Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Whoa, girls!:eek: Yesterday was quite a whirlwind for me, so I couldn't even think of showing up here. I was so busy, so confused and so tired... But now I've come back only to find so many awesome pictures. You know how to cheer a girl up!

Deb, Stella looks like she's thinking "yum! Nice hardware!". Was that checking Mac out unscripted too? :lol: In any case, Stella was drooling massively over Mac. I sooo need to rewatch that episode!

Axel, they have such moony eyes! :adore: I love it when they are all shy in front of each other. Deb is right, you're not shy with your best friends, you're shy with someone else, someone you really care about in a different way.

MacsLady, stupid fireman is stupid. I agree with Axel, the icing on the cake was when she told him she needed his clothes. Either he was so stupid he didn't realize she needed his suit or he was trying to embarrass her, which makes him twice as stupid. In any case, I don't think anyone can get more idiotic than that guy. I was so glad he vanished inside the black hole of continuity. I hope he's gone for good, Stella deserves someone better. Someone to whom she can talk about stabwounds and exotic restaurants in the same conversation ;)

Steph, congrats!

I agree, their communication is getting better, but there's this pink elephant in the room: the Greek coin storyline. At best, she's been deliberately withholding information, but I'd call it lying instead and probably Mac will too. When he finds out, I'll love to see them have a huge fight -for once, I'll pick Mac's side-, but I'll be terribly sad until they make up (and out? :devil:)
The scene where the fireman begins to take off his uniform t-shirt really does point out how stupid he is. I think maybe he was trying to show off for his buddies too, again, stupid. I just hopes he knows which end of the hose the water comes out of! Stella doesn't need a stupid fireman, what she needs is Mac.
Thinking about the fireman putting his jacket under the dead guy's head just made me think of when Mac was in the bombed building with Flack, and he knew straight away what to do. He's so smart.

Congrats on your new baby cousin, Adorable Crazy, Calum's a lovely name.

I love that scene where Stella checks Mac out, her expression definitely suggests she's checking him out. I love their playful banter/teasing in that scene, Mac doesn't do that often, and I love how he always loosens up around Stella. I love how she takes the talking-thingy off his ear, it's such a comfortable, familiar gesture. He never minds her touching him.

Thanks for the pics, Axel and CSINYAddict.
*waves* Hello ya'll:)
and Steph, congrats on a new baby cousin!!:D
originally posted by Plenilunio
Gio, when Mac realizes Stella's game, you'd better hide in the gutter, where the struggle can't reach you.
I'll be watching it on the big screen TV that I've bought to the appartment down:D
originally posted by Ghawazee
i think you know Stella so well. Definitely she can't be pushed to talk. All must be natural with her :D And Mac knows her a lot too and he kept her safe in his arms:drool:
I'm like Stella in that way, if somethings wrong with me and my parents push to get me to talk I end up shutting them out, but if they wait, till Im ready , then I talk with them because then Im ready...
origianlly posted by Ghawazee
I wish you were part of TPTB. I know you would give us the kind of scene we want:devil:
And I would enjoy the whole writing those scenes:devil::lol:
originally posted by Ghawazee
All the best sweetie on your examns. Come back soon. We know without you we won't able to go into the gutter! :lol:. Apart the night of May 13. THAT night is special for all of us!
Thanks for the wish:) I'll try to stop by at the evenings:) Need to keep my head out of the gutter, need to focus on the tests:lol: Im looking forward to May 13:D
originally posted by Shell_kikii
Mmm...that leads me thinking maybe because Melina is a smacked fan that she poisoned us with those natural feelings she put into the character. :lol: And she has the chance to write the Greece episode that might make smacked come true. :adore:
I kind of have this feeling she is a smacked fan, she just haven't relized it yet:D and thanks for the wishes on the tests Kikii:)
can't keep her eyes of 'her' man, huh?:devil: Only thing that was missing was that she wouldn't keep her hands of him:devil: but then again it's glass walls and Adam was in the room, they need to be descreet:devil::lol:

just two pictures:D ¨
I just wonder, what is he telling her, messuring someething with his hands?:devil: :)lol:)

this one because I just LOOOOVE it:adore:
Hello my peoples.:)

Okay, so every Friday night (or almost every Friday night) I go to this ballroom dance center place. It is a ton of fun. Anyway, I was talking to this kid, he's like 11, great dancer, and some how we got on the topic of what tv shows we watch and I found out that his whole family watched CSI. Best of all, their fav was CSI: NY! And when he said that I almost melted. He then mentioned that he was glad that Danny and Lindsay were having a baby. And I was like, "yeah. Especially since they got married, i'm extra happy. But I'm more of a Mac and stella fan myself nowadays." and he almost started jumping around. He was like "Oh my gosh, I want them to get together soooooooooooooo bad! Their chemistry is like ... wow." And I'm standing there going "What do you know about chemistry:confused:?" But then his 7 foot tall brother walks up and the 11 year old is like 'She likes CSI: NY! And Mac and Stella!" And his bro was like "*uber-gasp* Really?!?!?!?" And I was like "oh yeah." I found out later that their whole family were NY lovers and SMacked shippers.
I told them that there was great hope in the future because Stella was goin' to Greece and Mac was following her there. It was exciting.:)

Okay, I have to do homework now so I'll talk to ya'll later.:)
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Thanks for all our your congratulations on my little cousin. :adore: I'm just dying to meet him now... :lol:

Thanks for all of the pics guys, hehe, I especially love the one from 'Down The Rabbit Hole' when Stella is check out his butt, hehe, just proves our point that she's not able to keep her eyes off of him. ;) I also love the one you posted Frida, hehe, I see it sent your mind to the gutter, :devil: but what else can see expect from such a pic... :lol: Also the one of Gary and Melina is so cute, it makes me melt ever time I see it. :adore:


Furthur proof that she can't keep her eyes and hands :devil: off of him. ;)
Heya Family! :D (Reading 3 books in juts a weekend kept me far from you

The unscripted kiss? I was so happy when I found out that was unscripted and she just did it. Remember, this is FIRST SEASON as well They've so loved each other since MIA/NYC Nonstop.
you made me remind Melina's words on how she accepted being part of CSI NY. She asked to know Gary first before accepting
because she wanted to know if they were going to get on well. And they didn't get one well, they are just MARVELOUS! :D

Kikii---> EXACTLY! i need CONFIRMATION, not only the endless cat and mouse game. I want them to know they are in love and one step forward far from their current relationship:thumbsup:

G, Pleni and Axel--->
I watched the Party's Over. Oh my God, I know you guys had said the fireman was dumb but not until I saw him put his jacket under a dead guys head did I realize how dumb.
The scene where the fireman begins to take off his uniform t-shirt really does point out how stupid he is
MacsLady, stupid fireman is stupid. I agree with Axel, the icing on the cake was when she told him she needed his clothes. Either he was so stupid he didn't realize she needed his suit or he was trying to embarrass her, which makes him twice as stupid
I think the scene where he takes off his shirt after Stella says "I need your clothes" shows his true stupidity. I mean it doesn't take a genius to figure out that she'd want your clothes from a party where you were in contact with a dead body, not the clothes you changed into after Mac is so much smarter....
:guffaw:ROTFLMAO! After your opinions we can guess why he never appeared again. You' ve just fried the guy in Smacked oil:guffaw:
Oh, and Debbie, I understand what you mean when you said about Stella at the party. I did not like that dress at all. It was way too short I thought for a work-related event. Usually she wears dresses that are sexy but also really classy. That dress in A Party's looked like something a teenage girl would wear to a party in order to shock her parents and make her boyfriend pay attention. It just wasn't Stella's style at all. She looked great in it, 'cause she'd look good in anything, but it wasn't her style at all I thought. Maybe she wore it to make Mac extra jealous?
i keep thinking this episode belonged to an alternative universe we didn't watch because it was designed for another season. According to old spoilers they were going to have other love interests (Stella and the firenit and Mac with She nit) but it never happened. It looked like they changed the storyline but they didn't change this episode so it looked weird because we never knew how and why she met that guy there or why, if she was dating the firenit, she was pending of her cellphone waiting for Mac;). So they used the plotline but they didn't change those little details.
I liked how at the end (or it was 5.14?????) Stella and Mac were in the interrogation room and Stella got upset and got up leaving the room and Mac followed her (pretty similar as Hawkes' episode in S3):drool:I wish Stella had followed Adam at the end. But she is a loner and she perfectly knows some people just like her need to licks their wounds alone
I love that scene where Stella checks Mac out, her expression definitely suggests she's checking him out. I love their playful banter/teasing in that scene, Mac doesn't do that often, and I love how he always loosens up around Stella. I love how she takes the talking-thingy off his ear, it's such a comfortable, familiar gesture. He never minds her touching him.
I am intrigued how Gary said Mac will loosen up in S7. We are very close to S6 so we can guess "something " is going to happen in S6 and then Mac will be "completely in love Mac" in S7:drool: Of course, i do expect the source of his happiness will be Stella:drool:

Yay who is excited! It is so obvious that Mac likes her though regardless of how Gary might or might not see it. He always blushes when she kisses his cheek. Remember when she declined his offer to stay at his apartment?
Ahhhhhhhh thanks for the pics Mari dear :D really as G said, 16 is a good number for the Smacked Family. That's when everything started:drool: (I don't give up yet to the idea they are living together!)

Hahaha nice hardware!!! I am sorry I just want this greek storyline over because I want them together. Just use Greece to bring out their feelings
Hopefully she won't be dissapointed in Helenika
They will be alone so they will have time to clar up their feelings for each other:drool:
Deb, Stella looks like she's thinking "yum! Nice hardware!". Was that checking Mac out unscripted too? :lol: In any case, Stella was drooling massively over Mac. I sooo need to rewatch that episode!
For many reason i loved that episode too. I guess this little "behaviours" from Melina tell us she is a Smacked fan indeed. I would like confirmation on this matter and i will love her more if that's possible:bolian:

When he finds out, I'll love to see them have a huge fight -for once, I'll pick Mac's side-, but I'll be terribly sad until they make up (and out? :devil:)

I will be terrible drooling until they make up/out:devil::devil::devil: Catfights are beauitufl if we know they will end it in the way we *feel* they will end it:lol:

I watched that last night too and thought the same thing, he was just thick lol and Stella's dress was far too short - Mac shouldn't complain too much really
too short! And as G said too juvenile the style for someone as classy as her (despite she looked absolutely gorgeous!) I wouldn't have minded it if she would have been there with Mac but she was with the firenit and it simply didn't work in my eyes:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

it's a big PROOF many people who don't post in here are expecting Smacked out there. We need to be the voice for all
those!!!!!!!! We need to get Smacked!!!!!
I think we need a Love microscope to understand their behaviour this season. Because they have been as lovely with each other
as always. But also they have been apart (the OOC time at the beginning of S5) and back together (later S5)
I guess only it could be explained if they are living together (you know "adjustment time" to share a roof :D

can't keep her eyes of 'her' man, huh?:devil: Only thing that was missing was that she wouldn't keep her hands of him:devil: but then again it's glass walls and Adam was in the room, they need to be descreet

I just love how she flirted in front of him:drool: and Mac's "I don't need a back seat avatar":guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: and Adam's faces to Stella :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

I love everytime we have Mac-Stella-Adam In the same picture. It's special and as unique as we have Mac-Stella-Flack or Mac-Stella-Hawkes!
or Mac-Stella-Sid :D

I just wonder, what is he telling her, messuring someething with his hands?:devil:
"I swear you Stella, I am THAT good":lol:
But then his 7 foot tall brother walks up and the 11 year old is like 'She likes CSI: NY! And Mac and Stella!" And his bro was like "*uber-gasp* Really?!?!?!?" And I was like "oh yeah." I found out later that their whole family were NY lovers and SMacked shippers. I told them that there was great hope in the future because Stella was goin' to Greece and Mac was following her there. It was exciting.:)
Awwwwwww,it's a big PROOF many people who don't post in here are expecting Smacked out there. We need to be the voice for all
those!!!!!!!! We need to get Smacked!!!!!

until later

love y'all

Debbie :D
LMFAO! Sorry after reading Deb's points she is so funny. "I am that good" I love the second pic giovinazzo<3 posted so much! That picture shows they are more than just friends, they are full of happiness! I just can't wait for their dating relationship to be established, it will make their lives much better. They need something great, not she nit and fire nit BORRRING. Thus they can only satisfy each other, the end :) haha
Steph--->I think we need a Love microscope to understand their behaviour this season. Because they have been as lovely with each other
as always. But also they have been apart (the OOC time at the beginning of S5) and back together (later S5)
I guess only it could be explained if they are living together (you know "adjustment time" to share a roof :D
:lol: I guess you're right, we'll just put it down to them still adjusting to living together. ;) I'm actually really enjoying season 5, a lot more than I thought I would at the start, I'm really happy that we've had loads more great Smacked scenes towards the end of the season. I'm hoping that these will continue, and that their relationship will continue to develop more and more. :adore:
Hey Ya'll:D One test done, many to go:(:shifty:
originally posted by adorable_crazy
Thanks for all of the pics guys, hehe, I especially love the one from 'Down The Rabbit Hole' when Stella is check out his butt, hehe, just proves our point that she's not able to keep her eyes off of him. ;) I also love the one you posted Frida, hehe, I see it sent your mind to the gutter, :devil: but what else can see expect from such a pic... :lol:
Im not sure how I would react if she'd reach out and squeezed his butt:devil: *g* *goes down in the gutter* That one picture sent me down in the gutter when I thought about something:lol:
originally posted by Ghawazee
I just wonder, what is he telling her, messuring someething with his hands?:devil:
"I swear you Stella, I am THAT good":lol:
That one was good:lol::devil: But I had something else in mind (Suprised?:lol:) I was thinking more along these lines ''this big.'':devil:
originally posted by Ghawazee
I just love how she flirted in front of him:drool: and Mac's "I don't need a back seat avatar":guffaw::guffaw: and Adam's faces to Stella :guffaw::guffaw:
I absolutely looooove that scene:guffaw: Adam is soo cute when he asked Mac if he wanted to be a lady or man avatar:guffaw::lol: Never gonna forget that look he got from Mac:guffaw::guffaw: It's always cute to se one of the team members with MAc and Stella or all the team members together with them:)

#Gio (or Frida:p)
I've been reading you all, but I've had a couple of quite strange days and I'm still trying to come back to normal, so I haven't posted anything here.

Your captions are :guffaw:I just love them. The song says "I can't get my eyes off of you", but in Stella's case it's her hands. So right, Steph. And I bet Mac is genuinely pleased whenever she touches him. Come on, back in season 1 he was nearly emotionally dead and she was kinda like a robot, yet they both came back to life together and he let her of all people remove his tie.

Deb, I knew that would make you go ballistic. Just don't give him any credit. His views on Smacked weren't what bothered me most, to be honest. His words can be translated as
...when hell freezes. Don't get me wrong, but I prefer this to "yeah, I so promise you they'll be together forever real soon" and then, nothing happens and they sweep it all under the rug as if they'd never said anything about it before. Disappointment makes me angry. Plain rejection is way better, you can always be in denial forever and use fanfiction to ease the pain.
Hey Family!~ I'm kind of mad. I had this huge post and I lost it :(

Axel, they have such moony eyes! :adore: I love it when they are all shy in front of each other. Deb is right, you're not shy with your best friends, you're shy with someone else, someone you really care about in a different way.

I know that when I liked the guy who is now my ex-boyfriend, I acted really shy around him and I'm not a shy person. And Stella? Definitely not a shy person :adore:

Okay, so every Friday night (or almost every Friday night) I go to this ballroom dance center place. It is a ton of fun. Anyway, I was talking to this kid, he's like 11, great dancer, and some how we got on the topic of what tv shows we watch and I found out that his whole family watched CSI. Best of all, their fav was CSI: NY! And when he said that I almost melted. He then mentioned that he was glad that Danny and Lindsay were having a baby. And I was like, "yeah. Especially since they got married, i'm extra happy. But I'm more of a Mac and stella fan myself nowadays." and he almost started jumping around. He was like "Oh my gosh, I want them to get together soooooooooooooo bad! Their chemistry is like ... wow." And I'm standing there going "What do you know about chemistry:confused:?" But then his 7 foot tall brother walks up and the 11 year old is like 'She likes CSI: NY! And Mac and Stella!" And his bro was like "*uber-gasp* Really?!?!?!?" And I was like "oh yeah." I found out later that their whole family were NY lovers and SMacked shippers.

Vave, that is awesome :adore: My family's pretty big on CSI as well. We all sit and watch the episodes together. MT actually asked our mom one day if she thought Mac and Stella would make a good couple and she said she could see the chemistry :) My good friend I haven't seen in awhile is a huge CSI fan and she also likes SMACked :adore: Unfortunately, she doesn't have internet access so she can not join the family :(


Furthur proof that she can't keep her eyes and hands :devil: off of him. ;)

I love this picture :adore: This is from Communication Breakdown right?

I love everytime we have Mac-Stella-Adam In the same picture. It's special and as unique as we have Mac-Stella-Flack or Mac-Stella-Hawkes!
or Mac-Stella-Sid :D

I love these moments too :) I have to say my favourite this season is when Mac and Stella start talking about math and Flack says "Oh, you're going to speak Chinese now?" :adore: They were in their own little world there :adore: I actually drew Mac, Stella and Flack on a math handout I got the other day. Mac and Stella were smiling at each other and Stella said "I totally get this" and Flack was like "I don't get it."

I found my cellphone after losing it for months :) There's a recording on it from August 30th by MT. This is what it says:

"First there was Stella and Grissom. Nobody knew they would like each other but what do you get? Seasons later, THEY LIVE WITH EACH OTHER! Impliedness. It happened. Thank you...HipHuggers will happen. So will SMACked, so buh bye."

I know she was fooling around at the time, but the message has proved to be prophetic so far...HipHuggers DID happen. No matter what, I'm NOT deleting this message.


CSI Files: Will we see Stella's fireman boyfriend, Brendon Walsh (Ethan Erickson), again?
Lenkov: We love seeing those two together, but I'm not sure it's something we're going to spend much time developing. We have a lot of great ideas for Stella... we'll probably execute those first.
Deb, don't worry! I think that's Lenkov's way of saying that the Fireman's not working out. Besides, I'm interested in what these "great ideas for Stella" are that they are executing first :devil:
That picture shows they are more than just friends, they are full of happiness! I just can't wait for their dating relationship to be established, it will make their lives much better. They need something great, not she nit and fire nit BORRRING. Thus they can only satisfy each other, the end :) haha
epharistó, Mariii:bolian:and i really love that second picture. I wonder if Melina was trying to tell us something:eek: (i hope she knows how much we love her here :D

I'm actually really enjoying season 5, a lot more than I thought I would at the start, I'm really happy that we've had loads more great Smacked scenes towards the end of the season. I'm hoping that these will continue, and that their relationship will continue to develop more and more. :adore:
I agree. It's curious but almost at the beginning of this season i graded S5 at the bottom of my preferences. That's changed now with all the Smackedness around us:lol: and all the Smackedness ready to come to us soon:drool:

That one was good:lol:But I had something else in mind (Suprised?:lol:) I was thinking more along these lines ''this big.''
to find out if this is true we will need to see Stella's face after their first love scene:devil: Hopefully she will smiling as a Cheshire Cat:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Plain rejection is way better, you can always be in denial forever and use fanfiction to ease the pain
you know me quite well. "Rage from H*ll" do not described exactly what i felt when i read it. But certainly he is not the producer he got used to be: He was just GREAT in La Femme Nikita, as producer and as writer. I guess Hollywood changes People:(

I love these moments too :) I have to say my favourite this season is when Mac and Stella start talking about math and Flack says "Oh, you're going to speak Chinese now?" :adore: They were in their own little world there :adore: I actually drew Mac, Stella and Flack on a math handout I got the other day. Mac and Stella were smiling at each other and Stella said "I totally get this" and Flack was like "I don't get it."
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LOVED THAT SCENE! as many this season!!!!!!!!!!!:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool: C'mon nobody could compare to Mac in front of Stella's eyes and nobody could be compared to Stella in front of him:drool::drool::drool: I mean, where are they going to find more understanding on their mutual brillancy than in each other???????????

ps: BLESS MT!:bolian: If Smacked happens you will need to keep that message forever:lol:

Debbie :D

ps: Gals check the spoilers pics. Helenika is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!
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*dives in face first* I'm done! *waves papers in the air* Debbie, check your email... *hugs everyone* Oh, I've missed you guys so much!

Im not sure how I would react if she'd reach out and squeezed his butt:devil: *g* *goes down in the gutter*

*snickers* She would so do something like that... and say something saucy afterwards. I wonder how Mac would react to that... do you think he would try and get back at her? He should initiate something for once... I have a feeling that Stella would appreciate it.
Lori K, just take out the http:// because it was accidently put in twice. so copy from the word talk and then on. I can't wait to see how they work on the relationship, I want it to build gradually, not all at once. Well as we all can tell, it was all subtle but hopefully towards the end, we get more than that. I loved how Stella was like in 4.05 to Mac, "You have no game whatsoever" Mac was probably turned on how Stella talked to that avatar.
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