Mac #5: Back In Black!

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Ok I agree with everything you've said aswell :lol:

I think he was an athletic guy who played football for fun at the park with his friends but I think I could just picture him in a baseball uniform :D I think he was apart of many clubs and if a teacher needed something doing it would be mac- not because he was a nerd or a teacher's pet but because he was reliable. He definatly wasn't a jock or as popular as a jock but I think all his friends along with the jocks looked up to him!
He was probably one of those guys somewhere in the middle, who suppressed a laugh at the class clown but didn't join in, got his homework done on time, listened to the teacher but hung out enough with his friends and played just enough sports to avoid being thought of as a nerd.
I watched 'Felony Flight' and 'Manhattan Manhunt' today. As soon as Mac stepped out of the elevator in the Miami lab, I was like 'Yay...Mac!'. I love Manhattan Manhunt. My favourite scenes are the one on the subway - I love how Mac chooses to save the passenger rather than chase after Darius, and also, just before he sees Darius on the train, this guy bumps into this lady and knocks one of her parcels to the floor, and Mac picks it up for her...awwwwwwwwwww! He's so sweet. Like Darius says, he's quite the gentleman. I also like the scene where he's talking to Sarah Endicott, he's sitting on the table as he talks to her. All I could think was if I was her I'd pin him down on that table... :devil:
And of course I love Pissy!Mac at the end with Darius. 'You rot in hell, you son of a b*tch'...sooooooooooo HOT!
I'm not a Miami fan, so the crossover episodes are the only time I watch (it's a sacrifice I'll make for Mac ;) )

I was rewatching Risk last night, I love that little scene between him and Adam - Adam can't believe Mac has heard of a place like Wild Wild Wet, so Mac says "I was investigating a crime... the shrimp cocktail was fantastic" and I love the look on his face as he says it:


Pic from

ETA: Aaaargh I can't get the pic to show! Can anyone help please?
I think to post a pic actuallly ON the thread itself, you need 100 posts. But you can just provide a link to it. Take the [image] and [/image] bits off each end, and it should work. I just selected the address part on it's own, and copied it into my search bar thingy, and it worked. Very nice pic. I'm gonna have to watch Risk now! Thanks by the way, I was thinking about that Wild Wild Wet scene a while ago, and I couldn't remember which ep it was from. It was driving me nuts! So thanks for reminding me finally of which ep it is. :)

Seren, I just watched 'Risk'. Lovely ep. I love Mac in the suit and bow tie at the beginning, and the scene with him and the conductor guy at the end. And the Wild Wild Wet scene with Adam is fantastic. I especially love the moment you mentioned. Mac is definitely The Man. I'd share a shrimp cocktail with him any time, and I'd love to get wild and wet with him... :devil:
I just watched 'Can You Hear Me Now' for the first time. Wow, this man definitely gets hotter every season. Lots of lovely arm/neck/eye porn. :devil: His eyes looked really blue to me tonight, yummy. And the very first scene when he has a lipstick kiss mark on his cheek, so sweet. I felt sad for him when Flack mentioned 9/11, he looked away and down. The mention of that date must still rip him up inside. :( I didn't know actually that they'd closed off the Statue of Liberty after 9/11. So see, CSI NY has educational value as well as Mac-Hotness value.
Oooh, and I liked the scene at the end with Mac leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes, gave me lots of wicked ideas..."You're on MacsLady Time now, Mac honey, and that means it's time for bed. With me. Right Now. And then with whoever calls out 'Me next' first and loudest" :devil: :devil:
Oh, and imagine being sat next to him on a plane for several hours... :devil: :devil: :devil:
Oh, and finally, did anyone notice Mac uses the word 'coroner' rather than 'M.E.' - very English of him. Peyton has been spending FAR too much time with him!
Can't wait for next week. I just hope C5 keep it at a REGULAR time rather than changing it constantly like they did with s3. Maybe they do that because it's on on a Saturday night? But then they show the re-runs on fiveUS on Sunday nights regularly at 10. Grrr. Ok, I'm getting stressed, me and Mac are going to use our MacsLady Time now. :devil:
Here are some pics of that scene from O & S so you can see what I mean:




Pics from CSI Caps


That's the kind of part I want to play when I get to be on CSI NY, but Mac, Danny or FLack would work. :devil:
Yep, Five sure like messing with us! Last night on fiveUS was even weirder. The text next to the squashed credits said the new episode was on at 10.30 this Saturday, the voiceover said 9.30 and my EPG says 9.10! Grr.

WOW Mac In Bed. LOTS of times. Guaranteed to cause lots of gutter thoughts!
^ The Mac in bed shots were so hot and gutter-thought inducing. He was all alone too. That's just WRONG. A man like that should not be alone in bed in a strange city... :devil: :devil:
Even more wrong when you consider this is supposed to be his holiday with Peyton, and yet he's sleeping alone! Plus the lipstick was on his cheek. Who kisses their lover on the cheek?

But no, he should NOT be alone in a strange city. He could have caught a train directly to my part of Wales and been very UNalone in a matter of hours :devil: He wouldn't have needed the T-Shirt either ;)
^I know. I mean, I guess Peyton wanted to spend time with her family, but still. And I thought that about the lipstick on his cheek. Unless she kissed him on the lips and the cheek, and wiped off any of her lipstick that got on his lips but left the mark on his cheek to mark her territory. ;)

Mac could have caught a train to York and been very UNalone too. And he definitely wouldn't need the t-shirt. :devil: I was doing this CSI NY quiz on facebook the other day, and one of the questions was where does Mac go on holiday and the options were London, York, and Spain, and I was like, OMG, I WISH it had been York. Peyton would have taken a little accidental fall into the Ouse on the first day, though. :devil: :devil:
MacsLady said:
Peyton would have taken a little accidental fall into the Ouse on the first day, though. :devil: :devil:

Or, in my case, been left stranded up Snowdon.

So, now he's alone, who's having him first? One at a time please, he's not too keen on threes :lol:

That reminds me, I was watching Stealing Home recently, and you can see just how uncomfortable he is with the idea of the "committed threesome" but he does his best to hide it. He has this momentary look of shock on his face before just going "OK..." He gets to be funny too, with the boy scout line at the beginning, and later on he laughs at Sheldon's assumption that there would be a Robospanker in the house ;) *sigh* it was great to see the lighter side of Mac that episode, because he went through hell in the next couple, what with Aiden, the Marine and the bombing.

Aww, I remember 'Stealing Home' and Mac's reaction to the commited threesome. He's obviously a traditonal one-woman guy. How sweet. And yes, it is nice to see his lighter side before he goes through all the hell of the next two episodes. After both of those eps, he's definitely in need of some lovin'. And the Taylor Girls will be there for him. :devil:
It was on the page before last, the picture I'm talking about. I don't know how to directly reply to a post, if that's possible
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