Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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no you wish, Lynn :grin: bosses are nice but one like Mac would be totally awesome :) But no not much work would be done lol
Or putting up the "Caution wet floor sign" :lol:
:lol: :lol: CSI_Chic, from now on, I'll laugh everytime I see that sign!!!

Wet floor... for the drool, or for something else? :devil:
So I finally saw Open and Shut

I love the scene where Mac brought up his and Stella's first case together. Gotta love a boss like that, huh? Understanding you and giving you the space you need because he trusts you. Mac, you can trust me! To do everything you want...and more :devil:

Yeah, that sign works ^_^
ranma, I really liked that scene, too. I loved that Mac knows when to NOT cross that line into being just a boss, and that this was one of those times. She was frazzled and emotional, and she needed the calming, understanding words of a friend, not the reprimand of a boss. She knew deep down she had been unnecessarily short with Lindsay, and that she was coming dangerously close to losing her objectivity, so she didn't need a boss shaking his finger in her face and spouting the obvious. She needed a friend to gently remind her of when they're all at their best - when they allow the evidence, not emotion, to guide them.
They're truly best friend :)
I watched 2x23 Heroes today.
Mac is closing ths Aiden's case, he's down, and Stella claps on his arm. They help each other, and I really really love this friendship.
Yay! Pissy Mac was on last night :lol: although I think he could have just told that to Hawkes in private…but then again we wouldn’t have had pissy Mac :D And it was his birthday.
Someone tell that boy to get rid of the tie already! Please??? He looks so much hotter without it <sigh>
He only had it in the begining, but if he needs help taking it off...:devil:...all off :devil: he can just give me a call ;)
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