Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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check my avvie. It's May 13 th the DATE if CBS doesn't decide to reschedule again

I feel i am deprived of Mac and Stella moments!!!!! I need my Smacked fix!!!!!!!!

BTW this morning AXN aired that episode from S3 when Mac celebrates his birthday.
I have been thinking i want NORMAL moments for Mac and Stella (In S6 or in S52 is the same :D )

A birthday party
Jogging together
Mac prep breadfast
Mac leaving a rose on the pillow next to the love of his life:drool:
Stella doing some massage to the love of her life:drool:

You know "NORMAL" stuff. Wouldn't it be great????????

Debbie :D
Get your buckets ready guys I feel a hurl coming on....Someone suggested the D/L baby will be called CLAIRE!!!:scream:
I soo love that scene:lol:

Plenilunio ---> I love that scene too! I especially love the part about 30 seconds before this. What I want to know is what Mac and Stella were doing that needed him to remove his tie :devil:

I also love this scene, it was one of the first CSI NY I watched which is pretty good and also which sparked the smacked fan in me :)

Mac notes the beautiful view; a starry sky, beautiful landscpae, a water fountain off in the distance...

M: As crazy as it was, and I don't advise that you do it again, I;m glad I followed you here.:adore:

S: *smiles* I'm glad you did too. *leans head on shoulder*

Okay not the most original, but it'll work.:p

I love it, it's really good! sometimes simplicity is the best option! :thumbsup::adore:

Get your buckets ready guys I feel a hurl coming on....Someone suggested the D/L baby will be called CLAIRE!!!:scream:

hmmm, bucket used methinks... claire?? :wtf:
I haven't seen the episode yet, but don't you worry about spoiling me. I've already accepted the fact that I will not be able to watch it until the year 3945, which is @#$%€& highly inconvenient.

Vave & Jwells, cute, but I don't see it happening. Why? Because that's the typical thing you're perfectly capable of doing or saying when you are in love but that looks terribly cheesy from the outside. Fans would slay the writers if they dared write such a thing. Anyway, seen from the inside, it would be terribly cute. If that happened and I was in Stella's shoes, I'd melt.

Deb, ITA. I want to see them doing normal things that normal people do normally. The problem is tv show characters are a different species. They and their families are huge jinxes with no human needs such as eating or sleeping except for rare occasions </rant> Can you tell I'm kinda pissed off today?

From the moment I stopped hating Stella, I've been fantasizing with the idea of the two of them together having a casual walk through Central Park without any corpses or baddies in sight. *sigh* My mind is playing tricks on me. The moment I've imagined them walking holding hands, "Maybe this time" has started sounding.

Lori, thanks for the info. I don't wanna kill the messenger, so thanks *starts mumbling curse words in any language she knows under her breath*
Guys, discussion of D/L's baby does NOT belong in the Mac/Stella thread. This is for the discussion of the relationship between Mac and Stella ONLY. On that same note, please remember the three lines rule when posting.

Thank you.
Vave & Jwells, cute, but I don't see it happening. Why? Because that's the typical thing you're perfectly capable of doing or saying when you are in love but that looks terribly cheesy from the outside. Fans would slay the writers if they dared write such a thing. Anyway, seen from the inside, it would be terribly cute. If that happened and I was in Stella's shoes, I'd melt.

i think they are ready to handle fans' bad temper. We have been cursing them last 3 years because of certain storyline so they won't be scared.:lol:

Or probably they are only scared by fans's reaction when it comes to Smacked:rolleyes:

From the moment I stopped hating Stella, I've been fantasizing with the idea of the two of them together having a casual walk through Central Park without any corpses or baddies in sight. *sigh* My mind is playing tricks on me. The moment I've imagined them walking holding hands, "Maybe this time" has started sounding.
i want too simple moments :D A walking scene holding hands would be amazing :drool:. I want to see Mac smiling and being sexy with his girlfriend:drool: just stopping the walking to hug and kiss her:drool::drool::drool::drool:

C'mon it's not much to ask!:lol:

Debbie :D
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HAHAHAHAHA Deb! Yes that is not a nice word but anyways the TPTB deserved it. (For those who do not know it is a curse word but it is not PG-13 so it is not safe to translate it). But it is similar to moron.

Hm. I am not sure what to picture. Perhaps they will be walking down some beautiful scenery (angry that it is not Athens) and maybe Mac will be like

"After you left, I realized that I was missing a huge part of me. We are not only friends anymore Stella."

Yeah I'll get peeved if it is just Stella doing all the work in that episode, I want to see Mac loosen up. :)

Well then, oops didn't know that was considered Pg-13 as HellsBells pointed out, I was thinking of the more literal term.
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After you left, I realized that I was missing a huge part of me. We are not only friends anymore Stella."


I swear if something like this happen i will faint and you won't be able to wake me up until 6.01:lol:

And I agree with all my heart, we need Mac doing "the job" not only our Stella:drool:

She needs to know how much he loves her

I forgot to tell you something that happened in real life and that made remember Mac and Stella's relationship

Two adults in love who already had their previous and past relationships. They met and felt in love with each other. They started a relationship. They wanted to go to another place for the weekend. But their ship sank. It was a dark and cold night. Waves were violent because of the wind. They tried to stay together waiting for help. But she was in a very bad shape,she wasn't going to resist any longer so he decided to swim until to reach the coast and going for help. He gave her his life jacket. He made her promise "I will be waiting for you". And they didn't kiss on their lips. Only they shared a kiss in their cheeks. He swam 7 hours!!! just to save her. Meanwhile the rescue squad found her but they didn't know he was swimming back to the coast. They found her and the first thing she asked was "where is he". Finally he reached the coast and after 12 long hours they met again. Later she said that last kiss on his cheek was like a revelation and she felt all their lives was passing under that kiss. Today i found he had a cardiac arrest (but he is fine!!). Which could be caused by the effort.
And it made me remember Mac and Stella because in many ways explain why he is going to go to "Helenika" looking for her after saying to Don he never was going to leave US anymore.
he only will break his promise because he feel she is going to be in danger and he can't stand the idea of losing her. Mac would do ANYTHING to save her, even risking his job and his life to protect her

Is that real love or what?????????:p

Debbs ;)

ps: I am learning Malay thanks to a dear friend . Next time won't be that easy! :D

when she is not looking at him, he is lost in her :D


they only have eyes for each other :D
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*waves* Hey Ya'll:D
*off-topic* Im going to have a busy week next week, the same with the week after that, belive the rest of this month are going to be busy:rolleyes: I got 4 half years test, next week, and the week after that I have a few more half test:rolleyes: And then we start on Exams:shifty: it's not going to be a fun month or two:rolleyes: But I'll try to stop by everyday:D *on-topic*
originally posted by CSINYAddict
Giovinazzo<3 I loved that episode too, I am so surprised nothing happened in that episode like a kiss! Was the episode called the ride in?
Im happy we got a hug:D a hug is better than nothing:D but then again I wouldn't complain if we got a kiss:p the eppy that Stella told Mac about the HIV-scare, I think was the Ride-In, yes:) And you can call me Gio, it's shorter than giovinazzo<3:lol:
originally posted by Plenilunio
Gio, you're back from the gutter! You're a bad influence, you know? Or maybe I am the bad influence, since I keep coming up with dirty ideas. Dear writers, that's the problem with so much underused chemistry: crazy fangirls can (and will) exploit it! :devil:
Yes Im back from the gutter, I got to do some serious cleaning when I was down there:lol: *points to herself* Me bad influence, noo, well maybe:D:lol:
originally posted by Plenilunio
Thanks for the picture, it's lovely. I can't believe it was unscripted, it look so in character, so Stella. Melina is definitely Smacked :lol: She did a great job there. Now she can complete it in 5.24, pweety pliz? *puppy eyes*
Neither can I, when I watched the behind the scenes, (or something) and Melina said that it was unscripted, I almost fell of my chair:lol: Melina is a closet Smacked:lol:
origianlly posted by Ghawazee
i loved both episodes: the first one because Mac could have stayed with SHE but instead he preferred to work with his Stella despite he had his night off:thumbsup: and Yes, he noticed she was under such stress but he couldn't do anything until she was ready to talk to him.
Now i have this doubt: how is Mac going to find out she lied?
Will be her confession or because his own work in the case?:eek:
You kinda had me lost when you said that with the SHE:lol: but a light went up when you mention working with Stella instead:lol: Yeh I remember that, he came to work with the SHE, (I laughed at Danny, he's soo cute when he asked if he was the last one to know:D) but ended up working with Stella instead of staying and working at the same crime scene as SHE:D Yeh that's true, I think Mac noticed something was wrong with her,but he also noticed that she wasn't ready to talk just yet, better to wait to the other person is ready to speak than pushing the person to speak when she/he isn't ready..
Im curious to about how Mac will react when he finds out that Stella lied to him..
originally posted by Axelsonfire
I love that scene too! I especially love the part about 30 seconds before this. What I want to know is what Mac and Stella were doing that needed him to remove his tie :devil:
Now was that really necessary Axel?:lol: *walks down in the gutter*:devil::lol: Im suppose to be working on the preparing to the norwegian half year test (Im working really hard you know:guffaw:) I don't think I can focus now:lol: I have a few thoughts about why he would have to need to remove his tie:devil:
originally posted by Ghawazee
Two adults in love who already had their previous and past relationships. They met and felt in love with each other. They started a relationship. They wanted to go to another place for the weekend. But their ship sank. It was a dark and cold night. Waves were violent because of the wind. They tried to stay together waiting for help. But she was in a very bad shape,she wasn't going to resist any longer so he decided to swim until to reach the coast and going for help. He gave her his life jacket. He made her promise "I will be waiting for you". And they didn't kiss on their lips. Only they shared a kiss in their cheeks. He swam 7 hours!!! just to save her. Meanwhile the rescue squad found her but they didn't know he was swimming back to the coast. They found her and the first thing she asked was "where is he". Finally he reached the coast and after 12 long hours they met again. Later she said that last kiss on his cheek was like a revelation and she felt all their lives was passing under that kiss. Today i found he had a cardiac arrest (but he is fine!!). Which could be caused by the effort.
And it made me remember Mac and Stella because in many ways explain why he is going to go to "Helenika" looking for her after saying to Don he never was going to leave US anymore.
he only will break his promise because he feel she is going to be in danger and he can't stand the idea of losing her. Mac would do ANYTHING to save her, even risking his job and his life to protect her

Is that real love or what?????????:p
It's real love alright:D Aww it's a sweet thing, when a person finds the right person, and it's love, it's just bonded to be a sweet thing:)
originally posted by Ghawazee
when she is not looking at him, he is lost in her :D

Ha we have proof that he's looking at her when she's looking an another way:D

I think Stella enjoyed the whole part when Lindsay came in and started the testing with the tie, just look at her:lol:
i think they are ready to handle fans' bad temper. We have been cursing them last 3 years because of certain storyline so they won't be scared.:lol:

Or probably they are only scared by fans's reaction when it comes to Smacked:rolleyes:
Bad temper? Not me! I am such a sweet, grateful thing. I'm like Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson from "The Closer", all thanks-you's while she's screwing you up and probably thinking "just go to hell already".
There should be no problem if they finally make Mac and Stella take the plunge. As I'll always say, I don't expect something huge. I don't even want it if it means they'll stop being themselves and turn into Smacked-MarySues.

i want too simple moments :D A walking scene holding hands would be amazing :drool:. I want to see Mac smiling and being sexy with his girlfriend:drool: just stopping the walking to hug and kiss her:drool::drool::drool::drool:
Apparently it is. I'd love to see Mac being all shy, cute and hugable (yeah, I made that word up, you got a problem with it?). Heck, I wanna see him look at Stella and blush for no reason at all when their eyes meet. </corny>

Hm. I am not sure what to picture. Perhaps they will be walking down some beautiful scenery (angry that it is not Athens) and maybe Mac will be like

"After you left, I realized that I was missing a huge part of me. We are not only friends anymore Stella."
ZOMGF! :eek: You killed me there! For an instant it reminded me of "Closer" (the movie, not the tv show), when Alice goes "I don't love you anymore. Goodbye." Actually, I'd like to see Stella's eyes nearly pop out from her skull for a second until she realizes Mac means exactly the opposite. Then, they could hug or simply keep walking and hold hands while they share a smile. Plastic Greece works for me if it means they take the next step.

Gio, when Mac realizes Stella's game, you'd better hide in the gutter, where the struggle can't reach you.

By the way, we should post a pic of that moment of "Down the Rabbit Whole" when he's using Second Life while standing and she's checking him out. I love that moment! :lol:
Hey Family!~

After you left, I realized that I was missing a huge part of me. We are not only friends anymore Stella."

I swear if something like this happen i will faint and you won't be able to wake me up until 6.01:lol:

I'll be with you on the ground :lol::lol: I'm serious that would be the best thing EVER!

The Taurus horoscope yesterday (Yeah, Vave, you got me looking at horoscopes) said this:

Time spent with loved ones will become valued memories for years to come. End disputes between siblings. Artistic talents may surface. Family secrets emerge and an unexpected gift may arrive.

Anyone else squealing??? :):) The first and last lines of that...:luvlove:


Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you ready for Spoiler Pics?????

Just tell me YESSSSSS and i will show you

I have been in "spoiler hunting" today. Not successful...well not too successful :D

Are you READY???????????


Take breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one i've never seen it before

5.23 God bless Belgium! :D


Regarding this episode i had seen only Mac's scenes. However this one is new for me. The best: inside teh CBS site is written:
Yahrzeit"-- An investigation takes an emotional turn when Det. Mac Taylor (Gary Sinise) must confront one of the greatest tragedies in human history - the Holocaust, on CSI: NY Wednesday, April 29
An investigation takes an emotional turn when Det. Stella Bonasera (Melina Kanakaredes) and the CSI's must confront one of the greatest tragedies in human history - the Holocaust

Definitelly it sounds VERY Smacked, doesn't it?:drool:

And the strawberry to our Smacked cake!!!!!!!!!

Please ladies, take a seat!
*Think twice before faint!!!!!!

5.24 (YEP! HELENIKA! And It's Melina not Stella but i love them both so it doesn't matter:lol:

And this is the text!

'Grounds for Deception' -- When Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) discovers that New Yorkers are still being murdered over ancient Greek artifacts, she surrenders her badge and follows a clue trail that leads to Greece¿and together, she and Mac uncover one of the greatest mysteries in history in "CSI:NY." This episode was written by Melina Kanakaredes. CBS/Cliff Lipson /Landov

Thank you Melina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bolian::bolian::bolian:

enjoy! (later i will answer. Family has been quiet today;)

Debbie :D
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I love the spoiler pics...jumps up and down like a child :lol:

You made my night. Thank you....I'll send you some cookies if you'd like :)

I must say that I was a little disappointed in this weeks episode. I found myself looking at Stella's blouse to see what color she was wearing, who was it it that said that Stella & Mac have moments every time she wears green. :lol:

It probably didn't help that I was thoroughly confused by the case either. My shipper heart was happy when they worked together, but sadly nothing that made me go over the top. I just hope the next episode (which is sadly a week and a half away :scream:) will make up for it.
I think Mac noticed something was wrong with her,but he also noticed that she wasn't ready to talk just yet, better to wait to the other person is ready to speak than pushing the person to speak when she/he isn't ready..
i think you know Stella so well. Definitely she can't be pushed to talk. All must be natural with her :D And Mac knows her a lot too and he kept her safe in his arms:drool:
I have a few thoughts about why he would have to need to remove his tie:devil:

I wish you were part of TPTB. I know you would give us the kind of scene we want:devil:

All the best sweetie on your examns. Come back soon. We know without you we won't able to go into the gutter! :lol:. Apart the night of May 13. THAT night is special for all of us!

Pleni--> For god's sake:guffaw::guffaw:
Bad temper? Not me! I am such a sweet, grateful thing. I'm like Deputy Chief Brenda Johnson from "The Closer", all thanks-you's while she's screwing you up and probably thinking "just go to hell already".
There should be no problem if they finally make Mac and Stella take the plunge. As I'll always say, I don't expect something huge. I don't even want it if it means they'll stop being themselves and turn into Smacked-MarySues
I don't know why but i find hilarious imagining Mac as a Mary Sue:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I want something and i want everything. But i know i won't get it:shifty: However i will never give up on my dreams!
Apparently it is. I'd love to see Mac being all shy, cute and hugable (yeah, I made that word up, you got a problem with it?). Heck, I wanna see him look at Stella and blush for no reason at all when their eyes meet. </corny>
corny and everything you will faint and jump of joy if some day we get one of these:drool: a simple moment with a normal situation could be adorable for everyone and not just for us ;)
By the way, we should post a pic of that moment of "Down the Rabbit Whole" when he's using Second Life while standing and she's checking him out. I love that moment!
i will post it as fast i can tomorrow dear:bolian:

I'll be with you on the ground :lol::lol: I'm serious that would be the best thing EVER!
i think we will hear many "THUDS" that night if we are lucky enough:bolian:

Time spent with loved ones will become valued memories for years to come. End disputes between siblings. Artistic talents may surface. Family secrets emerge and an unexpected gift may arrive
You must be kidding me!:eek::eek::eek:Is this horoscope for real??????? It sounds VERY 5.24!:eek::eek::eek:

Tex---> send me cookies! send me cookies! send me cookies! (i am a spoiled brat:lol:)you're welcome! and yes, i couldn't watch the episode:( but it didn't sound Smacked. I must confess i am feeling unquiet because we don't have a Smacked scenes since 5.18. It's too much:(
And we still need to wait more than a week and half to have a new episode. Did i mention 25 days until 5.24?;)

many hugs

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