Mac #5: Back In Black!

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fastfoodjunkie said:

*has spontaneous guttery thoughts* :devil:
*has guttery thoughts too* :devil: :devil: :devil: That's cool, I want one!
Ohhh...wondeful pics.!!! I love all of those! LOL
I think that Mac should wear more t-shirts or he could open one more button of his shirt!!!! ;P Cause then we would see his beatiful "neck"!!! :D
Sam222 said:
Ohhh...wondeful pics.!!! I love all of those! LOL
I think that Mac should wear more t-shirts or he could open one more button of his shirt!!!! ;P Cause then we would see his beatiful "neck"!!! :D

Ohh a woman after my own heart I have a MAJOR fixation on his neck... :D


Mind you the rest of him isnt bad either.. :devil:
Whoa...what a pic.!!! I love it!!! and I agree with you's true that the rest of him
isn't bad at all!!! <3 "only I have sometimes a bit dirty imagination of "that subject!!" :devil: :devil: :devil:
By the way that t-shirt pic...I'd wear it every day if I have it!!! only my friends might say something...! ;)
We all wanted the 'I love my Big Mac' t-shirts. Here for Valentine's Day is Mac wearing a t-shirt just for us.

He's thinking of us as he wears it, wondering just how he's gonna fit us all in to his special Valentine's Day plans. ;)

I watched SuperMen today, and I noticed two things that I really liked. A while ago, we were talking on here about how the death of innocent people really gets to Mac sometimes, giving e.g.'s like Oedipus Hex, Blink, Supply and Demand. I think we see it in SuperMen too, Mac is really bothered by the death of the mentally disabled guy who only wanted to help people. When Docks (sp?) the orderly calls Clark a 'retard' you can see how disgusted Mac is, and you can hear it in his voice when he says 'You had no trouble killing him then'. Another thing I really liked is how Mac treats people who are often considered inferior - the mentally ill and the homeless - with respect. He talks to the other men in the psych hospital just as though they're completely sane, only he uses a gentle tone with them at the same time, which to me shows respect. He doesn't talk loudly or slowly like they're stupid, just gently like he would to any other people who were friends of a victim. And though he's a bit terse with Clark's brother Steve at first because Steve lied to Clark, once Mac finds out why, he's much gentler, and polite and respectful to Steve. At the end, it's Mac who offers his hand to shake and tells Steve 'Good luck', in a way that's sincere/genuine, not at all patronizing. I watch him in scenes like this, and wonder how anyone can find him 'cold'. Oh, and one final thing I really like is that this ep shows what a loyal guy Mac is. He says to Stella, before he knows why Steve lied to Clark 'What kind of man lies to his brother?' and then to Docks at the end he says 'Clark was your friend', the obvious implication being that you don't kill/betray your friends, and he seems really disgusted when Docks calls Clark a 'retard' and says he was 'only paid to care'. Mac obviously believes in being loyal to your friends and family, and he is always loyal to his team.
Awww, and the image of lil Mac running around in fatigues is sooooooooo cute. And the image of Big Mac ( :D ) in fatigues is very yummy and gutter-thoughts inducing. :devil:

Pic from CSI Caps originally.
Fruitbat said:
Ohh a woman after my own heart I have a MAJOR fixation on his neck...

Heh, it's funny you say that! I have to admit the same weakness. ^_^ I don't know how to explain it or quite what it is... but I just fixate on it. Probably more than could be considered healthy.
MacsLady said:

He's thinking of us as he wears it, wondering just how he's gonna fit us all in to his special Valentine's Day plans. ;)

He's a smart one so he'll figure it out in no time. lol.
Did someone mention an avid fixation on Mac's neck? :D Count me amongst the obsessed :lol:

Hmmmm, Mac and Valentine's Day activities... *mind goes straight to the gutter* I'm sure between all of us MacFans, we can think of some good ones!
^I love his neck too. It's so nibbilicious! :devil: And I agree we could think up some fun Valentine's Day activities for Mac... :devil: :devil:
Valentine's Day with Mac would've made my day, but I didn't get so much as a card *sniff*. But Mac...yeah :devil: :devil:
Yeah Valentine's day with Mac would be my "secret dream"!!
:devil: :devil: :devil:
To tell to the truth he's so hot that I can't get him out of my mind sometimes!!!
Luckily I have one guy in my life who actually reminds Mac a lot!!! So he's hot and sexy but I have to admit MAC IS SEXYER!!! ;)
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