Mac #5: Back In Black!

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He's not the kind of CSI who sits down and talks to and comforts them like say Stella or Horatio do - (Stella particularly does it with abused women after her experience with Frankie and Horatio with kids).

In my opinion that's where people think he's cold. They compare him to Horatio and Stella. But if you take the take the time to appreciate who Mac is, like we do, and what makes Mac Mac then you realise what causes him to react the way he does.

I really hope we get more Reed next season, like Peyton, he opens up Mac, and I think also that Mac has learnt about connecting with people

I agree. That was the only bad point about Season 4. He's lost two of the characters which bring out different factors in his charater. Stella is the person who keeps him standing strong- if he can't tell her things then not many others can help him. However sometimes he doesn't want to trouble Stella so he goes to Flack who in my opinion has a brother like relationship with Mac. Peyton brought his personal life into view and gave us an insight of the man behind the badge. Where as Reed dug up the past revealing even more of Mac's character and his ability to connect with 'family' and how he finds it in some way hard!

Loved the shallow note :devil:
nattybatty55 said:
He's not the kind of CSI who sits down and talks to and comforts them like say Stella or Horatio do - (Stella particularly does it with abused women after her experience with Frankie and Horatio with kids).

In my opinion that's where people think he's cold. They compare him to Horatio and Stella. But if you take the take the time to appreciate who Mac is, like we do, and what makes Mac Mac then you realise what causes him to react the way he does.
I agree! Mac does appear cold if you compare him to Stella and H, but he's not cold really, he just can't connect with people or open up the way they can. It's what makes Mac Mac. Like H's sunglasses and his kid-bonding talent is what makes him H, and Stella's ability to bond with abused women is part of what makes her Stella.
And we definitely do take lots of time to appreciate Mac. :devil: He's very worthy of appreciation. ;)

I really hope we get more Reed next season, like Peyton, he opens up Mac, and I think also that Mac has learnt about connecting with people

I agree. That was the only bad point about Season 4. He's lost two of the characters which bring out different factors in his charater. Stella is the person who keeps him standing strong- if he can't tell her things then not many others can help him. However sometimes he doesn't want to trouble Stella so he goes to Flack who in my opinion has a brother like relationship with Mac. Peyton brought his personal life into view and gave us an insight of the man behind the badge. Where as Reed dug up the past revealing even more of Mac's character and his ability to connect with 'family' and how he finds it in some way hard!
I love Mac and Flack's relationship, and yes, they are like brothers - they fight and disagree, but they understand and support each other. About Reed, I love how he reveals more of Mac's past, and hope we get to learn more about Mac and Claire's relationship through Reed. And it's totally understandble and very interesting to see Mac struggling to connect with the only 'family' he's got outside of the team, and deal with having Reed, a very strong reminder of Claire turn up.

Loved the shallow note :devil:
Well, we are in the Mac Gutter! :devil:
^ More Gutter-ness too! I was watching Hung Out to Dry to day, and Mac says he 'went to plenty of parties' in college. I wonder how many girls he snuck upstairs with? So, he was a bit of a party guy, huh? I'd love to party with Mac. And I'd be the first to sneak away with him... :devil:
I just saw that Gary interview on channel five again, yes I know it's the Mac thread but I thought it just fit, and Gary said that being a forensic scientist you need to shut down your emotions which I think is a good point and quite interesting.
Damn, I missed it! I watched the end of Comes Around and all of Snow Day (I wasn't going to, as I have it on dvd, but I just couldn't resist the idea of Wet!Mac) but switched off after the credits. I love that interview. I think Gary's point about being a forensic scientist is a good point and very interesting, and I think that is partly why Mac holds such tight control over his emotions and closes himself off. Maybe he always did that to some degree, but was open with victims/relatives and then Claire died and he closed off more. But like you, I think Claire's death definitely has a big role in the way Mac handles/shows his emotions. I think I've said this before, but because Mac is this way, when he DOES show emotion like in Officer Blue, Blink, Live or Let Die, Mrs Azrael, Silent Night etc, you really sit up and take notice.
andreea, you are very wicked when it comes to Mac/Gary. You'll definitely fit in here. :devil: Verrrrrrrrry hot/nice pic, I love when he does that thing with his tongue.
I have a couple of more pics I just found that I love, enjoy! :)

Hurt Mac :(

Sensitive Mac! :D

And Beautiful Mac! :D
The pics are very nice I think this one and the one after it are my favs..


He could arrest me any day... :devil: :devil:
That is a GORGEOUS pic. He could arrest me any day too. Any of the guys on NY could, actually, but Mac would be my number one choice.

Me - 'Oh, Detective Taylor, I've committed a crime. I've been very, very bad. You have to arrest me.'
Mac - *gets cuffs out* 'Ok then, turn around so I can cuff you.'
Me - 'Actually, Detective Taylor, I was thinking I could cuff YOU...' :devil: :devil: :devil:

I've been having a Mac-Fest lately - in the last two weeks I've watched PWM, NWILL, HOTD, Oedipus Hex, Here's to You Mrs Azrael, Snow Day, Summer in the City, Grand Murder at Central Station, Live or Let Die. 3 Generations Are Enough, Officer Blue and Recycling. Is it possible to die of a Mac-Overdose or do you just fall into unfathomable, deepest, darkest gutter regions?
^^^^ I think you'll like this Macslady...

Over christmas I rewatched many of my fav Mac episodes and I tell you that he looks even better on a HD 32" TV :devil:
^^^^I love it, natty! *grabs cuffs* :devil: Did you make it?
Oooh, Mac on widescreen/HD tv = VERY nice. Did you watch COTP or PWM on there yet? ;) :devil: I bet shirtless Mac is just incredibly hot in HD.
One week to go until S4 premieres over here! Yay!
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