Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hi guys!
I love all the ideas about what will happen in Greece, and all the Smacked pics. So many wonderful Smacked moments.:adore:
The Party's Over is on here tonight, and in my tv paper it refers to 'Stella and Mac's evening charity event' which made it sound like they're there together. I know they're not, but it made me smile seeing that, with no mention of any nits. Obviously the reviewer didn't think the nits were worth mentioning! I'm looking forward to seeing the episode, despite the lack of Smacked. Then next week it's the famous 5.16, I can't wait!

New thread titles? How about
Mac/Stella #16 'Cause he'd follow her around the world
Mac/Stella #16 'Cause he'd follow her anywhere
Mac/Stella #16 So much more than friends
Mac/Stella #16 - 'Cause they'd do anything for each other
Mac/Stella #16 -'Cause there's no one she trusts more professionally or personally than him.

Debbie, love your story about those two people who fell in love, so sweet. Definitely that is similar to Mac and Stella, he follows her all the way to Greece - he would risk everything to protect her. Which is why I think she lied to him about this whole Greek coin/Diakos thing, because she knows he would and doesn't want him to get fired or hurt because he tries to help her.:adore:
Good luck on all your tests.
originally posted by Plenilunio
Thanks for the picture, it's lovely. I can't believe it was unscripted, it look so in character, so Stella. Melina is definitely Smacked She did a great job there. Now she can complete it in 5.24, pweety pliz? *puppy eyes*
Neither can I, when I watched the behind the scenes, (or something) and Melina said that it was unscripted, I almost fell of my chair Melina is a closet Smacked
Mmm...that leads me thinking maybe because Melina is a smacked fan that she poisoned us with those natural feelings she put into the character. :lol: And she has the chance to write the Greece episode that might make smacked come true. :adore:
originally posted by Ghawazee
Two adults in love who already had their previous and past relationships. They met and felt in love with each other. They started a relationship. They wanted to go to another place for the weekend. But their ship sank. It was a dark and cold night. Waves were violent because of the wind. They tried to stay together waiting for help. But she was in a very bad shape,she wasn't going to resist any longer so he decided to swim until to reach the coast and going for help. He gave her his life jacket. He made her promise "I will be waiting for you". And they didn't kiss on their lips. Only they shared a kiss in their cheeks. He swam 7 hours!!! just to save her. Meanwhile the rescue squad found her but they didn't know he was swimming back to the coast. They found her and the first thing she asked was "where is he". Finally he reached the coast and after 12 long hours they met again. Later she said that last kiss on his cheek was like a revelation and she felt all their lives was passing under that kiss. Today i found he had a cardiac arrest (but he is fine!!). Which could be caused by the effort.
And it made me remember Mac and Stella because in many ways explain why he is going to go to "Helenika" looking for her after saying to Don he never was going to leave US anymore.
he only will break his promise because he feel she is going to be in danger and he can't stand the idea of losing her. Mac would do ANYTHING to save her, even risking his job and his life to protect her
Is that real love or what?????????
It's real love alright Aww it's a sweet thing, when a person finds the right person, and it's love, it's just bonded to be a sweet thing
Sometimes fate is playing tricks with true love, like Mac and Stella. They made for each other but they are too blind to see it.

You're such a hard smacked. :lol: Love all the caps and spoiler pics. Thanks a lot. :)
Originally posted by Pleni :Apparently it is. I'd love to see Mac being all shy, cute and hugable (yeah, I made that word up, you got a problem with it?). Heck, I wanna see him look at Stella and blush for no reason at all when their eyes meet. </corny>
corny and everything you will faint and jump of joy if some day we get one of these a simple moment with a normal situation could be adorable for everyone and not just for us
True. All we need is a naturally come from the heart smile, then he'll hold her hand, then they'll look at each other for a moment and they know what's happening. :adore:
Guys, can I please remind you that thread titles shouldn't be discussed until you've reached 900 posts, anything before that is a little early. ;)

Thank you, and back to Mac and Stella. :D
I hope Gary is a smacked fan! As Deb said, we will hear a lot of thuds because people will be so happy if they do anything remotely romantic haha. Which they have to OR ELSE!!! :klingon: I guess they were both either too blind before or just scared to express their feelings. I really like shell_kikii's explanation about fate, it's meant to happen regardless. I mean Mac going to Greece just proves it, a "concerned friend" doesn't follow someone, a lover does.

The Party's Over is on here tonight, and in my tv paper it refers to 'Stella and Mac's evening charity event' which made it sound like they're there together. I know they're not, but it made me smile seeing that, with no mention of any nits. Obviously the reviewer didn't think the nits were worth mentioning! I'm looking forward to seeing the episode, despite the lack of Smacked. Then next week it's the famous 5.16, I can't wait!
i think newspapers editors and journalists have a lot of common sense than other people:lol:. In Latin Amertica we watched 5.11 Forbidden fruit this last Thursday and i am completely IN LOVE with that episode. Love Stella's face when she asked "what's up":angel: and Mac closed the door
And definitely he was picking up things for a breakfast but at least he is a milk addict i doubt ALL THAT MILK is just for ONE MAN!:cool: Remember Mac likes oatmeal for breakfast so we can say: he changes his taste or he is living with somebody else:drool::lol:

regarding 5.15, well the firenit was there:angryrazz: but at least Stella was pending of her cell phone and Mac pending of calling her:drool: CONCLUSION= They wanted to be there together but she was sufering a virus and she ended dating that intelligent guy:lol:

because she knows he would and doesn't want him to get fired or hurt because he tries to help her.:adore:
it's pretty clear she feels frustrated he couldn't stop being her boss because he did make it clear as her friend he would have allowed her to do what she did later
And not having her friend she acted as a loner and she is going to go on her own

Mmm...that leads me thinking maybe because Melina is a smacked fan that she poisoned us with those natural feelings she put into the character. And she has the chance to write the Greece episode that might make smacked come true.
i think she is:thumbsup: and if this is as good as it sounds it will be Melina's greatest present she has ever given to anubody 8except her babies to her husband:bolian:) because we are many people around the world waiting for Smacked to happen

You're such a hard smacked. :lol: Love all the caps and spoiler pics. Thanks a lot. :)
No, thanks to you, sweetie. It's one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me:bolian:
I love this ship, i love these actors and i love this Family. I can't do anything more than that:bolian:
True. All we need is a naturally come from the heart smile, then he'll hold her hand, then they'll look at each other for a moment and they know what's happening. :adore:
we don't need a waterfalls of lov every week. just with a tiny scene (and a waterfall time to time:lol:) we could be VERY HAPPY!

Steph!!!!!--> CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW BABY COUSIN DEAR!!!!!!:beer::hugegrin:
I hope Gary is a smacked fan! As Deb said, we will hear a lot of thuds because people will be so happy if they do anything remotely romantic haha
Gary is so sweet i can't believe he is not a Smacked fan but he is a producer so he has to "behave":hugegrin: Still i do hope a kiss. If not, i will start to growl :lol:

Pleni, here it is the pic you were looking for (i couldn't get it bigger:(


hugs to all

Love Debb

ps: G, i liked your first suggestion
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Deb! I'm going to say this now. You post the most AMAZING pictures! I especially love the one in the post above :devil:

OHMIGODOHMIGODOHMIGODOHMIGOD :adore::adore::adore: That is totally perfect. And Melina wrote the episode entirely? Now we know it's going to be good :):):):):thumbsup:

Mmm...that leads me thinking maybe because Melina is a smacked fan that she poisoned us with those natural feelings she put into the character. :lol: And she has the chance to write the Greece episode that might make smacked come true. :adore:

The unscripted kiss? :adore: I was so happy when I found out that was unscripted and she just did it. Remember, this is FIRST SEASON as well :adore: They've so loved each other since MIA/NYC Nonstop.


Epic Picture

And now, they're even more sure of it.

From Communication Breakdown



Funny, I don't think their communication is breaking down. I think it;s getting stronger :adore:

That's all for now guys! Talk to you soon!

Axel, epharisto my dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those pics are awesome :D I like all their scenes. When i watch old episodes i can tell their bond has been stronger and stronger and it didn't change. Oh wait! it did change to be deeper now than then.
Look her face at communication breakdown! She looks SHY and you are NOT SHY with a simple friend (not even with your best friend). You are SHY with someone you feel deeply attracted to. And in this case it's MAC! :D

Regarding Melina i know it was mentioned she was going to co write but this info says she wrote the episode so we won't know until he episode is aired!

Thank you for puting a smile on my face at 3.02 am! :D

Did i mention 24 days until 5.24?????????? :D

Debbie :D
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I really like shell_kikii's explanation about fate, it's meant to happen regardless. I mean Mac going to Greece just proves it,
Thank you! If it happened, it's their luck and ours as well. :)
a "concerned friend" doesn't follow someone, a lover does.
Yeah. Mac knows how much Stella loves her job. She would never turn back if she gave him her badge. Then he realized that he loves her and he couldn't let her go. :adore:

we don't need a waterfalls of lov every week. just with a tiny scene (and a waterfall time to time) we could be VERY HAPPY!
Yeah. Just give us some solid proves that they're going to make a move, not just dancing around. :)
Gary is so sweet i can't believe he is not a Smacked fan but he is a producer so he has to "behave" Still i do hope a kiss. If not, i will start to growl
I doubted he's not. He 'behaves' the opposite. :lol: I love how Mac looked at Stella and his tones everytime he called her name, not mention the smiles. :adore: :adore:

Proof :
Posted by Axelsonfire

Mac was focusing on her lips. :adore: :lol:
I watched the Party's Over. Oh my God, I know you guys had said the fireman was dumb but not until I saw him put his jacket under a dead guys head did I realize how dumb. Oh, and Debbie, I understand what you mean when you said about Stella at the party. I did not like that dress at all. It was way too short I thought for a work-related event. Usually she wears dresses that are sexy but also really classy. That dress in A Party's looked like something a teenage girl would wear to a party in order to shock her parents and make her boyfriend pay attention. It just wasn't Stella's style at all. She looked great in it, 'cause she'd look good in anything, but it wasn't her style at all I thought. Maybe she wore it to make Mac extra jealous?
I'm certain though that he must have been going alone to the party, or meeting Stella there, because she was the one he called to say he would be late, and when he and Gillian were talking later, neither mentioned the party.
I love that moment when Stella and Mac are outside the interview room and they look at each other and decide together, without even saying it, to get Adam to talk to the boy.:adore: Love your pic of Stella checking Mac out, btw!
Axel, I love that first pic of yours, that is 'scientist love' in it's purest form, love the intense way he is looking at her, and how close they are. It looks like a scene where they are simply doing lab work or discussing evidence rather than having a 'personal' moment and I love how their chemistry comes across even in purely 'professional' moments. Though I'm not sure whether their thoughts are entirely 'professional':devil::devil:
Love Mac's cute smile in Communication Breakdown, and Stella's shy smile. I think Mac looks a little shy too, actually. They're so cute.:adore:

5.16 next Saturday here! I can't wait!:hugegrin::beer::D:luvlove:
16 is Smacked's lucky number, it seems!

Yay who is excited! It is so obvious that Mac likes her though regardless of how Gary might or might not see it. He always blushes when she kisses his cheek. Remember when she declined his offer to stay at his apartment?

It went from this to...

LOL! SO yeah someone wants Stella okay!
Aww thank you so much Debbie dear, a little boy, his name is Calum, he was born at 2:40 on Friday morning, and weighed 8lbs 7oz. :adore: He's a real cutie. :D

Well, anyhoo, back to Mac and Stella, I have to agree with you Axel, I don't think their communication is breaking down, I think it's getting better, I mean after Mac told Stella about Ella, and they had their unoffical coffee date, thing between them have started to get better, they're back to the days when they told eachother *almost* everything and their relationship to me, just seems to be getting stronger and stronger, they're even sharing more of those cute little looks and touches just like they used to. :D I think things are starting to go back to how they were before between them... :D
Hey SMACked family!~

I watched the Party's Over. Oh my God, I know you guys had said the fireman was dumb but not until I saw him put his jacket under a dead guys head did I realize how dumb.

I think the scene where he takes off his shirt after Stella says "I need your clothes" shows his true stupidity. I mean it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she'd want your clothes from a party where you were in contact with a dead body, not the clothes you changed into after:scream: Mac is so much smarter....

5.16 next Saturday here! I can't wait!:hugegrin::beer::D:luvlove:
16 is Smacked's lucky number, it seems!
Well, 5x16 is quite good except the last 2-5 minutes. There was 4x16 Right Next Door which is amazing. Then there's 1x16 Hush.



This also fits my whole "Stella in green" conspiracy.

It went from this to...

LOL! SO yeah someone wants Stella okay!
I saw those pics and I went "Awww. He cares!" :adore: I think she should've accepted his offer but oh well. Note: Melina loves that scene :thumbsup:

That's all for now guys! Talk to you soon.

Whoa, girls!:eek: Yesterday was quite a whirlwind for me, so I couldn't even think of showing up here. I was so busy, so confused and so tired... But now I've come back only to find so many awesome pictures. You know how to cheer a girl up!

Deb, Stella looks like she's thinking "yum! Nice hardware!". Was that checking Mac out unscripted too? :lol: In any case, Stella was drooling massively over Mac. I sooo need to rewatch that episode!

Axel, they have such moony eyes! :adore: I love it when they are all shy in front of each other. Deb is right, you're not shy with your best friends, you're shy with someone else, someone you really care about in a different way.

MacsLady, stupid fireman is stupid. I agree with Axel, the icing on the cake was when she told him she needed his clothes. Either he was so stupid he didn't realize she needed his suit or he was trying to embarrass her, which makes him twice as stupid. In any case, I don't think anyone can get more idiotic than that guy. I was so glad he vanished inside the black hole of continuity. I hope he's gone for good, Stella deserves someone better. Someone to whom she can talk about stabwounds and exotic restaurants in the same conversation ;)

Steph, congrats!

I agree, their communication is getting better, but there's this pink elephant in the room: the Greek coin storyline. At best, she's been deliberately withholding information, but I'd call it lying instead and probably Mac will too. When he finds out, I'll love to see them have a huge fight -for once, I'll pick Mac's side-, but I'll be terribly sad until they make up (and out? :devil:)
Hahaha nice hardware!!! I am sorry I just want this greek storyline over because I want them together. Just use Greece to bring out their feelings, but I don't want Diakos wannabe's anymore. Plus I do not want Stella in trouble with Mac and it puts strain on him because he'll have to deal with Sinclair. So I just want them to be together and never keep secrets from each other again!
I watched the Party's Over. Oh my God, I know you guys had said the fireman was dumb but not until I saw him put his jacket under a dead guys head did I realize how dumb. Oh, and Debbie, I understand what you mean when you said about Stella at the party. I did not like that dress at all. It was way too short I thought for a work-related event. Usually she wears dresses that are sexy but also really classy. That dress in A Party's looked like something a teenage girl would wear to a party in order to shock her parents and make her boyfriend pay attention. It just wasn't Stella's style at all.

I watched that last night too and thought the same thing, he was just thick lol and Stella's dress was far too short - Mac shouldn't complain too much really ;) - but it was the fireman so doesn't work - does he disappear after this episode cause it seems a bit random to have him there - maybe they are trying to throw us off the Smackedness?? :confused:
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