Mac #5: Back In Black!

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ramma, you're so right. Less people to share Mac with = more Mac for all of us. :devil: :devil:
I will check out stellauna's recaps.
No, Mac wasn't in this last ep a lot (there's a lot of Danny though, if you like him too) but there's a sweet scene between Mac and Lindsay, and a good one at the end with Mac and one of the killers.
Thank God I have my season 1 and 2 boxsets. I have only watched a few eps from s2 so far - Heroes, Jamalot, Zoo York. I think today/tonight I will watch Corporate Warriors again. Yummy - Mac in black and with a sword!
MacsLady, you just named some of my favorite Mac episodes: Heroes, Jamalot, Zoo York and Corporate Warriors! :D And one of my faves from S1 is "Recycling", when Mac & Aiden are at the Dog Show. Love the humor in that one! :p Watching that scene where Mac is struggling with the antsy little pooch, and his expression at all the Dog People crazies, are priceless! :lol:
Oh yeah, I love Recycling too. I'll have to re-watch that tommorrow along with Corporate Warriors. I thought I was working 10am-2pm today, but I had an extra shift 4-8pm and I could hardly demand to go home for Mac-Time. But I have a 3 day weekend coming up, so a Mac Fest is in order. So if I disappear next week it will be because I drowned in my own drool.
ranma said:
Awww. Mac's never been the most popular around here but I'm not complaining :D The lesser people to share him with :devil:

Tell me about it they even started bitching about the 333 storyline before the eps aired, and they still are. Even the reviews are starting to sound anti Mac.....

Macslady, are you familiar with stellaluna at LJ? She writes fantastic ep recaps and I love how she views Mac ;)

Now there is a lady that loves the show even with its flaws, which she points out. Loves the whole cast, and gives an even, unbiased view of how the ep went down and even points out when a character is out of line, including Mac.

Plus she writes GREAT fic.

MBGrissom said:
A Men of CSI calendar?! :eek: Oooh, sign me up, if anyone ever made one! Nekkid Mac under the Christmas tree? *drool* Now, that's the pic that I want!

See now I wont be able to look at my tree in the same way... :D

MacsLady, I noticed the fairly recent animosity from a few posters on this board towards Mac too, but I try to ignore it; as you said, each to his/her own. They say "To-may-to", I say "To-mah-to", and all that jazz... :rolleyes: :D

LOL love it love it...

*Edited to remove a cranky-pants comment on my part :eek:

OOOOHHHH tell me tell me tell me!!!!!!!!! I am feeling REEAAALLLLYYYY cranky an its nice to know I am not the only one.....PM me I wanna know cause there is some stuff I would LOVE to post but I might not be able to stop if I started... :devil:

Macslady I might join you in a Mac fest the new telly and home cinema system got delivered so I could try out my DVD's...

Just to make sure it works you understand.....

:D :D :D :D :D :D

LMH nice wall..

ERR there was a wallpaper there I am sure there was!!!!! Ohh thats it I need to go to bed.....I am halucinating,...
Hi all. This is my very first post. :) I've been lurking for several weeks now, and have been just itching to participate.

Mac's my favorite character on the show - partly because I'm a huge Gary Sinise fan. So, needless to say your recent posts have brought me out of my shell. I'm also saddened by the lack of Mac love out there.

It's fun how everyone views characters differently, depending on how well they like them. Many people mentioned how Mac wasn't capable of comforting Danny in Child's Play. But I saw it differently. Sometimes, what you really need is just someone to be calm and to listen, because honestly there's nothing they could say that would make it any better. Mac knows this - so he mostly let Danny do the talking. Also, I felt that Mac really understood when Danny mentioned not wanting to be home because he wouldn't hear Ruben behind the walls. How many times has Mac not wanted to be home at night because his wife was gone?

Hope it's okay to talk about the episode in this thread. I assume it's fine since I'm talking about the character Mac.
Fruitbat said:
ranma said:
Awww. Mac's never been the most popular around here but I'm not complaining :D The lesser people to share him with :devil:

Tell me about it they even started bitching about the 333 storyline before the eps aired, and they still are. Even the reviews are starting to sound anti Mac.....

OOOOHHHH tell me tell me tell me!!!!!!!!! I am feeling REEAAALLLLYYYY cranky an its nice to know I am not the only one.....PM me I wanna know cause there is some stuff I would LOVE to post but I might not be able to stop if I started... :devil:

Guys, please try not to bring negativity into this thread, and keep the discussion on Mac and not on posters you disagree with. If you see something said about Mac that you don't agree with, counter it in the thread or in here, but don't complain about other posters voicing their opinions. Remember they have as much a right to their opinions as you do to yours. Thanks.
Welcome DakotaCal

Yep its fine for you to talk about eps that have aired and you connect it to Mac (Top creates a thread for each ep so you can post your whole review) but if you want to talk about spoilers....
use a spoiler box like this :)

But you can still discuss what you THINK/WANT to happen to Mac
^ What I want to happen to Mac...oooh, I feel wicked, guttery thoughts coming on... :devil: :devil: :devil:
^^ Make yourself at home down here and endulge in the many Mac pics with offer ;)

Psst: Try to use 'Edit post' rather than double posting and spamming :)
Top41 said:

Guys, please try not to bring negativity into this thread, and keep the discussion on Mac and not on posters you disagree with. If you see something said about Mac that you don't agree with, counter it in the thread or in here, but don't complain about other posters voicing their opinions. Remember they have as much a right to their opinions as you do to yours. Thanks.

What and deal with all the cr*P I got on and off list the last time NO THANKS! I will keep my comments to the Mac thread (plus I did mention PM me with any comments so as to take it off list..). I voiced my opinion before *politely I may add* on general threads and the result was not pleasent. No specifics were mentiond here as far as I can see we just commented on our general feeling for whats been posted lately....which were posted here on the Mac Thread so as not to cause an uproar. * I learned from the last time not to voice thoughts elswhere*

Now back to Mac...

DakotaCal and Tequesta Welcome to the thread, hope you have fun here.

Here have a fic of my two favorite men on the show...although Adam comes in a close third.. :D

Macslady, are you familiar with stellaluna at LJ? She writes fantastic ep recaps and I love how she views Mac ;)

Now there is a lady that loves the show even with its flaws, which she points out. Loves the whole cast, and gives an even, unbiased view of how the ep went down and even points out when a character is out of line, including Mac.

Plus she writes GREAT fic.

I checked out her reviews and fic lately, and I love both. I like how she reviews the show and characters - pointing out both their good points and their flaws, but not in a hostile way. And her fic is great - I was reading the Mac stuff earlier. stellaluna, if you ever read this I LOVE YOU!!! :)

MBGrissom said:
A Men of CSI calendar?! :eek: Oooh, sign me up, if anyone ever made one! Nekkid Mac under the Christmas tree? *drool* Now, that's the pic that I want!
See now I wont be able to look at my tree in the same way... :D
Me neither. My mum just put ours up, and thoughts of Nekkid!Mac are running through my head right now. God, it's a good job no one in my family or at work can read my mind - they'd be shocked by the Mac-centric Gutter Thoughts in there. You guys are the only ones who know about those!

MacsLady, I noticed the fairly recent animosity from a few posters on this board towards Mac too, but I try to ignore it; as you said, each to his/her own. They say "To-may-to", I say "To-mah-to", and all that jazz... :rolleyes: :D
I totally agree. I try not to let the animosity towards Mac bother me either. There are certain characters on the CSI shows I can't stand, but I accept there are others who like/love them, and that's fine. 'All that Jazz'....hmmm, makes me think of Mac at the end of Stuck on You. :)

*Edited to remove a cranky-pants comment on my part :eek:

OOOOHHHH tell me tell me tell me!!!!!!!!! I am feeling REEAAALLLLYYYY cranky an its nice to know I am not the only one.....PM me I wanna know cause there is some stuff I would LOVE to post but I might not be able to stop if I started... :devil:
Oooh, tell me too! I'm feeling cranky lately too. Only tell me if you want to, of course, if you wanna keep it private, that's fine.

Macslady I might join you in a Mac fest the new telly and home cinema system got delivered so I could try out my DVD's...

Just to make sure it works you understand.....

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're just 'testing' your new system. And I never ever have guttery thoughts about Mac. :D :D :D My Mac-Fest starts tommorrow - Corporate Warriors is first up. And we SHOULD have a Mac Fest as Channel 5 has deprived us of our Mac dosage for the next two weeks, the meanies. :mad:

LMH nice wall..
I love it too, LMH. Mac in just a big red ribbbon, what a lovely present. :devil: :devil: :devil:

It's fun how everyone views characters differently, depending on how well they like them. Many people mentioned how Mac wasn't capable of comforting Danny in Child's Play. But I saw it differently. Sometimes, what you really need is just someone to be calm and to listen, because honestly there's nothing they could say that would make it any better. Mac knows this - so he mostly let Danny do the talking. Also, I felt that Mac really understood when Danny mentioned not wanting to be home because he wouldn't hear Ruben behind the walls. How many times has Mac not wanted to be home at night because his wife was gone?

Firstly, welcome to the Mac thread, DakotaCal.
Secondly, I agree with you about Mac in Child's Play. I think Mac was comforting Danny in his own way - being someone there who is calm and listenining to him, and letting him stay at work because he understands why he doesn't want to go home. Like you say, Mac has often worked late/avoided going home, and like you, I always thought it was because Claire is gone. Poor Mac. *hugs Mac* Also, like you say, I think Mac knows all too well that when someone you love/care about dies, nothing anyone says can really make it all better - I have noticed how when he talks about Claire (for example in The Closer in s1) Stella just listens, as she does in Charge of this Post when Mac tells her about his experience of the '83 Beirut barracks bombing.
Some people have called Mac 'emotionally stunted', which I don't think he is. I think he just struggles to acknowledge his own emotions and to open up emotionally even with those closest to him, perhaps because he is frightened/worried that he will get hurt somehow. I mean, his wife died, a woman he clearly loved deeply, and whose death still effects him, and then he opens up emotionally to Peyton, and she dumps him. Also, he's a Marine and I assume that as a Marine he was told/taught to keep control of his emotions, that he had to do so in the face of war. But I think that we do see Mac be there emotionally, or at least try to, for his team - for Stella in All Access and The Ride In, for Danny in RSRD and Child's Play, for Lindsay in Obsession and Stealing Home, and Hawkes in Raising Shane. We've also seen him open himself up emotionally to Stella, Flack, and Hawkes. Just because Mac isn't as emotionally open/involved as Danny is doesn't, IMO, make him emotionally stunted. I always liked that Mac's emotion was expressed in a more subtle way than Danny's, it marks him out as a unique character. And we already have a very emotionally open/very emotionally involved lead CSI with Horatio in Miami. Mac is more like Grissom when it comes to emotions.

I fell in the gutter two minutes ago I rather like it down here
Welcome to the Mac Gutter, Tequesta. :)

EDIT- Gorgeous pic of Mac and Flack, FB. *drools* I especially like the Mac Arm Porn, yum.
And I like Adam too. He's a cutie. What is it about the men of NY and their General Hotness? Seriously, there must be something in the water.
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