Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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lol too much pressure, I write really slow. For example, there's one chapter fic in another fandom that I stared during college in 2001 and never did finish :( I won't do that here though. The way I use the pitchfor, it'd get used on me lol
hey all, im from ireland and one of my friends was in new york for a few days last week with her naturally i asked did she see anyone famous and she told me she saw gene simmons and "some guy from csi ny".i quized her on it and it turned out it was gary....oooo im so jealous.....
MBGrissom said:
Awwwww, last night's ep was a virtual treasure chest of goodies, for all Mac fans! Great character interaction and development, great intelligent writing and tight directing, and fantastic acting! We get to see Pissy!Mac every other episode or so :lol: but we rarely get to see really, really SadMac :( The last scene where he walked out into the dark rainy night all by himself, obviously so sad...darn near broke my heart. And I loved the song they played in the background then too, "Atlantic" by Keane. Wonderful.

Oh, man. My heart fell down to my shoes with that scene between Reed and Mac! :( Specially when we see Mac's face when he was rejected. Kapow. So much emotion and yet he's trying to keep it all in. Yeah, I cried *sniff*

Earlier, when he talked about Claire, you can see it was still so difficult for him :( Is this gonna be an indicator that all is still not well for him in the relationship front? (Peyton only has one more ep, right?)

But yeah, I wanted to hug him forever in that last scene where he was walking alone in the rain.
we'll maybe get to see sad Mac tonight. Spike has the very first eppy of NY on. whoo i finally get to see an eppy form season 1 *dances around room*
Awww that scene is so touching when he's telling the woman about Claire :(. And you can't forget about the ending scene :(.
:( Awww that pic just made me sad :(. They never said what Claire was doing in the twin towers, like was she working there...or something like that.
O no Melly he's mine! *runs to get Mac first*
I never watched Blink but from the picture he seems so sad and dissapointed.

In the last episode,it was sad while he was talking about Claire you can see that he ''is'' a bit uncomfortable! :(I never though he could know about the kid though!
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