Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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Mmmmm'kay, but I'm a birthday girl, and I think every birthday girl deserves the present that she really, truly wants. And I want Mac! :D So he's mmmmmiiiiiine! (Well, at least just on my birthday. Then we can go back to sharing!) :lol:

Thanks for posting the "Mac in the rain" pictures *sniff* :( He was so sad...
MB grissom could we share him.. It's was my b-day today...

oh Mac looked good last night... I liked the blue shirt..
You say that as if he doesn't look good every night....
(good enough to eat that is :D)

I said this already on the Gary thread, but I have to say it again-- I love the new Taylor girls banner! It's awesome!
CSI_Chic said:
oh Mac looked good last night... I liked the blue shirt..

He looks stunning :rolleyes:

Hey I got a new avvie :) There's on LJ by Lady Devon...I think that's her name. *points to words* See that, Lynn? Read it and weep :devil: *knows Lynn is just gonna have to get it too lol*

There are ones for all the shows...I don't think I should link it in public without permission but maybe I could do it privately...though you can pretty easily find people on LJ if you have the username.
That was wrong, Orison :lol:

Oh Melly, that icon is so wrong for you, tisk tisk. Gimmie the link to that!
Darn robot message said it was too big *Cries* Later, I'll ask the person who made it if they can shrink it a bit for me. Unless one of you knows how.
MacsGirlMel said:
Darn robot message said it was too big *Cries* Later, I'll ask the person who made it if they can shrink it a bit for me. Unless one of you knows how.

It was to big? Saved in PNG probably, Save it in JPG. That'll fix it. or GIF.
can someone show me again with Mac in a Black tee in corporate warriors?(I think that was the eppy)
*drools* I love him in a tee... a black tee...
that's when I realised me likey macky!*blushes*
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