Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

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shaofu hope you are good! :)> you know if history channel is everywhere the same?I mean I got it with cable and I don't know if they show the shows the same time -hours -days etc!
*sings My baby is on fireeeeee*
I hope some good soul will put the clip of the show on YouTube :rolleyes:

shaofu, hope everything is ok now :(
I'm absolutely fine - thanks for all the concern! The fire was mainly confined to the electrical junction boxes etc and I only had smoke damage in the house (otherwise I probably wouldn't have made a joke about it!) I lost power, phone and water for a couple of days but I'm up and running again, now. A little too much excitement at the time and my worst regret is that, despite 3 fire engines, two police cars and lots of men in uniform, not one of them looked like Denis Leary or Daniel whtasisname from Rescue Me! Two forensics guys turned up on Monday but no Mac or Danny lookalikes for me - shame! Perhaps it was just the thought of Gary or the latest M/D fic I ws writing that caused spontaneous combustion, lol!

I'm not sure if the History channel is the same - mine is Directv and I think cable carry the same programs but not necessarily at the same time. Sorry I can't help more with that.

Mission to Mars was on yesterday but I didn't discover it in time to give you all a heads up! I love the ending of that movie . . .
Glad to hear eveything is ok shaofu, my house almost went on fire the first thing i got out of the house was my dvd player and season 1 dvd :lol: then my cat. I don't have cable :( but my nana does :D think i'll be paying a visit to nana on friday :D
I had only read the part about him doing the intro when I went "*deep gasp*" and then read the part about the house fire when I went "*deeper gasp*". Funny how I do that.
*History Channel... History Channel... what channel... GRRR! Can't think*
As I'm obviously in a frivolous mood (perhaps I inhaled a little too much smoke *g*) I just realized I should have maybe posted to the Gary thread #2 Fire Alarm Hotness. (That's almost as bad as some of the puns in the show - aargh!) Okay, I'll be good now!
I was looking at past posts (in this thread) for a bit.

And I guess it won't be too contradicting to ask: Does anyone have a pic of Mac wearing sunglasses? I'm making a story banner for myself with him, Gris, and H all wearing sunglasses and it's been tough finding pics of him wearing sunglasses. (But when I found the perfect one, and right as I was about to finish the banner, the program messed up on me. And I had to close it out before it started closing out all of my Internet Explorers.)

Thank youuuu!! The second one will do!!
I searched on and came up with a crapload of stuff. I was even able to narrow my search to 'Csi NY' (no colon) and it popped out a pic of Mac's head, with the sunglasses like the first pic, but when I went back to retrieve it, it disappeared!!
Ah, well, gotta go, my 6 hrs. on the computer is up. :p
I love you and Ran for the sunglasses. :D

hehe, and he's very smart at figuring those things out. I'd love to see someone show up saying they're his kid...I can just hear him

"Oh great...I knew I never shoulda had that last drink that night...And I told the others I never wound up that way..."

Awww, you're so sweet Lyn! :D Will you still love me if I post this:

:devil: Sorry, couldn't resist! It really belongs in the Gary thread, I know. The awesome aljomom of Sinise Daily posted it. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Glad to be of Machelp, sth! Can't decide which sunglasses look best on him. The ones he wore for Zoo York looked good on him, too.

feenx, I think that was from an outtake of "Corporate Warriors" (I know I looked hi and low for that scene in my copy but didn't find it, haha)

Zoinks! Mac was whut? Can't wait to see the ep!
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