Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Promo for 14 is up on the spoiler thread and there is a cute Apollo 13 reference from Mac. It made me smile. It could be that I have watched that film to much... :D
Did someone mention both Mac and Gibbs in an interrogation room?
Raises Hand "Yes gentlemen, that was indeed me who commit that dastardly crime. Please feel free to have your way with me...erm, I meant interrogate me now, as you see fit." :D

Fruitbat, I agree re: the clip, loved the Apollo 13 reference!! :lol:
^ Raises hand. 'Oh, I am guilty of the dastardly crime. Please feel free to also have your way with...I mean interogate me also...' :devil:
I find it interesting that I'm not the only one on here who likes both Mac and Gibbs! ;)
MacsLady, you are most certainly not the only person who loves both Mac and Gibbs! *bounce bounce drool* :lol: Now, that's a character crossover that I'd like to see, somehow getting NCIS and CSI NY together for an eppy. I actually think the characters in those two shows would mesh better than between NY and the Vegas CSI. Mac and Gibbs obviously have a whole lot in common, with backgrounds, personalities and ideologies, and I'd love to see the two characters work together. And I'd love to see Stella put NCIS Tony in his place (because you know Tony would hit on her, :lol: ) Labrats Adam and Abby would rock in their scenes, too! :D And who do you think would catch lovely Ziva's eye at NY, Flack or Danny? I'm guessing cop Flack, they would have more in common, personality-wise...
Yeah, I think Ziva would go for Flack too. Danny's a very emotional guy, and I don't think Ziva would go for that. She'd like Flack's tough, snarky approach, and he'd like her tough style too. He's more mature than Tony is too, and I think Ziva would appreciate that.
Abby and Adam would totally rock together, and I can just see Adam and McGee geeking out over some computer game or something. :lol: Oh, and imagine Abby and Sid!! Abby would be like 'I sleep in a coffin' and Sid would be like 'Ooooh, what kind?' :lol:
And yeah, Tony would hit on Stella and she'd put him in his place. :D He'd love her low-cut tops. :D
Oh, and think of Ducky and Sid! They'd be rambling on together about really random stuff. :D
You're right about Mac and Gibbs being very similar in backgrounds - both Marines who served in Desert Storm, both had wives who have been murdered. And although Gibbs has had 3 other wives and been involved with Jen, and Mac's only been involved with Peyton, I think they're quite similar in that they find it hard to open themselves up to new relationships since the death of their wives. I'm sure Gibbs' work habits contributed to the failure of his 3 marriages after his wife and daughter died, but I always thought it also was because Gibbs struggled, like Mac does, to open up emotionally. Also Kate (who I think Gibbs had a thing for) was killed by a terrorist and obviously Mac's wife died on 9/11 and as we've seen in many NCIS eps and The Deep both share a real disgust for terrorists (Gibbs several eps, Mac The Deep), and also towards military men who kill, (Mac in Officer Blue, Gibbs in a few eps I think)Also Mac couldn't save Claire on 9/11, and Gibbs couldn't save his first wife and daughter because he was at war. Or was he in the coma after he was hurt in the war? I know Gibbs got his revenge, but it must tear him up inside that he was powerless to save his wife and daughter, just like it tears Mac up that he was powerless to save Claire.
And I think they have similar ideologies too in terms of protecting innocent people, their view of terrorism, their respect for the military etc. Although Gibbs goes on his gut more than Mac does. And can you imagine Gibbs' face when Mac tried to explain some technological/forensic process to him? He'd say, 'And in English, Mac?'
Ooooh, and imagine if Danny spilled or drank Gibbs' coffee by mistake like McGee did that time. :eek: I can just see Gibbs whacking Danny on the back of the head, Mac trying not to smile, and Tony being jealous. :D Anither similarity between Mac and Gibbs is both have to deal with younger hotheaded team members -Danny and Ziva. I can see them sharing a coffee and talking about having to control/take care of Danny and Ziva, as well as about their time in the Marines whether they met during Desert Storm or not.
So as well and Mac and Gibbs having similar personalities etc, other members of the team do as well.

About Gibbs, it's the Marine thing that does it for me, as well as the fact that he's really hot. Just like Mac. :devil:
I'd love to play war with those two. I could be their prisoner... :devil: :devil: :devil:
whoa ladies, I love to hear you talk about Gibbs and Mac. You're not the only ones who can get a hangover of them :devil:. Lately I've been hearing a lot of comparison. But this thread is called Mac Back in Black after all. I've been following you *off side* for a few days now. So I'm starting to wonder if this is the right thread. Couldn't we open a Mac/Gibbs or NCIS/NY thread for this in a different section, like in general TV and media. Opinions are most welcome.
We could have an NCIS/NY thread I suppose or maybe just a Gibbs one?
See what other people think. Are any of you Mac/Gibbs fans are on facebook? as we could always discuss it over there if we decided not to set up a thread here. Or we could post our ideas for a NCIS/NY x-over in that new 'pitch your ideal plot' thread, some people there have discussed a NY/Vegas one.
I did try to keep my posts Mac-focused but I did get a little distracted. My brain doesn't work too well when I'm discussing hot Marines. ;) :devil:

EDIT: I just posted the NCIS/NY crossover idea on the 'plot idea' thread.

EDIT 2: And now I have a new location. It's a very hot one, let me tell ya! :devil:
MacsLady, I'll scamper over to the "Dream Plot" ideas thread to check out your crossover suggestion! :)

CSISenna, glad to have another "Mac/Gibbs" fan aboard! :D
Can this man POSSIBLY get any sexier/hotter/cuter/sweeter?
Mac in black and playin' bass...THUD! :devil:
I felt so sad for him when he got the letter, he lit up at first, and then he read it, and you could see the sadness just sinking in/hitting him. :( Lots of subtly-played emotion by Gary in this scene, and in the final one when he was playing bass. Well, I think our man's definitely in need of some comfort and lovin'...form an orderly queue ladies! :devil: :devil:

And God, his eyes looked so green this ep. I couldn't stop looking at them! And several lovely Mac smiles. So cute/hot!

It was lovely seeing him open up to Stella and offer her support/advice. How can people call him cold? And I think this scene shows that he's not as emotionally dense as some people think - he seemed to understand (to some extent) where Stella was coming from in her uncertainty about the Drew thing. It was fantastic to see him open up to her about him and Peyton, he doesn't open up often, so when he does you really take notice.
MacsLady said:
Well, I think our man's definitely in need of some comfort and lovin'...form an orderly queue ladies! :devil: :devil:

Me first!

It's my birthday, party tonight in Mac's Jazz Club, all welcome but I'm taking him home at closing time :devil:

I know I said this in another thread, but watching the repeat it hurt like hell to see him saying all that stuff to Stella, knowing he's going to get that letter. I desperately wanted to hug him.
^OK, as it's your birthday, you get Mac.

I know, watching the ep a second time and watching that scene with Mac talking to Stella about Peyton makes you feel so sad for him when you know what's coming. :( I agree with what you put on the 'CSI NY s4 UK' thread about Peyton sending the dumping-letter to Mac's office. But I suppose they did it that way so Stella could find it, and we got the jazz club scene.
I love that scene, it reminded me of Stuck on You. I wonder if Mac always wears black when he plays jazz? It's a perfect combination. :devil: :devil:

About Stuck on You, I love how we hear Mac's voice before we see him, as he thanks the singer. I especially like it when he says 'all the way from Chicago' which of course is where our sexy man is from too!
MacsLady said:
About Stuck on You, I love how we hear Mac's voice before we see him, as he thanks the singer. I especially like it when he says 'all the way from Chicago' which of course is where our sexy man is from too!

Yeah, they did a good job of not showing his face until then (well, I *say* a good job, but they deprived us of drool moments), so when he spoke I was like "WOW it's Mac!!!" and then... mmmmmmmmmm, that black T-shirt *swoon*
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