Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

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I think she would keep her maiden name at work, and she would be introduce as Mrs. Taylor in personal life especially if they have kids someday. It's a fine line draw between work and personal lives. They work professionally and closely. They might have arguements from time to time. But they would be sweet couple in personal time.
I think it could happen as to Melina in RL. She is MK for everyone in the showbusiness andfor us but i think she woudln't matter to be called "Mrs Constantinides" ;)

And i agree: Mac and Stella are private people :D And i think if they ever become a couple as we want they would be under a very low profile. Probably they would show their love just for us :D

many hugs sweetie!
And i agree: Mac and Stella are private people :D And i think if they ever become a couple as we want they would be under a very low profile. Probably they would show their love just for us :D

many hugs sweetie!

well said, only true SMacked fans will see that something is going on without them being subtle about the whole thing...

as for that one URL you mentioned before, do you notice how the same people are against SMacked... and how many is that?? let's see about 3 people :lol::lol: anyways we should try to knock some sense into them, they seem overly protective of it not happening :rolleyes:... but dont push to hard now

just try them to soften up... you cant change everyones opinion
Haha, that's alright Debbie dear, I allow you to look but not touch... ;) Can you live with that? :lol: I
aren't you being too posesive with Baby Adam?:eek: No fair! Kidding! kidding!:guffaw: i think only you, more nobody else has the right to be with him!:bolian: I promise not to touch....much:guffaw:(kidding again. Debbie doesn't want Steph gives her The Evil Eye:guffaw:)

I swear i wrote my post inside the Stellarina Thread before i read this answer but its' EXACTLY as i said in there. Mac and Stella are his parents by heart. Because they have decided to protect and to care of him like if they were. And i reallynjoy because of their dynamic is like that. priceless moments we had with Adam-Mac and Stella in 5.05 (the paper planes:lol:),5.15 (Adam in the interrogation room and Mac and Stella watching him very proudly) and 5.16 (the facial reconstruccion and the horns comment:lol: ) and now 5.17.:drool::drool: Also i need to mention 5.23 (with Mac and Adam:drool: and 5.08 (with Stella and Adam:drool:) Baby Adam is just...! BABY ADORKABLE Adam!

With Reed Mac and Stella have a similar chemistry and dynamic but it is more from Mac's side because we haven't seen any interaction between Stella and Reed since S3
Debbie dear, Me possessive of Adam..? Never... *Locks him in my , room.* :devil:
I agree with you, I love the relationship that they share, it's adorable, it's really developed this season, they've had so many great scenes together. Adam seems to be a little less nervous around them too, but I still just love it when he gets nervous and messes up around them, he really wants to be taken seriously by them, but is scared of messing up, it's so cute. Hehe, one of my favourite parent like scenes this season, was when he was throwing the paper airplane (5.08?) and Mac and Stella told him off... That was so cute. :lol:

As for Mac and Stella, they're like a Mom and Dad to Adam, that's why it would be so cute to have them with their own little family sometime in the future, they'd had plenty of practice as they're like the parents of the lab. ;) But them with their own little baby would just be the cutest. :adore:
i TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU! It would be so cute! such little show of perfection!:drool: but i do feel they do need to become in parents. They have already lost too many things and too many people. Mac wants children and Stella too:bolian: so hopefully some day in a long ,long time they will have their own baby/ies:lol: (I don't quit Twins yet:lol:).NO right now. It would be silly. They still need to become a couple and later to be a stable couple before they forget protection:devil::lol:
Yes, you're right dear, they both have lost so much, the deserve to be happy, and we know that they both long to have children, they also both long for eachother, but they're just too stubborn to admit it... :lol: I really hope that we get to see a change in their relationship next season... Hehe who knows, if things keep going the way they are, we might have a Smacked baby by season 9. :devil: Hehe, that would make me so happy... :D

Thanks for all of the cute pics guys, hehe Debbie I especially love your second one, the one with their legs touching, they really do look like a couple in it... Some from me. :D

I love Mac's expression here... :lol: I think Stella's hinting at something... :devil:

At first glance I thought that was Mac's hand on her leg... Oh if only...

They just look like a happy couple here. :adore:

Hope you're all keeping well. *Hugs.*
well said, only true SMacked fans will see that something is going on without them being subtle about the whole thing...

as for that one URL you mentioned before, do you notice how the same people are against SMacked... and how many is that?? let's see about 3 people :lol::lol: anyways we should try to knock some sense into them, they seem overly protective of it not happening :rolleyes:... but dont push to hard now

just try them to soften up... you cant change everyones opinion
oh dear! thanks for your words. I needed them! I feel so frustrated! I don't pretend to convince them to become into Smacked fans (God forbids it! I would dislike to have some of them here) but i do pretend a fair treat concerning our ship.
However it's impossible to try to open their minds because they inmediately say NO even before it is developed.
Unfortunately some of them use the influence they have on other fans as well so you only have an echo :rolleyes:
Also some of them make me feel as the villain of this story. I don't insult people on internet. I am not like that. However some used semantic against me ;) But i don't care. Some weeks ago i was called hypocrital by some posters and later i was trying to be "convinced" i was totally wrong and i was the villain again.:rolleyes:
Certainly i don't care. I am a survivor and a fighter. There are worse things in RL than this. I only wish we have smacked already just to piss them off a little :lol::lol: Thanks again and hugs

my dear Steph--->
Yes, you're right dear, they both have lost so much, the deserve to be happy, and we know that they both long to have children, they also both long for eachother, but they're just too stubborn to admit it... :lol: I really hope that we get to see a change in their relationship next season... Hehe who knows, if things keep going the way they are, we might have a Smacked baby by season 9. :devil:
you know? as long their relationship changes at some point i don't care to wait. I only hope Smacked will keep the charm we got in 5.25 (considering it was a post-5.24 episode)

But try to convince al, people in youtube. They are in heaven and they do want their relationship starts in S6. I understand them because i do think 6 years it's a lot of time for anyone but as long as i have Smacked i will have to pray time passes fast :D
I agree with you, I love the relationship that they share, it's adorable, it's really developed this season, they've had so many great scenes together. Adam seems to be a little less nervous around them too, but I still just love it when he gets nervous and messes up around them, he really wants to be taken seriously by them, but is scared of messing up, it's so cute. Hehe, one of my favourite parent like scenes this season, was when he was throwing the paper airplane (5.08?) and Mac and Stella told him off... That was so cute. :lol:
awwwwwww so agree with you! That scene was the best of them this season! So adorkable! I truly love them togetehr because they complement. I mean, Big Mom, Big Dad and the Super Cute baby, aren't they adorable?? :D Their dynamic is like a family. Usually is Stella who disciplines kids in the lab (Adam with the plastic doll:lol:, Danny and Lindsay) but she is also who protects them when Big daddy is upset (Sheldon in 5.12) :D

Good evening! :) I saw the thread, "Could they just hook up Mac and Stella?". Heee, not going to say anything though but it was a great thread as it displays and shows us how the others think about Mac and Stella getting together. I appreciate all the outcome as it is. Different people have different point of view isn't it?

I wanted to voice out in the thread but I'm afraid I might have hurt someone. Instead of being pessimistic, we should try to look things on the bright side. Yes, thinking about the consequences of Mac and Stella getting together might be tons of them but sometimes, things may not turn out as bad as our human thoughts and beautiful moments is just equal. Sometimes, our mind needs to be divided into a few directions, not just a straight road with nothing but lack of hope and confidence in the future.

Never try, never know. Once you try, wonderful things came gushing down like a waterfall.

"Too many... too much... too numerous..." *Shook head* Always never satisfied with what we have.

I have a friend, she re-watch all the seasons again and with all her heart, she wrote a beautiful Mac/Stella fiction in addition to her love for the couple and Mac/Stella's love for each other. I could feel it each and every time I read her stories. It took all her efforts to do this and she did it very well. One thing, I've always kept in my mind, she told me, "what will be, let it be". 'Cause we don't have the right to stop it from happening. :)

The only sentence I could convey, "This is Mac and Stella, Mac and Stella."

Take care - Asprine :)
well said, only true SMacked fans will see that something is going on without them being subtle about the whole thing...

as for that one URL you mentioned before, do you notice how the same people are against SMacked... and how many is that?? let's see about 3 people :lol::lol: anyways we should try to knock some sense into them, they seem overly protective of it not happening :rolleyes:... but dont push to hard now

just try them to soften up... you cant change everyones opinion
oh dear! thanks for your words. I needed them! I feel so frustrated! I don't pretend to convince them to become into Smacked fans (God forbids it! I would dislike to have some of them here) but i do pretend a fair treat concerning our ship.
However it's impossible to try to open their minds because they inmediately say NO even before it is developed.
Unfortunately some of them use the influence they have on other fans as well so you only have an echo :rolleyes:
Also some of them make me feel as the villain of this story. I don't insult people on internet. I am not like that. However some used semantic against me ;) But i don't care. Some weeks ago i was called hypocrital by some posters and later i was trying to be "convinced" i was totally wrong and i was the villain again.:rolleyes:
Certainly i don't care. I am a survivor and a fighter. There are worse things in RL than this. I only wish we have smacked already just to piss them off a little :lol::lol: Thanks again and hugs

no problem... pissing off people is fun isn't it??:lol: especially when they're against UR ship, i take this personally becuz SMacked is my life.... when ever i'm sitting bored and I think about them it makes time go faster:eek::eek: getting out of school early is AWESOME!! half days the whole week

anyways, let's get back to SMacked, i love that paper plane scene that made me ROFL the look on all three of their faces were funny...

they would make GREAT parents!! i wish they were mine :( one can dream, can't they??
Good evening, family!
I read the thread and think - Mac and Stella are really spesial. We talk about their as Mom and Dad (sucker4-SMacked, I think, your parents are good people, why do you need Smac also?))), as lovers:adore: (waiting for kiss, hugs, baby or slowly relationships), as partners and close friends and etc. I mean, this tandem doesnt look like any coulple in CSI at all. So specific, so many-sided personalites. We all can find something for ourselfs - and another people at this forum too. I think, they dont want to see another Dantana - strange relationship during 2 season and - boom - pool table and finally - Lusy. Maybe, they think, the writters couldnt manage with their job (remembering Danny and Lindsey).
O God, I wrote so much words - sorry
Hey girls!~ Quick post!

First off, love the pics :drool:

Secondly, I'm not making this us. There's a site that's called Omegle and you can talk to strangers. It's funny. I've found two SMACKed fans lol. I keep asking "Are you a SMACked fan?" and they are like no or what's that then I tell them and they either get it or they don't. LOL it's too fun.

Anyway, I really should get going. Food's gonna be ready soon. I'll just add another picture to our wonderful collection:


That famous "Mac and Stella" stare :)

Hey girls!~ Quick post!

First off, love the pics :drool:

Secondly, I'm not making this us. There's a site that's called Omegle and you can talk to strangers. It's funny. I've found two SMACKed fans lol. I keep asking "Are you a SMACked fan?" and they are like no or what's that then I tell them and they either get it or they don't. LOL it's too fun.

Anyway, I really should get going. Food's gonna be ready soon. I'll just add another picture to our wonderful collection:


That famous "Mac and Stella" stare :)


MAC be a gentleman and carry her kit... :lol: LOL or AT LEAST hold her hand to make the load lighten a little

I HAVE SOMETHING I NEED TO SAY!!!!! it goes back to them being parents, so i watched that hug clips from 5x25 YES AGAIN :D and before... okay never mind AFTER she hugged him she says that he did he proud *okay is that A PROUD PARENT MOMENT or not* :adore: :adore:
and then he replies saying we all did... It was like they are the perfect parent couple talking about their kids as the they :D :D

okay is that a little overlooked?? IDK all I know is that when we get a moment like that, its like nothing else in this world matters... am i right... Or am I right??

edit: just wanted to add my little play by play interpretation on the situation: (IDC, wanted to make it more deep in meaning between Stella and Mac only...

he waits for her at her office like they're going home together...
quote fromStella: I think the next couple of days are going to be the hardest *how they explain their relationship to the team after losing Angel*
everyone is waiting at bar, she asks if Mac is coming *like on a date, but with everyone else ;)*
him saying 'you go ahead' *need to think things through*
hug and kisses Mac on the cheek * dont be too long now, its our first official date*
sighs *PROUD PARENT MOMENT* U did her proud/ we all did
seconds pass *why doesnt he just kiss me* a little greedy for romance since Angel died
Mac watches her walk away *why didnt i just kiss her, and DAMN why does she look sexy and have this affect on me :D *
I think i love her, sighs inside and walks away

sorry if my play by play interpretation was too much :)
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Hey Family!:thumbsup:

I wanted to voice out in the thread but I'm afraid I might have hurt someone. Instead of being pessimistic, we should try to look things on the bright side. Yes, thinking about the consequences of Mac and Stella getting together might be tons of them but sometimes, things may not turn out as bad as our human thoughts and beautiful moments is just equal. Sometimes, our mind needs to be divided into a few directions, not just a straight road with nothing but lack of hope and confidence in the future.

Never try, never know. Once you try, wonderful things came gushing down like a waterfall.
i am happy because you are here and it's the only thing that matters. I miss you when you are away. I can only tell you are my eyes and my lighthouse ;) and ITA with you. If you don't try, you won't know. If you don't take risks you will always be in the same flat condition. If you don't try, you will never know the end of the story. Or probably you will. Because you will know you didn't try and you lose a big chance
.How bad is that?;)

no problem... pissing off people is fun isn't it??:lol: especially when they're against UR ship, i take this personally becuz SMacked is my life.... when ever i'm sitting bored and I think about them it makes time go faster getting out of school early is AWESOME!! half days the whole week
you are so great!:lol: I take this personal when they say i make this personal and you all are a whitness i don't have time to make things personal. I don't hate people but some are suffering paranoia and certainly i dislike that type of behaviour:p

anyways, let's get back to SMacked, i love that paper plane scene that made me ROFL the look on all three of their faces were funny... they would make GREAT parents!! i wish they were mine :( one can dream, can't they??
I want many scenes like that in S6. We need a lot of them actually. With Sheldon happens the same. Usually Stella protects Sheldon and Mac protects Adam but they love their both kids:lol: (Sheldon is quite more rebellious than Sweet Adam:drool:. Well, that's maybe because Adam is still a Baby, isn't he,? Steph?:lol:
I want more Sheldon and Adam in S6!:drool: (with their "parents":lol:)
BTW I have started reading "Right Decitions are hard to make" before GfD. I need to find my second Nemesis Mr Fireman:lol:
I HAVE SOMETHING I NEED TO SAY!!!!! it goes back to them being parents, so i watched that hug clips from 5x25 YES AGAIN :D and before... okay never mind AFTER she hugged him she says that he did he proud *okay is that A PROUD PARENT MOMENT or not* :adore:
and then he replies saying we all did... It was like they are the perfect parent couple talking about their kids as the they
:lol: you are making me obssesive with Taylor babies. I don't mind it.Love the idea. The way he talked it was like he did when Aiden left. And with Aiden Mac had a father-daughter relationship, very, very sweet!:thumbsup:

Galina my dear!!!!!!!--->
We talk about their as Mom and Dad?))), as lovers (waiting for kiss, hugs, baby or slowly relationships), as partners and close friends and etc. I mean, this tandem doesnt look like any coulple in CSI at all. So specific, so many-sided personalites. We all can find something for ourselfs - and another people at this forum too. I think, they dont want to see another Dantana - strange relationship during 2 season and - boom - pool table and finally - Lusy. Maybe, they think, the writters couldnt manage with their job (remembering Danny and Lindsey).
EXACTLY. Your words are so so precise my sweet Galina!:D They are great as friends, as possible lovers, as colleagues, as partners, as possible parents:drool: Personally i would want them to be developed in some way (lovers and parents:drool:) and hopefully they will start soon (end of S6 maybe) just to try a relationship;) I know many people who don't post her ewill appreciate the change:p

Axel--->thank you dear! 5.02 is one of my fav episodes of S5:drool: I just love how she didn't allow him to get into the area where Sid was (she stopped him firmly) and instead Sheldon was who got into that contaminated area:drool: Also i love how they said "That means you and me" looking at each other:drool: yessssssss:drool:
Piccies to make us happy:bolian: More "Smacked Stares":drool:



"Playing happy" never was that funny:lol:

Debbie, I apologize for my absents each day. I'm on a 2 weeks of holiday lately. And I have a bunch of cousins, uncles and aunties come to my country for vacation. My family is very bad 'cause they push me over to be their tourist guide!

I might not be around here but I have always kept SMacked spirit strong in my heart. They invade my life everyday. :)

Aw.. aw... Debbie, more screen caps please!!! :drool: They make me quiver once I think about what would happen next. :lol: The 3rd picture, Mac is cooking for his wife in a crime scene! The first one, his stare is so intense like he is telling her something with his eyes yet so unknown. The second picture, a great episode in season 1 where Stella is emotionally involved with the case. I will never forget all of them. Wonderful! :)

Take care - Asprine
Hi family... So sorry i rarely visit us... Trust me, i try...

Love all the pictures... And definitely the talk about our SMacked. LOL! Such a relief that we actually have one another as fellow shippers. :D

Deb, please, i'm begging you, to stay away from the other thread... You know what thread it is, and why i say this. I'm observing some very 'persistent' posters there who will do nothing, other than to get you into trouble, and well, i believe none of us here want that to happen. Okay? No need to defend or explain yourself to them. Let them be. Let them believe what they want, and we can also keep our faith in peace. Please...

The internet connection at my campus is down at the moment, and i'd actually be lucky if this one can be posted. So, if i'm being MIA for quite sometimes, please understand it.

Love you all! *wave to Asprine, Sucker4-smacked, Steph, Axel, Gio, Ata, Udonna, Gala, MacsLady, and everyone else, i failed to remember (forgive me?)*

Your very tired member,
Ta daaa! :)

*waves* Gaby, how are you? :)

Debbie, remember what you told Asprine? Just don't get yourself into trouble ;). Some just wants to get attention from the whole world by babbling crabs and prawns.

Something for you family! I brought some caps here 'cause I watch an episode which made me act like I'm crazy. One of the episode I love the most. Guess what episode is the screen caps from.

"That's what I like about you..." Ooh, *pass out*


Gahx, sooo close together... :drool:


My dear family,

Two days away with my son and husband , coming back and see all these post??????

Tell me what´s going on here ??????

Unfortunately I have less time and I spend a lot of it in reading the last postings on this and the other thread and I am really shocked!!!!

My dearest Debbie, Gaby took the words out of my mouth:

Deb, please, i'm begging you, to stay away from the other thread... You know what thread it is, and why i say this. I'm observing some very 'persistent' posters there who will do nothing, other than to get you into trouble, and well, i believe none of us here want that to happen. Okay? No need to defend or explain yourself to them. Let them be. Let them believe what they want, and we can also keep our faith in peace. Please...

I think there´s no other solution. I can imagine how it is when you are full of emotion with a thing ( e.g. Mac and Stella), your heart will overflow and you want to share your ecstasy with all the others. I am absolute sure you didn´t want to hurt someone and I understand your diction ( for again, we are scorpios and either we love( really, really love ) something or we hate it.
I don´t say that this is right and I can understand that somebody can get it wrong, but we all know and love you, my dear Debbie, you let your heart speak.

Here in this thread we can speak frankly about our dreams and imaginations about Mac and Stella and there are different ones too.

For example I would like to see them becoming a couple very, very slowly. I somehow like the siuation how it is now somehow. As I said very often before:
anticipation is the biggest joy!!!

I don`t want them to marry, I am far from having a baby............ but I have no problem with other opinions and until now I had the feeling the others here have no problem with mine point of view.

And that´s it why I like it here.

Please, please no quarrel, it would be soo a pity!!!!!!

For to my opinion there´a strange feeling now in the whole thread csi ny, nearly one is posting also to the other topics here.

My dearest Debbie, don´t be sad anymore!!!! We love and understand you and we will "shipper" here at this point.

My dearest Gabi, although you are tired, you brought it to the point-although I really don´t know the background about other posters, thank you!!!!

I love you all here
and I am glad to be here!!!!!

And now, let´s laugh again

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