Mac #5: Back In Black!

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MBGrissom said:
Great discussion and insight into Mac's character once again, everyone!

I don't think it's any secret that I don't find Mac the least bit emotionally stunted. As some of you have pointed out, he's usually very careful in how much emotion he lets out (of course, there are those few times when we saw him lose his temper publicly and lash out) and quite frankly, keeping your emotions a bit more tightly wrapped is one of the hallmarks, IMO, of a good leader - as many of you have also pointed out. :)

Contrast that to someone like Danny, the resident over-emotional Drama Queen. It works for his character (although it can be extraordinarily annoying and unlikable, IMO, if carried too far & too often) but it would NOT work for Mac's character. Who would trust or respect Mac as a leader, if he wore his heart on his sleeve so overtly as Danny? It's great that Danny can unabashedly allow himself to feel so much, so often, and so publicly...but then again, Danny (In My Opinion) is definitely not leadership material. He might be someday, who knows, but only after he has learned, like Mac, to rein his emotions in a bit more.
I agree with you about both Mac and Danny. Danny's not leadership material. I think his and Mac's very different ways of handling emotions makes them both interesting and most importantly DIFFERENT characters. There's a nice balance there. Also, like you say, if Mac wore his heart on his sleeve all the time he probably would not be as good a leader as he is. And he wouldn't be the Mac we know and love. I like how Mac shows his emotions, I like how he struggles sometimes to connect to people but is always there for his team.

Hey, have any of you UK Taylor Girls seen the five trailer for the new series of Vegas and NY? Some nice shots of Mac in black. They were on in the Miami ad breaks tonight, 2 or 3 times I think. I hope this means we'll get both series around the end of Jan start of Feb time, not closer to March. I think it does - didn't they start showing the trailers for NY S3 and Vegas S7 around the same time last year when they had the late Jan/early Feb start? I definitely remember the Miami finale last year being really close to Christmas, it was like Boxing Day or something, and we're only a week off now. So I really hope we get it late Jan/early Feb time. Even though I've seen most of the NY eps already, I can't wait for it to come on tv!

And here are some nice pics of Mac from Corporate Warriors as an early Christmas present for y'all-








Hope you like 'em.

First 4 pics from CSI Caps, other 3 from past my

EDIT - I miss the gritty, very NY feel of S1 too. I don't miss the blue tint though, and I don't much miss Mac's ties (love the open collar look, mmmm :devil:) but I do miss the angsty Mac of that season too, though I do like we got to see a lighter side of him in s2/s3.
Fruitbat said:
Flack is the more even handed of the two, he is more in touch with his emotions, he can be guided by them, but he doesn’t allow them to get in the way. In consequences you could see the conflict he was angry at Mac for his Black and White view but in the end he knew Mac was right and he made the right decision to hand over the book to Mac.

I was thinking along those same lines, that between the 3 characters - Mac, Flack and Danny - I do think that Flack is the most consistently balanced, emotionally. Danny is too OTT many times, and Mac is too restrained, but Flack (and Hawkes, for that matter) is somewhere in the middle, although he leans towards Mac's more professional, cooler exterior, emotions-wise. I do think that's one of the reasons that Mac/Flack, Mac/Danny and Flack/Danny have (IMO) such excellent chemistry, is that they complement eachother nicely, as far as their emotional, professional and intellectual variances. Some compelling, realistic character development by both writers and actors, I think. :)
MBGrissom said:
I do think that's one of the reasons that Mac/Flack, Mac/Danny and Flack/Danny have (IMO) such excellent chemistry, is that they complement eachother nicely, as far as their emotional, professional and intellectual variances. Some compelling, realistic character development by both writers and actors, I think. :)
That's such a great point. I agree that the three men have excellent chemistry together. I really do like all three characters - partly because they all are so different. With Flack kind of in the middle between two polar opposites, it makes a nice balance.

Also, the differences may be partly an age thing as well. I would be surprised if Mac wasn't more openly emotional when he was younger. However, I imagine him more like Flack than like Danny, though probably more serious.

Thanks so much for the pics MacsLady. An early Christmas present that arrived just in time. ;) I'm off for two weeks after this post. By the way, isn't Gary's face just perfectly into it during the cap of the big swing? :cool:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
DakotaCal, THAT interview is a short clip that occasionally gets shown between shows on fiveUS. They have a few CSI-related ones, and in one of them Gary talks about Mac and his development over the course of the third season. (It doesn't get shown often enough, and even when it does it's usually between Vegas episodes for some dumb reason!). I haven't checked but it might be available through Five's website or YouTube or something.

Last two season 3 episodes are on Five New Year's Day! What a great way to greet 2008, with wet Mac ;)
Oooh, lovely pic, Tequesta. I had that up on my notice board in my room ages ago, but my sister stuck pins in Mac's head! :eek: She is evil sometimes, and not in a good way. :mad:

Over on the Mac/Stella thread a while ago they were talking about what Mac would have been like in high school. What do you guys think he was like? I bet he was one of the smart kids, a bit geeky maybe. But he was cute/hot I bet!
Yeah. He was probably the guy all the girls chased after all the time at school. I sure would like to chase after him...:devil: :devil:
I love that pi :devil: I wouldn't mind standing hwere Lindsay is... but I wouldn't be putting the tie on that's for sure :devil:
^^I'd love to be stood there too, and I wouldn't be putting the tie on either. Look how close to her he is, how he's looking right at her, his expression... :devil: God, I'd just jump on him. And I'd want more than a hug... :devil: :devil:
You're all drooling over him, so lemme join you.:devil: That's one of my fav's. I'v used in too many of my walls. MacsLady I'm with you, a hug would only be the start :devil: :devil:
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