Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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Gary does such a great job in that ep.

Wasn't it said somewhere she worked there, or have I confused fanon(fanfic) with canon? I can't remember now :(
fastfoodjunkie said:
Does anyone have a picture of when he was out in the rain? I live in the UK and haven't seen it yet. :(

The quality isn't good but these are all I've got:

Poor baby :(
Hey tomorrow my b-day so I get Mac!!!!

I wonder about that too. What was she doing there? Does anybody know what her career was?
They have never said. All that was mentioned was that he lost her in 9/11. Possibly its been left deliberately vague so that if they decide to revisit it they can take the story line which ever way they want. For all we know she could have been a cop at the scene, a member of the rescue services or just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
^or working there??

thanks for the pictures!!..It was a fantastic scene when he was walking and fixing the colar of his coat![ :confused:not sure if that the correct words! :lol:]
I've always pictured her as a lawyer, maybe she worked in the towers. Anyway, I like it that they left it vague, and I really hope they'll bring that storyline back, especially since Reed is going to guest-star in a couple more episodes.
How'd you know I'd get in the middle of that, Melly, How sweet of you to remember that HE'S MINE!

He said she was working in the WTC. Touchy subject for me personally.

Hey Ra, lets go keep Macky warm ;)

Reed's gonna guest star more?
no, MINE!

awww *hugs Lynn*

nope I'm keeping him warm *shoves Lynn and Ra aside* hmm but I'll share if you're nice to me.

Yeah he's in for like two or three more eps I think.
*whispers* can't we all Love Macky at the same time??
and yes Mel, I agree... he's uh...ours... and Stella's...
*throws Peyton in a bin*:devil:
lol kidding...:lol:
lol go offense to Peyton fans :D

Lynn and I have had this thing going for months now 'cause we both wuv him so much :) *points to location*
So you guys are talking about Mac belonging to Stella... well, my name's Stella. Does that mean I get to have him? :lol:
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