Hi!~ We've gone up two pages since last night? Wow...I'm staying home from school today. I'm not feeling well at all.
Hi Debbie,
my son got ill yesterday ( temperature and a bad stomach, nothing serious, but ill enough to have his mummy around)
I hope your son feels better soon! *hugs*
About the kiss and the hug, at the end, Stella was asking if Mac is going to go to the bar. He says, "You go ahead". Our usual Mac. :lol: Then Stella hugs him and kiss him on the cheek. They pull apart but still holding on to one another if I'm not wrong. Forgot d... Their eyes were intense as they speak. Forgot what they speak already. I'll rewatch the episode later but I think Lori will give you a better summary.
I thought they were going to kiss one another.
My heart skipped a beat for a second there, just before she kissed his cheek, I vvas convinced that novv she vvas gonne kiss him. Too bad. but cant be long novv.
YAY!! I wasn't the only one who thought they would kiss
I had honest to goodness butterflies in my stomach. I was like "This is it. They're going to show them." But they didn't. However, the hug/cheek kiss was so beautiful and LOUD :adore:
I have a sense that tells me it will be Stella who was shot? I don't know. A person can dream.
I've been thinking that since, well, the beginning of the season. I've been thinking "Something's gonna happen to Stella." And with this cliffhanger....It's actually a possible thing.
ps: Ok i will say it. WHAT IF THEY KISS in 6.01?????????????
DEBBIE! Calm down! Okay, I shouldn't say anything. Last night I was totally freaking out. You know what Deb? I don't think that's a long shot. I mean last night, I seriously thought they would. So first eppy next season wouldn't be a long shot. And we have 5 months to dream about it :adore:
One of them was Mac crouched near the pool of Angell's blood and looked up at Stella. I like how Stella could read his mind although he didn't say anything and she assured Mac that Angell was tough and she would pull through.
I forgot about that :adore: That was a good scene. And again, it was different from other scenes.
Regarding the hug scene, I agreed someone said it was different from the previous hugs in the past seasons. I don't know how to describe it. It's just much intimate. :adore:
I think all the scenes in the past two episodes have been like that :adore:
absolutely YESSSSSSS. But my fav scene is one Mac picked her up from the ground and hugged her from behind. OMG i almost fainted!!!!!!!!!!
I loved that! :adore: I seriously want a picture of him when he puts his arms around her waist :adore:
i think when they met at the museum the way they looked at each other was different. it was like UH "he is here because he l..." and "she will realize my feelings" moment:lol: and the final scene at the office tells me they are closer because the same scene lead me to think they are intimate now. Even despite unspoken words:drool:
Mac said he came directly from the airport to the museum. He was so damn understand his Stella is gonna return the painting. A simply 'Hi!' told everything he wanted to say. And, Stella understood right away. :adore:
I think at the museum, Stella was confused at first and then it clicked in her mind "He really cares about me." The "Hi"'s they exchanged were so, :adore: Mac's all like "Oh, it's Stella. What the hell do I say?" and Stella's like "Oh my god. He's here. Why? OMG..."
And the final office scene was just...amazing. I now love Melina about 50 times more than I did. If she ever came here, well, I don't know what I'd say 'cause I'd probably be dead on the ground :lol:
WOW. 5x24 was AMAZING.
Thank you Melina, you were wonderful. WE LOVE YOU!
Gary and Melina have such brilliant chemistry and despite what the guys over at the poll for this episode have said- I thought it was great. There were some annoying bits- DL baby BS
and I thought the MacGuyver stuff in Greece was stretching it a bit- but overall, the episode really showed the strong bond between Mac/Stella and I really enjoyed the storyline as well as the background on Stella.
And oh my, that last scene with Stella reading Mac's leaves was :adore:. Nuff said.
Melina did a great job there, not to mention Gary's facial expressions as well.
I agree that the D/L baby was pretty stupid (And I'm a D/L fan, although I have been liking them less) And the coffee ground reading was just :adore: It's my new top SMACked scene!
It´s crazy, I´m a very braincontrolled woman, so I think I can understand Mac´s charakter , but sometimes you have to follow your heart!!!
It's okay. I think I know them all. And yeah, Mac needs to follow his heart, and you know what? I think he finally is :adore:
You know I've been a fan of Smacked since practically episode one, but these last two episodes have really convinced me. I mean, come on, who goes to a DIFFERENT COUNTRY to follow 'just' a friend? And the look on his face at the end of the Greece episode when she was reading his fortune? Priceless. I hope they hook up soon.
I think we all want them to just be together :adore: I know when I found out about the Greece thing, I was talking to a friend of mine who doesn't watch CSI:NY like we do, but she has seen it. I told her about the whole Greece thing and she's like "He loves her." :adore:
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I have aHUGE feeling that they will start a relationship in season six... the hug and kiss on the cheek meant a lot... Please SEPTEMBER come quick... just for season six and my sweet sixteen... my sisters watch the episode with me and with the kiss they were both like they love each other... well my sister called them macintosh and stellarina (nice nicknames, right?)
I think they will too :adore: You know how Lenkov said something about having other plans for Stella? Maybe that's it! :adore: I seriously hope it is.
I watched this episode with my sisters too! I had to watch on CBS 'cause CTV (EVIL PEOPLE!) had Grey's Anatomy on, which I actually don't mind but when it takes away my CSI:NY, watch out :lol:
the nicknames
UDONNA hope your little one is better soon we moms dont like our baby chicks ill!
Yes it was different this time the intimacy is there. I did indeed hear the SMOOCH SMOOCH!But there was no stuffiness in Macs body he was open and receptive. They held each other longer, more solid taking comfort in each other. Both his arms were around her a full embrace (had to watch it several times hope the VCR tape doesnt break!!! But the stinkers PTB kept the shot above the waist
) And they lingered there, it was what you percieve, very natural and consenseual. And his look to her as she walked away we have seen it before that longing ,but under the nature of the storyline you knew by the moment he was glad she was safe and was there.
Lori, you have just told the best recap of that scene ever.
His arms were totally around her? Totally missed that! And the TPTB WERE so evil in keeping it above the waist.
But it was different....It's now my favourite Mac and Stella hug :adore:
The reason I feel it was Stella who has been hit is because 1: It is usually Mac and 2: The gunmans focus was on her the split second before the fire . And I am starting to feel we will not be waiting untill Season nine as Gary said because the end of this season has come a long way with very blatant meaning and if they try to "Rewind" it will not be believable because they have made that leap and to try to go back would feel to phoney and incredulous. Gotta Go my last day of work is waiting for me. I will be going on summer break right after surgury so will be hanging around during "Recoup" time. I love all of you and cherish your friendship!
Oh yeah. They DID show Stella right before the gun shots. And when did Gary say this????:wtf::wtf::wtf:
I hope your surgery goes well *hugs*
Did anyone else notice when Mac shows up at the bar, the camera immediately focuses on Stella's face looking at him? Why would that be? :bolian:
Well I don't know...maybe 'cause THEY'RE IN LOVE? :adore: (P.S. Didn't say that in a mean way
Pleni ) That last scene kind of reminds me of the Aiden toast, only more somber. More quiet. That is until the gunshots.
eyewitness! Love the pics and I know how you feel about Tiva!