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