Mac <3 Stella #15 - 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

Mac <3 Stella #15 -

  • 'Cause No-one Can Stand In Their Way.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause It's Time.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause She's The Yin To His Yang.

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • 'Cause New York Wouldn't Be The Same Without Them.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause You Can't Ignore The Signs.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Universal Ship.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 'Cause It's Her Destiny To Meet Someone Good.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This Is How The Show Ends.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause No Fireman Can Extinguish Their Burning Love!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause You Can't Fake Chemistry Like That!

    Votes: 4 17.4%

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Hey Guys! Sorry I haven't been writing in a while (School is blah). Anyways, I am glad to know we all think that when Mac finds out about what Stella is hiding, he will not be so mad. Maybe he will be upset, but common! He loves Stella anyways, why would he take the diakos case and say he's doing it for her. ;) I am loving it. Shopping_luva91 is right though when saying they won't do over the top romantic stuff because of the other love storylines. Perhaps the next season is the magical one.
Hey Familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Uh Uh:eek: we had a little revolution inside the Smacked Household:eek: I can see we are NOT too normal. Cool:lol:

Would you like to complete this questionnaire??? It's a Smacked Questionnaire. I want to measure the level of our insanity here:lol:

Please answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:

Angel---> (we have a tendency here of shorten up names;)) yes, he will go "there" . YES! yes! Yes!:lol:
It certainly convinces me they are living together!
i hope if they are really living together as i *feel* we will discover they are when she leaves to Greece. I mean, i can imagine he will go back home and he will discover Stella's letter (yeah, very much like P.) but this time he WILL GO after her:drool:
I hope he does say something to at least SOMEBODY about why he's going to Greece. If he just ups and leaves, I'll be really upset. I'm also really excited to see how everything plays out in Greece....I wonder what Stellas gonna do when Mac shows up.
I wonder that too:drool: also i am wondering what "bonding moments" really mean:confused: If Flack finds out he will know it is because he needs Stella but i bet who will be Mac's confessor it's SID!!!!!!!!! OH! will Adam find out Stella quit???
It will be like the best episode ever, when Mc travels after Stella to Greece, I mean THAT is a sign of affection, isn't it?
It is:drool:. I just want the explanation he will give her for being there
:lol:I am so proud of you Heather--->
First, he knew exactly what she was saying in Greek when the eyeball fell in her coffee. All he did was look away and laugh some. He knew what she was saying because he lives with her.
It's true he laughed and Mac knows his Stella so well that he asked Flack"Is Stella giving you a hard time?:lol:
Looks like season 5 has actually been a lot better for Smacked then we first thought. :D I think I'll get to watch the latest ep tonight, it sounds like a great one, all the talk about babies makes me most excited, hehe, I hope Mac can take a hint. ;)
i am surprised too. We were upset at the beginnig and our understanding was cloudy because we found OOC behaviours from them. Once they are back to normal (like now) we enjoy every single detail even if the episode it's not completely Smacked;)º

Judge Lori--->
HERE! YE! HERE! YE! Judge LORI K. now presidng... Case number TRULUV524 now in session. After my findings I have come to the conclusion that said party Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasara are indeed "Roommates".
Insanity is highly contagious Your Honor :lol:
That said, it is in the best interest of the court to pronounce them an offical couple.
I guess whatever happens there in "Helenika" is going to be good if TPTB don't want to be part of witchcraf rituals.I think Anjella and Gio kept those dolls somewhere:lol:
She did not seem very interested in the guy even on the date, when Mac called she was more focused on Mac than anything.
Absolutely YESSSS. She had her cell phone just waiting for Mac's call. If he was her date, why did she want so hard to talk to Mac and she was so shy when she was looking for firenit's clothes:p

Giooooooooo, Zombieeeeeee where are you? Tofu is spoiling the whole Smacked Family with her story :D
I just watched 'Help' - love how Stella was being Mac's voice of reason after he reprimanded Hawkes. She is always the one to make him see the light, and calm down. Love when Sid asked if they had plans, and they went to the subway together, Mac looked so happy to be with Stella (I'm sure he was happy to spend time with Sid, too, but only Stella makes him light up like that:)) and the way she looked at him when he wasn't looking.
Help is one of the best episodes of the season. Not only because we had Hawkes in love but the last scene was so tender! like that one at the end of 4.04. And Stella looked at him in a way made me melt. It's toooooooooo obvious her feelings for him

and i think it should be one of the main reason Stella decides to hand her badget to Mac because he will tell her she put him in a very difficult position. So, to avoid more problems to him she decied to quit. If that's not love i don't know what else could be

Doppelllllllllllllllllllllllll and Rach---> you will be convinced! we can't allow you don't believe.
I mean in case they were living togheter Stella would never have dated the fire-nit, and Mac would never have the need to wait a month to tell Stella about Ella (that's what they were talking about when the eyeball fell into Stella's coffee.)
if you analyze carefully you will notice the whole storyline of the firebug is completely OOC. Probably in the original storyline for Stella, she had the affair with him but we know for some reason TPTB changed that:confused: They still had the original spoilers of "Stella getting a new love interest" so i guess (I don't know for certain) they decided to keep the guy in that episode because it wouldn't affect the ongoing storyline. Stella was totally OOC there, almost childish (and I'm one of her biggest fans). In 5.16 she was back to normal. He told her about Ella a month later because he was caring once with Ella and it was over for him but Ella asked him to visit him so he had to tell Stella, whether he likes the idea or not. She mentioned it was a month ago and he said it was a crazy night because it was the same night Stella had to stay in a night shift.

We're gonna be given subtle hints here and there because they don't want us to completely lose interest, but I don't think they'll ever kiss on screen except when Stella kisses his cheek once in a blue moon. I've accepted everyone has the right to get their share but us and it's not ok, but life sucks and then you die, so...
your dark thoughts are really dark, aren't they?:lol: I prefer to think TPTB will wake up to give us something for the same time in almost 6 years
We have had wonderful scene on past seasons but we need the next level!
I don't want a kiss during 24. Because we have not flirt scene again
we still have all episodes until 5.24 to get that scene. Don't loose your faith:p

Thanks a bunch Ghawazee! it feels good to be back in the insanity of Smacked goodness! so our OTP are flying off into the sunset to the land of SMEX!! XD
Call me Debbie. And thanks, dear!:bolian: Hopefully we will good into SMEX soon (we need Smacked first them they can have all the SMEX they want:lol:

I truly think anger is going to be her first response when he arrives.
you point is very interesting because it's really totally different to what i have read until now. I think she will be "Pissy Stella" back in US when she quits. But she will be totally surprised when she sees Mac in Greece. OMG! That will take her breath away!!!!!!!

He loves Stella anyways, why would he take the diakos case and say he's doing it for her. ;)
i swear you his statement made me melt. I cried out loud "HE IS IN LOVE WITH HER!!!!!!!!" It will be very interesting to know their reactions when he finds out and when she finds out he found out :D

present for all of you. Heart stopping pics

She is so beautiful


And he is...


many hugs

Debbie :D
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Hey Familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Uh Uh:eek: we had a little revolution inside the Smacked Household:eek: I can see we are NOT too normal. Cool:lol:

Would you like to complete this questionnaire??? It's a Smacked Questionnaire. I want to measure the level of our insanity here:lol:

Please answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:

YBNormal, its no fun. Be different. My best friend calls me a CSI Freak....I love her because she knows me so well. :guffaw:

Debbie, my dear. You are all kinds of awesome. I will take your questionnaire...

1. I would love to see a kiss at the end of this season with many, many more to follow for the rest of the seasons :devil:

2. Far be it from me to be the traditionalist, even though I would love a big wedding when I find Mr. Right, I can see Mac & Stella getting married on the beach somewhere, doesn't have to be Mexico but a gorgeous beach wedding seems suitable for me.

3. I'll take a-d for the nemesis. I think that Claire should be a helping hand in bringing the two together (even though we all know they are perfect for each other)

4. The obvious answer is B....all the way baby :lol:

5. We can get the Lt. Dan Band on the show to play for them and Mac can play a solo for her. That would be all kinds of awesome. :lol: :thumbsup:
Awwwwwwww Tex!!!!

5. We can get the Lt. Dan Band on the show to play for them and Mac can play a solo for her. That would be all kinds of awesome. :lol: :thumbsup:

It's not a bad idea AT ALL. Hugh Laurie composed for his show "Cuddy's serenade" and it was the sweetest thing i ever heard after Michael and Nikita's love theme :D

Does Gary compose too? It would be so perfect!!!!! to have actors' talents showed on the show!!!!! :D
One thing i have been thinking is IF they become Canon in "Helenika" ;) Mac and Stella will need a love theme of their own. Billy Brown could compose it or Sean Callery. Sean is an awesome too!!!!!!

Many hugs Tex

Debbie :D
Hey Familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Uh Uh:eek: we had a little revolution inside the Smacked Household:eek: I can see we are NOT too normal. Cool:lol:

Would you like to complete this questionnaire??? It's a Smacked Questionnaire. I want to measure the level of our insanity here:lol:

Please answer this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:

I truly think anger is going to be her first response when he arrives.
you point is very interesting because it's really totally different to what i have read until now. I think she will be "Pissy Stella" back in US when she quits. But she will be totally surprised when she sees Mac in Greece. OMG! That will take her breath away!!!!!!!

Wow. Lol. okay. The questionnaire.

1) Season 6. Before you all scream at me, I'm saying that because I think we need time to build up into this. I know it's already been ages, but if they move into this too quickly then it will end. If it all goes slow, then we have a better chance of it staying permanent. Besides, the longer we wait, the sweeter the victory!

2) Beach wedding! Not Mexico though. In Australia. :cool::lol: And you can all come stay at my house and we'll be witnesses. *nods* Yep. :thumbsup:

3) Quinn or Jordan. Because I think Peyton is over (even if she comes back I don't think they'll try that again), Ella is unstable, and I think Claire should help them and be a positive force, like somebody said earlier (sorry i forget who)

4) All of the above.

5) Mac. But I don't think he should sing. He could write it, and then just play bass like usual. But have Stell sitting there knowing it was written for her. *nods* Yep.

Okay and as for what you said Debbie,

I don't know why, but I don't see her handing in her badge as anger. I see it as more of a defeat type thing. Like he left her no other option. I agree with what you're saying about how handing in her badge seems like anger, and then later she'd be relieved to see him. But for some reason in my head, I picture it that Stell hands in her badge, gives him a sad smile and one of those looks that says it all, and then leaves. Then when he finds her in Greece she gets angry. Either situation seems completely possible I think. That's one of the reasons why we love Stella - you can never predict what's going to happen!
Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6
answer B!
I'm not ready for a kiss now and I think it would be a little over the top reckon all the other relationships in NY right now.
2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico
answer c! That's so romantic!

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session
answer E, but I don't see her as a nemesis, but someone to bring stella closer to mac!

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger
answer A!

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:
carmine has a band?
I'd go for B!
You're the soul of this thread, you know that? :) Always keeping it alive whenever we getting quieter and quieter. Here's my answers to your questionnaire.

1) A cliffhanger with Mac's lips hovering over Stella's that torture us through out the summer to wonder whether he's gonna kiss her. :devil: Then he kisses her at the very beginning of 6.01. :adore:

2) A romantic Greek wedding.

3) Ella. I like to see how Stella slaps her on the face or even better twists her head off.:guffaw:

4) In Mac's department. I don't think Mac ever make love to SHE at his place. The location we seen in S3 must be somewhere in hell. :guffaw:

5) Stella. I love her voice singing some Greek love song. Mac might not know the lyrics but he definitely would understand her love for him. :adore: :adore:
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Hey ya'll:D i would have been her yesterday but the internet connection here played with me and wouldn't let me go online for the day:lol:
Welcome FallenAngel92:D hope you'll have loads of fun in here:D
originally posted by shopping_luva91
That kiss in Til Death Do Us Part? I agree it was cute that he smiled but did you know that was actually unscripted?
That kiss was cute indeed:) I got suprised when Melina said she kissed him wasn't on the script i was suprised, i lost track over how many time i had to rewiend back and hear it the first time i saw it:lol: It was pretty cool and really sweet:D I loved the smile Mac got after the kiss on the cheekie:D
originally posted by Plenilunio
Gio, gotta love that pic, even though I prefer the current Melina/Stella's look. Yin and yang... that's interesting. I bet you'd be able to say a couple of things about it, but you'd get awkward glances. It's not our fault if the world's full of things than remind us of other things we love.
Yup you just have to love that pic:) you think i did?:lol: my teacher looked at me impressed over how much i know about yin and yang:lol: so was my friends:D Mac and Stella, you always learn something:D
originally posted by Plenilunio
By the way, how's life in the gutter? Are you still there after 5.19? We got so much physical contact, even though it was only friendly stuff, but we can't expect them to kiss in the middle of the lab, can we?;) Nah, they've got work to do and they're professional. Also, the first onscreen French kiss we get to see has to be something special. Can we haz sum soon, plz? *puppy eyes*
How's life in the gutter, it's pretty good:lol: i get to do some cleaning and all:D I've actually not seen 5.19 yet:alienblush: i haven't had time, but im soo watching it later today:) Don't think they would kiss in the middle of the lab, maybe at night when they are alone, but not if the are someone else there:D they have to stay professional at work, can't let them wander around kissing and flirting can we?;) maybe flirting because that they do sometimes:D
originally posted by Debbie
So we have the "Reasons to believe they are doing it" (I mean Living together:devil: This pun is dedicated to Gio who keeps the Smacked House at the Gutter:lol:)
''reason to belive they are doing it''?:wtf::devil: that was a quick one, less than a second before i went down to the gutter:devil::lol: now many toughts went trough my mind:devil: *goes down in the gutter and starts to clean alittle*
originally posted by Lori
HERE! YE! HERE! YE! Judge LORI K. now presidng... Case number TRULUV524 now in session. After my findings I have come to the conclusion that said party Mac Taylor and Stella Bonasara are indeed "Roommates". That said, it is in the best interest of the court to pronounce them an offical couple. Proclamated this day of March 28 in the year 2009!
:guffaw::guffaw: I think you'll have the jurys attention and win the case:lol:
Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6
b) i would love a kiss in season 6:D
2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office

b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico
I would say B..
3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session
Tsk tsk, i have to pick C, wanna se a jealous Stella:D but also a, because i wonder how Stella would react if she saw P again..
4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment

b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger
B:devil:, but i got to say, Oh Debbie, C is a kinky one:devil::lol:
5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?


b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:
Im not sure about that one:lol:
Time for me to surface in this thread:lol::lol::lol:

to the questionnare:)

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

B-Season 6 as season 5 is almost over so they need some time to set it all up so it isn't like D/L the moment HAS to be perfect;)
2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico
B- If it was quick they couldn't really take an episode to show it;) Greece is also important to Stella's Heritage and that is very important to include in a wedding. Greece is also hugely romantic.

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session
4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger
C- Definetly in a warehouse as Kiefer Sutherland once said nothing brings people closer together then the need for one another to survive.:)
5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:

A+C Mac should write it and accompany Carmine and his band on the base when they perform it
1) b - Season 6.
2) c- on a beach, in Mexico (or anywhere else) that would be so romantic.
3) b- Ella. If she's not coming back then either C or D.
4) a- in their apartment.
5) b- Stella.
I think your idea is really interesting shoppingluva. I could see her being mad at him first, and him being mad back (because he came all the way to Greece and she's being stubborn and pushing him away) Maybe he would say 'Why do you keep pushing me away, Stella? I came here for you, don't you know I'd do anything for you?'. I agree she would be using her anger as a way to push him away and try to keep him safe. He could be putting his job on the line too, coming after her like that. But Mac wouldn't leave even if she does yell at him, and she'll eventually soften and say how glad she is he came.
That said, I think the same thing as Debbie - the anger will happen in NYC, and Stella will be surprised to see him in Greece. Or maybe it'll be a mix of both - first she'll be mad, thinking he's come to take her back to New York or try to stop her, and she'll be ranting at him, and then he'll say 'STELLA!' to interrupt her, or wait till she's finished, and he'll say 'I actually came to apologize for what happened in New York and tell you I want to help you. I want to be here with you Stella' and she'll be like 'Oh,' and be embarrassed but also touched and surprised. So it would be a bit like the scene in Til Death Do Us Part.
Either way would be good, as long as we get a hug, maybe a cheek kiss and some really nice talking and bonding.

I had better not be Mac or Stella who dies! That would really suck. I am sure it won't be, but I am getting a bit worried for them because AJ said no one knows who it is who is going. I'm pretty sure it won't be either of them, and the death will bring them closer, but still I have a mean little voice in my head whispering 'what if it is?':(
First of all, sorry if I said something that is out of line. But sometimes I lost my brain somewhere. :D Debbie, can I put blank for one of the questions? If it's a compulsary to answer, I will come back again.

Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in
a-Season 5
b-Season 6

Answer : -
In my opinion, it does not matter to me about when they would kiss... Their very first kiss. As long as I know that their kiss is passionate as all their love and feelings from each and everyday has grown stronger was poured all into their amorous and ardent kiss. Slow, gentle, lasting, ENDLESS!!! Ohh!! Debbie, your questions is killing me. :D But they will eventually have to break apart for air. And they will long for more in the future. Getting more forceful and fervent each and every day. The sensation of their lips lingers in each others' mind.

2) Would you like they marry...
a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

Answer: B - With a Greek Wedding
I chose this answer 'cause I've never experience or seen a Greek Wedding before. And Stella is Greek. I thought it might be great that Mac and us of course to learn more about her culture. I'm very interested in all these stuff.

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?
e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session
Answer: C/E - Quinn/Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session.
Quinn is not special but Mac/Stella is.. This red-headed lady. I wanted so bad to find out why Mac had kissed her. I'm annoyed by it and annoyed to see her face but I'm looking forward on seeing more of her character in the future. Claire's ghost from Heaven, I've read too much from fanfiction written by Mac/Stella fans. They're all great. I wanted something really new and unique. Something special. Claire's ghost 'cause she's one of the people who really knows what and WHO! Mac is thinking, she could have confronted him and wake him up from his dreams. Let him realize who really cares for him and loves him, always here by his side during his highs and lows.

4) Where should they have their first love scene?
a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger
Answer: B - In their apartment
Have their phones thrown away or get stolen/off-ed in case someone decides to disturb either of them. Love scene? :devil: Can I have my mind turn sideways? :devil: I chose their apartment 'cause it's the safest and secure place to.. uhh... Hands clenched in a sheet, hair as wild... And temperature rising, full of love all night. *Fainted* Passionate Maaaccc and Stellaaaaaa...

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?
b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:
Answer: A/B - Mac/Stella (in Greek)
Mac και Stella's την αγάπη είναι πολύ ισχυρή. Too strong that sometimes, words could not even express or even convey their love in terms. Each and every word they sang out meant much more than anything to each other. One of the moment I would love to see on-screen which pleased the senses and our mind aesthetically.

Debbie, more questions in the coming future? :D Thank you for this. I enjoyed answering all of these especially the 4th question :devil:! :thumbsup:
Hello form Bitterland, in the antipodes of the Gutter, girls! I've read you all, bue there's so many of you will such different and interesting ideas.

Lori, you're right. I'd almost forgotten about that comment. In 5.15, when she went to the party with the fire-nit, I thought "uh-oh! You just can't do this to me!" and went berserk. I am relieved to see that bland idiot is nowhere to be seen and we have no evidence that he's still around. In s2, when she was with Frankie, there were hints they were dating even if he didn't always appear in person.

Thanks for your optimism. I'm wishing to say "okay, I was wrong!", but for now I think we are going to get nothing more than what we have: a lot of hints.

Gio, that's exactly my point. I don't want them kissing all the time or saying cheesy things. They have a job to do and they are great at it. Plus, they are both grown-ups who can get a grip on themselves. If TPTB are kind enough to make them be officially together, I'm sure it won't affect their cases.

Deb, why, yes, I am very dark right now. They've got us waiting for five seasons and won't mind having us wait for five more. They're soulless monsters.

Questionnaire time!

1. a! ASAP!

2. b But I wish it was a second wedding... because they are already married. Pretty please?

3. f - none of them. Nemesis make Plen angry. Plen is sick and tired of nemesis. If you're a movieverse or TV-verse character, every evil of this earth is bound to happen to you or the ones you love the most. Be original, please! I'm freaking sick of serial killers, psycho stalkers and the like. Give me normal cases, damnit!

4. b, even though I wouldn't mind a either. C is gross, not to mention they could get caught and that would be a tiny little bit embarrassing.

5. b, but my ideal answer is "can I have all of them?" It doesn't have to be at the same time. It could be a Mac-Danny duet and then, Stella singing something to Mac after an intimate moment, for example. The posibilities are endless.
Smacked Questionnaire Nº1

1) Would you Like Mac kiss Stella in

a-Season 5
b-Season 6

2) Would you like they marry...

a-In an office
b-with a Greek Wedding
c-alone in a quick wedding at the beach in Mexico

3) What Stella's Nemesis should be back in following seasons?


e-Claire's ghost from Heaven after a spiritist session

4) Where should they have their first love scene?

a-In their apartment
b-in Greece (in case some day they go there:devil:)
c- In a warehouse somewhere after being in danger

5) Who do you think sould sing a song to the other?

b-Stella (in Greek)
c-Carmine and his band:lol:


1/ B. Like all it must be their moment.Not between a D/L wedding and baby. It must be their time, take time for a beautifull scene.

2/C. But not in mexico

3/ B. Ella must be hard to Stella if she discover that Mac has feeling for Stella. Mac was absolutly not interest by quinn. Maybe P but I don't think she will back. Maybe Claire because Mac may be afraid for an real engagement like wedding or baby. But it'll be not for season 6. First I will say Ella.

4/ A or B. I don't know

5/ A Mac
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1)B, it seems more plausible because I doubt anything will occur this season as there are a few episodes left. (Who would say never?!? :(Lol. I'll challenge you. :lol:)
2)B (Very traditional)
3)Ella (Stella would dispose of her in two seconds mwahaha)
4)A (I would choose c but I don't know if the writers would choose that place)
5)Mac ooooh yeah! Bring in the bass.

And I don't see Mac or Stella dying, unless they do a Horatio-like death which is going to be very annoying + bad writing. haha
Hey family, hope you're all keeping well, Debbie hun I love your icon, it's adorable, that has to be one of my all time favourite Smacked scenes. :adore:

Well, as for your questions...

1. B - I'd much rather wait until next season for a kiss if it meant that they would actually get together, when they get together, I'd rather wait and have it done properly, like a gradual process rather than something quick to end the season on a cliff hanger.
2. C - I think they'd steer away from normality, I think their wedding would be a quick and romantic affair, so a beach wedding would be perfect, only I think it would be even better if it was somewhere like Greece that had meaning to either one/both of them. :adore:
3. B - I'd like to see Ella back, although I don't really see her as a threat to Stella, I don't really see any of them as threat, I just think Ella would have most continuity.
4. A - In their appartment, I'd love to have a little romantic scene after work, that would be so cute, I can imagine Mac bringing her home, and having candles and rose petals all over the place, it would be so cute. :adore:
5. B - As much as I'd love to hear Mac sing to Stella, I think it would be more likely that she'd sing to him, but either way it would be adorable. :D

Hope you're all keeping well. *Hugs*
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