Mac #5: Back In Black!

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I love when we see him play base..


So can I have Mac on Saturday thats my birthday???? :D
Hehe yeah you can have him on Saturday Fruitbat, we'll all make do with the new episode :)

MacsLady, I couldn't possibly describe my birthday night with Mac on a PG-13 board :devil:
Hmmm, jummy pic there. FB, you can have him on Saturday. Make the most of it, as long as you're willing to share him on Sunday again. :devil: Or else we'll handcuff ya. Allthough..he's with of all galls everyday, or isn't he? :D
Oooh, yummy pic, FB. Yes, you can have Saturday night with Mac. Hehe, Seren, it sounds like you and Mac had a very fun guttery night! :devil:
Today I was in this deli I always go to and the guy behind me asked for a New Yorker (meaning a panini) but my first thought was of Mac, and how great it could be if you could order HIM from the deli. I always think a similar thing when I see an advert for McDonalds Big Mac. 'Yes I'll have a Big Mac to go please. No, no clothes, just a side order of fluffy handcuffs please' :devil: :devil: :devil:
So s4 has 'finished' for the time being in the US. What would you guys like to see for Mac in future eps or next season (hopefully there WILL be either more eps or a new season).
I'd like

1. A storyline dealing with Mac's military past (a x-over with NCIS would be the perfect way to do it, IMO)

2. Some closure for Mac on his wife's death. They could do a story where Mac is called to the ME's office and is told they have found his wife's remains, and he has to deal with that. Gary could do really well with a storyline like that.

3. More Reed - which could happen as a result of number 2^

4. I'd like to learn more about Mac's family and past in Chicago, and about his marriage to Claire. Some flashbacks to his childhood/marriage would be nice.

and now the shallow things -

5. More Mac in Black

6. More Wet!Mac

7. Wet!Nekkid!Mac

8. Mac in a Marines uniform

:devil: :devil: :devil:
MacsLady said:
Today I was in this deli I always go to and the guy behind me asked for a New Yorker (meaning a panini) but my first thought was of Mac, and how great it could be if you could order HIM from the deli. I always think a similar thing when I see an advert for McDonalds Big Mac. 'Yes I'll have a Big Mac to go please. No, no clothes, just a side order of fluffy handcuffs please' :devil: :devil: :devil:

SO glad I'm not the only one to do that! Anything with 'Mac' written on it.

I'm at the stage where my 3-yr-old has caught me drooling (or at least gawping) when a trailer comes on and it shows him, she even says "There's Mac!" now.
^Awww, that's cute. So she recognizes Mac already? Looks like you've got a lil Taylor Girl there.
I got my Mac-fix last night - I watched Fare Game and All Access. I love that reference to OMAM in Fare Game and I love how Mac persuades the father not to make a scene in front of his daughter, and I also love the scene at the end when Danny brings the exotic food (crunchy spiders, fried worms etc) and Lindsey eats the spider and Mac has a bet with Danny that she would, so he gets the money off Danny and offers to buy them all pizza. He's just so smiley and relaxed in that scene, it's so cute!
As for All Access, I love the scared/shocked look in Mac's eyes when he hears Stella's address over the radio, and also how sweet he is to her in the hospital. Lovely eye porn in that scene.
Someone posted an Apple Mac ad either on this Mac thread or number 4 which read 'New York - Where I lay my Mac down' and it made me grin and have wicked guttery thoughts! I can't wait for new Mac tonight! After NY I'm going to watch Imposter which I rented from Love Film, I haven't seen it yet so can't wait!
I went to the library and rented Imposter yesterday! Thats weird. lol.
I started watching it this morning but my DVD player battery died so I only got about 15 mins into it before it turned off. Im gonna watch it tonight.

One thing you have to know:
Gary Sinise + Shower + Singing = <3
^That IS weird! How annoying that your dvd player cut out on you! Did you yell at it? I would have. Sometimes mine goes a bit funny when I'm watching my NY dvds, and I scream at it.
So we'll both be watching Imposter tonight, then. Are you in the UK? If you are, we're getting s4 Mac tonight as well! What a nice way to spend a Saturday night.
No I live in the U.S. =[
I didnt yell at my DVD player because Im happy its still working because the battery thing broke off so its being held on by duct tape. =/ I'd cry if it didnt work.
I did just yell at my computer though, Its running S-L-O-W!
But i watch the episodes on so I can get a new episode [new to me anyway. ] I think Im gonna go watch Fare Game later because in your discription of it above you made it sound good. :)
good. =]
Ive also gotta find some good Sid moments.

Also, I like your avatar. Do you know what episode (or movie if its not from CSI) its from?
nattybatty made it and posted it and let me use it as my avatar, so if you ask her she'll tell you. I don't think it's from NY though.

I just watched NY. Mac's so funny in that scene where he tries to flirt! :lol: So he may have no game as far as SL goes, but he doesn't need it in RL because he's sooooooo HAWT. But jeez, if his chat-up lines in RL are that bad, no wonder Peyton had to pursue him. But then we have seen he's a bit of a charmer/flirt in RL, like in Heart of Glass when he told Peyton he'd be 'very careful'. But like I said, even if he has no game in RL it doesn't matter as he's so hot!
I so wanted to be that keyboard in the scenes where Mac was in Second Life. Lucky damn keyboard!
Awww, and I felt so sad for Mac when he was telling Flack about Peyton while they were watching Stella and Danny question Johnnie. When Johnnie said how in SL he could 'find someone to love him' and they cut to Mac looking all sad and lonesome. I wanted to jump through the screen screaming 'I love you, Mac!' and have my wicked way with him.
Mac jogging(and wearing black while doing it, thankees wardrobe dept. :devil: :)) and in Kevlar with a gun shouting and being all commanding and cop-like was sooooooooooo hot. :devil: :devil:
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