Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

4/ Now I'll say in their apartment (or her/his apartment) after being in danger. Like Stella being in danger and Mac want to saw how she is because he scare and worry for her.
I'm really expecting this is going to come out like Harm/Mac from JAG. There was one episode of JAG when Mac went all the way down to Paraguay on a secret mission, along with a male character named Webb, and they disappeared, and Harm was so worried that he went down to Paraguay risking hos job and his life for no other excuse than finding Mac. When he got there and finally found her, their converstation implied clearly that they knew Harm went there just to save Mac because he loved her, despite the fact that she was dating another man at the time, and that they never said "I love you" or even kiss (except under the mistletoe...). But there was all this UST, which was undeniable, and it was a great way to please the viewers without making things cheesy and cathastrophic. But of course this was written by D. Belisario. CSI writers haven't been very good in wrinting in romances so far... anyways, I wish the writers did the same to Mac/Stella. 5x24 is a great opportunity to bend their storyline a little to the romantic side, making it clear they love each other, they cannot be without each other, one would die for the other, but without any exagerations of the cheesy romance kind... (please, please not another D/L)
God, please, no! No more UST. We've had that for five seasons. TPTB, we get it: they are in love. Personally, I've had enough. I'm tired of seeing them look into each other's eyes with an "I sooo wuvs youuuuu!" expression and having Stella kiss his cheek or caress his arm every thousand episodes. I want something more, I think UST is extremely overused in every single TV show. The writers always resort to this cliché formula and I find it annoying when it becomes nothing but routine.
God, please, no! No more UST. We've had that for five seasons. TPTB, we get it: they are in love.

LOL Pleni. :) You're really eager for a smacked conclusion.
We know they are in love, they already look like a married couple actually, etc, but their "UST" is far more friendly and platonic UST than sexual itself, to be literal. I meant I want scenes where it looks literally like they wanna make out but they're holding it (because right now, it's more like they wanna say things to each other but they're holding it). What we have now is rather a case of unsolved emotional tension than unsolved sexual tension. I think before any kiss we should go from emotional to sexual. :drool::drool::drool: And then yeah, the kiss. Otherwise it could end up cheesy like D/L.

Definitely. I'm hungering for it. I'm tired of setting my eye on couples not meant to be. I want at least one of them to become true and, unlike many others, this one looks so promising! I completely understand what you mean and you do have a point there, but this getting excruciatingly sloooow... Paraphrasing Edward Cullen, "I want it, I need it. Right now." It wouldn't take much to write about them gawking at each other with moony eyes. Gary and Melina are great actors, they would effortlessly convey that "you, me and my bed" with their eyes. *sigh* As I said, I've come to terms with the fact that nothing is going to happen. Ever. I wish the next episodes acted as a catalyst, but I honestly don't see anything happening.

Happy Plen has run out of happy :(
Hey Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what can i say about you? You are UNIQUE! And i loved you have participated because as a family we are all responsible for taking this thread TO THE MOON BABY!!!!! :D
Tomorrow, once the hospital is over, i'll try to post results. May i ask you why are you so crazy':lol:

well, time to talk


Deb, why, yes, I am very dark right now. They've got us waiting for five seasons and won't mind having us wait for five more. They're soulless monsters.
In an alarming way i have seen how the name "Stella" is connected to the "dead body" we are going to have on the final episode. I CAN'T believe they have chosen Melina's character toake her dissapear. I CAN'T believe they are so HORRID (The sweetest word so far to describe them) they are CAPABLE of killing Stella. A wonderful character quite underused (considering she is the main female character) until S5. I CAN'T believe they are so DUMB
they don't care about us as fans. Not even mention this ship never developed in detriment of some fiasco
I wonder why they would choose Stella. But the answer is so far of my little understanding:( probably it's the distance.:(

God, please, no! No more UST. We've had that for five seasons. TPTB, we get it: they are in love. Personally, I've had enough. I'm tired of seeing them look into each other's eyes with an "I sooo wuvs youuuuu!" expression and having Stella kiss his cheek or caress his arm every thousand episodes
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: i love you, simply i love you. You change completely my mood. I want the kiss NOW too. If we wait any longer it will be unrealistic

Rach---> I watched JAG too for those 10 years:eek: But i admit i wanted to kick my screen every time Harm chickened out:lol:Yes, he went to Paraguay but not even there he was capable of saying why he did it:scream:
Only in the last episode after 9 years of dancing around each other! completely unrealistic:scream:

But of course this was written by D. Belisario. CSI writers haven't been very good in wrinting in romances so far...
he was excellent writing Mac's feelings for him and even Harm, the chicken but he was horrid for all things he planned for Mac and Harm. He planned killing Harm as a way of preassuring David to sign a new contract (actually he was going to die in Paraguay). And he made Mac a barren woman:( i can't forgive that! And later they have planned to put them apart (because there was another show with Mac as the main character). So yes, he was the executive producer, he had the power but it doesn't help to make me see him under a better light. Not even despite of we had his son as an Insider Production in the Yahoo mailing list. We only knew he was David Belisario after the last chapter was aired. I guess i have developed a kind of allergy towards Insider Productions ever since:wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:

But i guess if we want Stella showing freely her feelings for Mac we need some Donald's influence:lol:

love ya all

Hey guys! The mperformances were phenomenal! I'll post a few pics but later.

Yes. The writers need to go the Jag way. The JAG way worked! They shared quite a few kisses without going all mushy. the H/M was amazing. You had JAG filled dreams! That is how we need M/S and to go! They need to share a kiss whether by accident or on purpose, I don't cvare. We need to lock them in a room and have them watch Australia. Foxtrot anyone?:devil::devil::devil:
Deb, don't you worry, honey *huggles her*
I honestly don't think she's the one to go, not only because Melina looks genuinely happy and her role in the movie isn't so big, or that's what it seems, but also because Stella is such an important character. If we didn't know the Greek coin thing is supposed to be solved in 5.24, I would be biting my nails although I actually quit doing it years ago. The coin storyline is going to be solved with Mac and Stella in Greece, probably facing many dangers and having that "special bonding". Those two words are making me smirk right now. Hello? They have a special bonding already! Neverending subtleties with nothing else to fall back on are corny, boring and overused. Give us something more!
Also, if they fly back to New York safe and sound, it would be ridiculous and ridiculously lame to put them in danger when they have barely set a foot on the Big Apple.
Last but not least: Melina's contract ends after season 6. If she wanted out, why would she quit right here and right now when she could wait for one more year, then leave peacefully? Anyway, I don't want her to leave, not after season 6, not after season 258.

Vave, please do! We want piccies! :D

I would only be willing to accept a part of the "JAG formula" (heh, I'm talking like it depended on me... :rolleyes:). We can have them as a couple, knowing for sure they are together, yet without constant kisses, I love you's and all that cheesy stuff. They would be working as usual and maybe, see each other in a corridor and say "Do you have much left to do? How about going to that cute restaurant again afterwards? Page me when you're done", then continue working. Also, they could be dozing on their bed after making love, then receive a call to go to some crime scene and we'd have your average CSI:NY case with no further mention to Mac and Stella being a couple. I'm not asking for that much, am I?
Lori, I understand what she means.

Deb is concerned about Stella being the one to die. She was apparently safe, but all of a sudden we learn that Melina is going to play Athena in a movie, which makes us wonder if she'll leave the show for good. I honestly don't think so, although at first I panicked, but I thought things through and drew the conclusion that Stella won't die... I guess. It doesn't mean we'll get some real Smacked, though, which made me call TPTB "soulless monsters". Probably Deb misread me and thought I was implying Stella dies.

Baby, right now I need some of your wonderful support. Tell me they'll be together forever and nothing will come between them ;) As I always keep saying, I don't want anything huge that stands out and completely nullifies them as independent characters, but something smaller, yet more meaningful. They are friends, best friends, arguably soulmates, a match made in heaven an partners fighting crime... can't they officially become a couple?
Originallly posted by Pleni : Gio, that's exactly my point. I don't want them kissing all the time or saying cheesy things. They have a job to do and they are great at it. Plus, they are both grown-ups who can get a grip on themselves. If TPTB are kind enough to make them be officially together, I'm sure it won't affect their cases.
As I've said months ago, there would be so many potential storylines if Mac and Stella officially paired up. I agreed with all your points. They are professionals. There would be happinesses and conflicts when balancing private lives with works. No matter what happens, good or bad, it would enrich the show instead of ruin it. All the subtle hints and stallings are the tptb doing in the past few seasons only caused the fans losing their patience.
Hey guys! The mperformances were phenomenal! I'll post a few pics but later.

Yay! I knew you'd go well! Can't wait to see pics!

Yes. The writers need to go the Jag way. The JAG way worked! They shared quite a few kisses without going all mushy. the H/M was amazing. You had JAG filled dreams! That is how we need M/S and to go! They need to share a kiss whether by accident or on purpose, I don't cvare. We need to lock them in a room and have them watch Australia. Foxtrot anyone?:devil::devil::devil:

:eek: OMG I LOVE THE FOXTROT SCENE! It's so true lol. And then they kiss and then Nullah asked them if they're gonna do "wrong side business" lmao. Mac and Stell need to go like that. Except without Nullah's interruption :thumbsup:

First of all, you can call me Jenn :) And secondly, I agree with everything you said. After hearing everyone's opinions I have no idea how she's gonna react to everything. What you said makes sense, that they fight in NY when he finds out what she's doing, but I still feel like she'll be furious in Greece when he arrives. It's obvious that there'll be some kind of argument once he realises what she's up to, just because he'd be so worried. And the fact that she kept such a big secret from him will make him angry as well. And I think if she gets angry in Greece when he arrives, that anger will be a combination of her desire to protect him and keep him out of it, and her irritation that he won't just let her do what she wants.
Hey everyone;)
Debbie: You rock, thanks for the questionnaire and sorry for being so late to fill it in.

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

definitely season 6. season 5 would be kinda too soon and nothing special, plus Season 5 is the D/L season so yeah....season 6!

2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

I'm not sure about this....Greek Weeding would be freaking cute and stuff, but I would looooove to see them go to Mexico at the beach:drool:

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?

e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session
C-Quinn- wohoo bring the redhead back:lol:

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

a or b. As I think in C it would make it look rushed and so not Mac and Stella :lol: or....*keeps her thougts to herself*

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:
I'd go for Gary and his Lt. Band :lol:

kikii & Pleni: I totally agree with you two. If TPTB would be ever kind enough to make Mac & Stel officially a couple, they have to drop all those cheesy things that make you throw up after 2 seasons:lol:, Plus Mac and Stella are so much more than the average TV couple...I think I've said that before, but they're co-workers, best friends (!),lovers (of course:devil:) and each other's save go for it TPTB...pleeeeeease:p

When I read all the spoilers I was so freaking out about it 'cause I also thought it might be Stella who TPTB are going to kill in the finale. BUT I don't think ot at least I hope that they aren't this stupid and make her go. Plus now I know that Melina's contracts last until the ending of season 6.Thanks to Pleni;)
All of these spoilers are making me worry... I really hope that TPTB won't be mean enough to kill Stella off, but if it makes you feel better, in an interview with AJ, he said that not even the cast know who it's going to be yet... However, even if they do know, I doubt it'll be Stella, I mean she's one of the key cast members and she's never *well not that I know of anyways* spoke of wanting to leave or being tired of the show... I'm going to keep optomistic... I don't think they'd have Mac follow her all the way to Greece for her to be killed off... Well I certainly hope not anyways... I'm still holding out hope for some kind of adorable scene between them in the finale. :D

Stay strong guys. :D *Hugs you all.*

P.S. I see things getting a little off topic, can we please try and stay on the topic of Mac/Stella please... Thank you.
Deb, don't you worry, honey *huggles her*
I honestly don't think she's the one to go, not only because Melina looks genuinely happy and her role in the movie isn't so big, or that's what it seems, but also because Stella is such an important character. If we didn't know the Greek coin thing is supposed to be solved in 5.24, I would be biting my nails although I actually quit doing it years ago. The coin storyline is going to be solved with Mac and Stella in Greece, probably facing many dangers and having that "special bonding". Those two words are making me smirk right now. Hello? They have a special bonding already! Neverending subtleties with nothing else to fall back on are corny, boring and overused. Give us something more!
Also, if they fly back to New York safe and sound, it would be ridiculous and ridiculously lame to put them in danger when they have barely set a foot on the Big Apple.
Last but not least: Melina's contract ends after season 6. If she wanted out, why would she quit right here and right now when she could wait for one more year, then leave peacefully? Anyway, I don't want her to leave, not after season 6, not after season 258.

I don't think she's going anywhere either. I was worried when I learned Melina would be taking a role in a film, but I'm sure that is just something she's doing over the summer. The main cast of NY do a heck of a lot in and around filming the show -and I think Carmine, Eddie and Hill and A.J. have done film roles while still being part of NY. Plus, Melina's contracted till at least after s6, and she always seems very positive and happy to be on the show. I also agree with Pleni that it would just be lame to have Mac and Stella in danger again so soon after Greece. I think we will see them going after the killers.

First of all, you can call me Jenn :) And secondly, I agree with everything you said. After hearing everyone's opinions I have no idea how she's gonna react to everything. What you said makes sense, that they fight in NY when he finds out what she's doing, but I still feel like she'll be furious in Greece when he arrives. It's obvious that there'll be some kind of argument once he realises what she's up to, just because he'd be so worried. And the fact that she kept such a big secret from him will make him angry as well. And I think if she gets angry in Greece when he arrives, that anger will be a combination of her desire to protect him and keep him out of it, and her irritation that he won't just let her do what she wants.

Hi, Jenn! *waves*
If she is angry, it would be interesting to see how he responds. I can see Stella being mad because she thinks Mac has come to stop her doing what she wants, and him being hurt/mad because he just came to offer his support, but also because he knows that if she does what she wants, she could end up losing her job, and not even he will be able to protect her. Or she could get killed. So what do you think would happen with them, after Stella's initial anger at him for showing up? Would Mac stay, no matter how hard she tried to push him away? Or would he be hurt and start to leave, and she would stop him?
I can see Stella being mad though, and Mac being mad/frustrated at her for trying to 'go it alone'....again. Some really nice bonding moments could come out of that - as both admit how much they care for each other.
We should get some nice moments between them, either way.

About Mac and Stella kissing, and their relationship...I like everyone's points, though I think I lean more towards Pleni and kiki's POV - I certainly don't want anything cheesy like lots of kissing and I love yous in the lab. I think they would just get on with their jobs and solving cases and supporting each other and fighting, but there'd be a different meaning to it. To quote kiki 'happiness and conflicts when balancing private life with work'. I love your idea Pleni of them passing in the corridor and arranging to go for dinner after work, or dozing in bed together and being called to a scene.
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