Mac #5: Back In Black!

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I loved that episode. It was actually the 2nd or 3rd one Id seen.
I love the part where they turned Mac's avatar into a girl and Stella walks in and asks who the avatar was -i forget the exact qoute but you know what Im talking about- and Mac said it was him.

But yeah, he had NO game AT ALL. lol.
^Yeah, Stella said (i think) 'Who's the tacky dresser' and Mac said 'That's me' and Stella laughed and said 'Oh my God!'
So are you completely new to CSI NY spaz? Welcome to the Mac-Madness anyway! We love having new Mac fans here!
Well I started watching it in mid January. Ive seen season 1 cause I bought the season 1 DVD, and ive seen a few episodes from seasons 2-3 and I have seen most of 4.
I actually watched Child's Play last made me cry a lot. :(

I started watching it because Gary Sinise was in it. =]
So yes. I <3 Mac.
Close second = Sid
Then Danny, Adam and Flack.

I also watched Imposter last night. It made me cry too.

Also, I have come up with a theory on why Mac doesnt have any game in that one episode.
Ok, since Mac's a guy [way to point out the obvious =/ ] he knows what to say to women. Since he was supposed to be a girl in Second Life and flirt with a guy he had no idea what to say because he isnt a girl.
It makes sense.
So if he had to flirt with a girl in Second Life then he would most likely have had some game because he would have known what to say. And the only way for him to have known what a girl would say when she flirts with a guy is if he was one himself. Which hes not.

Im done stating the obvious and repeating myself in 40 different ways now. lol
I love your theory about Mac's lack of game. I think it was because he had to flirt with a guy, too. I was watching 'Murder Sings the Blues' today from s3 and Mac says to Peyton 'Feisty is very attractive on you' - obviously flirting, and she shows this big smile and blushes. So Mac can flirt when he wants to. I also think that Mac's not a 'player', he doesn't date a lot of women (like Danny does) and so he probably doesn't have much game. Which I think is nice. I like guys who just flirt a little rather than that type who really push it and hit on girls all the time and think they're so great. Also, let's not forget that he probably hasn't needed to flirt for a long time. They never said on the show how long Mac was married to Claire before 9/11, but as he's supposed to be 44 (according to The Thing about Heroes) he was probably married for quite some time, I would guess about five years minimum. So he didn't need 'game' when he was married, and then he didn't date for like four years after 9/11 (his date in the s1 finale being in 2005 in NY time) and then Peyton pursued HIM for a relationship, so his game was probably a bit rusty. Also, he strikes me as being a very direct kinda guy, who would just tell a woman he liked her rather than flirting a lot. And he's just so hot and sweet and sexy that he doesn't much need game. I mean he got Claire (who was beautiful, there's a pic of her shown in the s3 ep Sweet 16) and then he got hit on by Rose in the s1 finale, a young woman called Polly in the s2 ep Jamalot (you have GOT to watch that one, Spaz, if you haven't seen it already, he's adorable when this young woman hits on him) and then by s3 he's with Peyton, so he has definite appeal to women, as all of us on this thread know. :devil:

Hey, today I watched two eps of CSI NY - 'Murder Sings the Blues' (Pissy!Mac with Sheldon and the bad guy, sooooooooo hot) and also 'Blood Sweat & Tears' from s1 (the circus eppy). There's some lovely EyePorn in that ep, :devil: especially at the end when he's talking to the girl who was 'Juliet' (yes, I forgot her real name, I was too busy drooling over Mac to pay attention to details like that.) :devil:
Guys I think Macsladys icon that Natty made is either from Apollo 13 or The Dress Code (Bruno). Not sure which.....mind you he looks good in both...*g*
He does look good in Apollo 13. I've not seen The Dress Code though. I hope we get Mac in a wifebeater one day. That would be hottttttttttttt!
Yes Mac in a wifebeater would be VERY nice.

Im pretty sure its from Apollo 13. I went to and if you click on screen and stage and apollo 13 it shows you some clips from it and its a nice big chance its from there.

and I think Im gonna go watch Jamalot later if I ever get a functioning computer. (I cant watch videos on my comp because its dying. :( )
OK I found the pic (I knew I had seen it it somewhere) it's from Dress Code but I know what you mean spaz about Apollo 13 the looks are very simillar. I posted the pic here over on the Gary thread... :D
Hi Sam222 welcome to the threads for you and the other newbie spaz I thought I would post some nice Mac pics.... enjoy


Lovely pics! I wanna keep unbuttoning his shirt in the top one. :devil: As for the second one, I LOVE that, it's all blue and dark, and so 'Mac' somehow. And he looks so HOT!
I agree with you. lol.
and Sam222 thats the reason I watched it too.

And I was reading my book Maximum Ride today and in chapter 84 or something someone said: "Stop screwing with my Mac!" and I almost started laughing but I had to stop myself since I was in Chemistry...but I couldnt hide the smile. lol.
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