Mac ♥ Stella #16 - His heart will follow her home.

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Okay, I cant wait for anymore. I MUST see this episode - with help God, Internet and big russian-english dictionary.:devil: I want see Macs eyes at that moment.
He betetr WAKE UP soon or i will jump into the screen i will smacked him upside the head with my own hand! !:lol:!:lol:!:lol:!:lol:
Count me in ! :lol:

Mac took off his glasses and look into Stella's eyes and tell her that he don't care about his job but he care about her. Soooo... :adore: :adore:
He did say that ?! Oh my, I'm dying again. :lol:
I have my doubts as vvell, I think it's manly vvishful thinking. But you haveto admit the chemistry vvas so overvvhelming in that final scene even my Fiesta shipping little sister vvas yelling 'vvould you just kiss her already!?'

But maybe, over the last 3 minutes, I think, my addicted brain has been vvorking on a nevv theory, going: Before the classic baba o'riley, vve vvill have this intro, and despite the fact that I'm almost convinced it vvill be about the first shooting, I am hoping for maybe first a tiny little Smacked scene, :rolleyes:A kiss?:rolleyes: Even though I knovv the unlikeliness of such an event, I vvont give up until the finale is aired.

LOLOL Mari was telling me the same. I don't know if she used the word Malaka but certainly she wanted to strangle Mac for not kissing her:lol::lol::lol:
I would like a kiss too but i guess we should be gratified. I mean, as far i understand Stella only needs to write on her vest "You, moron, I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU" I think if we have something it wil be interrupted but the tragic news so everything will be delay until S6:p GOD! they do want torture us!:lol:

Udonna! Hhhhh, take it easy. Just imagine for one second - do you think CSI:NYs writers want to have problems with the army of fans from all the world? Do you remember last episode S2? Scene in hospital doesnt mean nothing often. So, deep breath... and smile
dear, i will refuse to believe somebody else will die beyond the one during the first 10 minutes. And we already know who is
Okay, I cant wait for anymore. I MUST see this episode - with help God, Internet and big russian-english dictionary.:devil: I want see Macs eyes at that moment.
:guffaw: Love doesn't need any dictionary!:drool:

Dear shell_kiki:guffaw:, you are so right!!!!!! I had to laugh out loud. I can imagine, after reading the postings here, it´s maybe the only way to wake Mac up!!!!
i would pay for watching that too:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: Have a nice day dear!

ASPRINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE---> are you in the MSN? i can see you have joined to teh Torture Club:lol: in his own and shy way he was saying I LOVE YOU! AND I M HERE FOR YOU. The eye contact is very important!:drool:

love y'all Family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG GUYS YAAAAAAAAAAY! That all sounds so exciting! I'm gonna go try and find some internet site that will show me the episode lol stupid Australian networks being behind :lol:

Someone post caps or something so us poor deprived oerseas gals know what's happening? xx
YESSSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEEEE i want screen caps too. It's almost 4 am dar it! i had my snow day yesterday and i jhave to go to the hospital but i don't care. I needed my Smacked fix! OMG!
I don't know what to think. So many opinions confuse me :D


Debb :D

ps: You are all Insane!!!!! 80 messages in 24 hours!!!!!!!!!!! OMG
Hi everyone! I watched the eppy and I looooove it ! :)
It was sad how Stella found out about her mother. Stella trusted the professor so much but he hid her mother's story from her and betrayed her at some point. At last, it turned out Mac is Stella's guardian angel. :adore: Besides all the details the other gals posted, I loooove how much he's so protective toward her when they went to the attacker's house and at the farm. :adore: The last few minutes in Mac's office is priceless. Hope we'll have more scenes like that in S6.
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Hi everyone! I watched the eppy and I looooove it ! :)
It was sad how Stella found out about her mother. Stella trusted the professor so much but he hid her mother's story from her and betrayed her at some point. At last, it turned out Mac is Stella's guardian angel. :adore: Besides all the details the other gals posted, I loooove how much he's so protective toward her when they went to the attacker's house and at the farm. :adore: The last few minutes in Mac's office is priceless. Hope we'll have more scenes like that in S6.

I sure hope so too. I believe it's a matter of a fevv episodes novv, in the beginning, maybe mid next season. I think/hope.

Or they choose to ignore the events in Melinas episode, and pretends everything is normal, I'm convinced that things have changed betvveen them through this episode, if they ignore it I'm gonna go nuts.

I LOVE YOU MELINA!!!! *tackles Melina* You are seriously the best EVER! :D

I loved that ep guys! Seriously? The last scene? :luvlove: There's nothing like it. I think it was my favourite scene of the whole episode. I know Mac didn't say anything when she said how lucky she was to have him in her life, but I could tell from his reaction and everything that he was just uncomfortable with how serious the tone had gone. You know what he's like. Stell wears her heart on her sleeve most of the time and he's the exact opposite. I loved the whole "See the S? That's Stella. The woman in your life. Who sometimes you adore and sometimes she drives you crazy." I LOVED IT! They're so cute. :adore:
Kiki, I also loved how protective he was of her. :rolleyes: I guess she didn't have her gun or anything, but still. It was so cute. At least twice he held her back from getting into the action or anything. It was so adorable.
And when he came straight out and said he was there because he cares about her? So cute! But they needed to hug there! Seriously! :brickwall: :lol:
I felt so sorry for Stella with the stuff about her mother and the professor though. :( She trusted him, and I'd say he was probably the closest she had to a family. And from what he said when he was dying, did anyone else get the impression that the professor might be her father? :confused: Hmm. I was sad for her when she was crying and asking professor why he didn't tell her about her mother. She's always so strong and everything, but the tone in her voice was just ... she sounded almost like a child again. :( omg Melina is amazing. :D
I just loved every second of that ep. It was a victory for smacked! And there was lots of green. Everything Stell wore had green. It's official guys. Green is our colour. ;)
If you're here Melina, thankyou so much for such beautiful writing and acting in that episode! Well, always amazing acting, but the writing was great. This is coming out all wrong but you know what I mean :lol:

Anyways I'm off for now. Have a great day everyone xxx

oh btw, does anyone know if there's an address for the set of csi ny? I've decided I'm sending my headshots to a couple of places and I want to send them there. PM me if you know? :) Thanks xx
Hello, fellow Smacked fans!

<smug defense attorney grin> Inconclusive! </smug defense attorney grin>

Just seen the episode. I didn't like how Stella's story was twisted and screwed up again beyond reason. I won't make the effort of checking dates, but since when is Stella only 34? *scratches forehead* Are they suddenly making her younger so that she can be a mother? :devil:

The final scene killed me and left me with a bitter aftertaste. It's exactly the kind of thing I was fearing. I feel happy and utterly pissed off at the same time. I feel I don't have to apologize for being mistrusting, because I was right, but they took a step forward. Things are more or less where they were: us Smacked fans jump around because we say "oh, yes, they're together!" and the rest simply think she was being flirty because they're such great friends and they're allowed to tease each other. It's inconclusive, mere circumstancial evidence. Also, this episode proves the "they're so living together theory" was wrong. Heck, thinking about it carefully, I think we've lost more than we've gained.
Hey guys that was an amazing smacked eppy:adore: for non US people like me who want to see it it's on YOUTUBE now-only the last part i haven't seen still waiting for it to be uploaded. But so far ultimate squee :bolian:

I loved that ep guys! Seriously? The last scene? :luvlove: There's nothing like it. I think it was my favourite scene of the whole episode

Can't wait to see that bit :luvlove:

I'm so pleased they've done Stella family stuff i just hope they don't drop it forever now. I had to LOL out loud though at that pic of Stella's 'mother' :lol: but i loved all the greekness of the eppy. Even though i know it wasn't really filmed there still makes me want to go on holiday!
Hello, fellow Smacked fans!

<smug defense attorney grin> Inconclusive! </smug defense attorney grin>

Just seen the episode. I didn't like how Stella's story was twisted and screwed up again beyond reason. I won't make the effort of checking dates, but since when is Stella only 34? *scratches forehead* Are they suddenly making her younger so that she can be a mother? :devil:

The final scene killed me and left me with a bitter aftertaste. It's exactly the kind of thing I was fearing. I feel happy and utterly pissed off at the same time. I feel I don't have to apologize for being mistrusting, because I was right, but they took a step forward. Things are more or less where they were: us Smacked fans jump around because we say "oh, yes, they're together!" and the rest simply think she was being flirty because they're such great friends and they're allowed to tease each other. It's inconclusive, mere circumstancial evidence. Also, this episode proves the "they're so living together theory" was wrong. Heck, thinking about it carefully, I think we've lost more than we've gained.

Someone's gotten the vvrong foot out of bed... Actually, The part vvith Stella being 34, fits pretty good into the story that previously concerned her past, vvith fostercare and all, vvhere people commented that the vvoman playing Stella's fostermom vvas incredibly young. But vvhen Stella's supposed to be this young it makes more sense.
I love your idea on her having to be so young, so that she could be a mom.:devil: Gosh, right back vvhere I started, head says one thing, shipper heart says something else...

I agree on the inconclusive ending though, even though I loved it, it left me thinking, that in the next episode, tonight, it's probably back to normal. (That is my head talking. My shipper heart vvould totally say, vve're kicking the episode off vvith a real Smacked moment. But I don't really believe that) I guess vve'll just have to vvait and see. :wtf:
HERE... HERE!! Screen caps from the episode. I have more but I'll post it later. I'm sorry. hehe.. I will post it in less than half hour. :)

Photobucket is getting on my nerves. :lol:



~ Update ~ Screen caps ~
When they just met in Greece, they exchanged gaze when the Museum guy and girl were talking in Greek. It's like they were thinking the same thing as they look at each other.

When Mac shows Stella a picture of her mother, he comforts her.


In the office...

After Stella tells him about she didn't need coffee grounds to see how lucky she is to have Mac in her life. :adore: There's something behind it! Love?

He is thinking about what she just said...

And he got all shy and changed topic!

This is the end of the beautiful episode...

Hope I don't miss anything out.
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Englebarn, actually I always get out of bed with my left foot :thumbsup: As I told you in the other thread, I don't remember the proper time frame, but it made impossible for Stella to be only 34. Anyway, it's not like the characters' age is set in stone, but quite a changeable thing. I'll let it pass for the sake of the Smacked babies to come.

I wish we had had a little bit more or a little bit less, a tangible "yes" or "no". When Mac said he cares about her, I rolled my eyes. No shit, Sherlock. I agree with you, things will get back to normal as if the coffee scene had never happened, which annoys the hell out of me. They're almost there, but not yet and it will always be the same. I'd better accept it, learn to live with it and move on because things are not going to change at all.

Asprine, thanks a lot! The caps are lovely. Their eyes say so much, especially during the final scene. However, it's not enough for me. I need the confirmation they're together or the confirmation they are not and they never will be. This "yes but no" isn't nice.

Oh, I forgot to say it before: the catfight disappointed me. I expected more of it too and I thought Stella would go to Greece right away. Instead, she stayed, was extremely and strangely colaborative (hadn't she quit?) and, all of a sudden, she left, but she didn't leave for good. And there was no "I came here to Greece cuz I wuvs you so much!" either :scream:
m running out the door for work I am late!!! BUT I just want to say to Deb and the others I watched it again and again I had tears in my eyes several times. This eppie is going to send the "Stellarina fans thru the roof!!! The job Melina did was MAGNIFICO!!!!!:bolian::bolian::bolian:

I will talk later off I go I hope you can find it soon guys It can be purchased on Amazon in Video on demand can you get that overseas?

PLENI: I will be back to talk to you girl!!
These pics are beatiful, many thanks. When I saw, I thought - why? Why we have only loving words, tender touch, feeling chemistry, we see their eyes... But where is something else? I wanted to shout "Come on, Mac! Wake up! She is all you need!"
Maybe it is greens fault? Maybe in S6 we will see Stella in black\red\blue\gold dress and when we will see, what we want?:drool:
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