After having vvatched the episode 3 times online novv, I'm like, isn't Stella sort'a hinting that she vvants something more in the final scene? VVhen she says : "I don't need coffeegrounds to see hovv lucky I am to have you in my life Mac" and then just after that vvhen she says "The vvoman in your life, vvho sometimesyou adore, and sometimes she drives you crazy." Or maybe it's just me, but it seems that there is a more intimate meaning to that final scene, other than just telling us that they are back in action (Friendvvise of course:devil
See, because my SMacked shipper heart refuses to give up, I hope that maybe in the finale, like before they go to toast Angell, there'll be a scene in Macs office or something vvhere something might happen. Could be avvesome, and that vvay they vvouldn't overfload 5x24 vvith too many emotions, Stella's already overflovving vvith emotion in this episode.
Or maybe then again not, I'm thinking that this can go either vvays, maybe they need each other more than ever, to deal vvith the loss of their friend (Especially Stella needs Mac) And that vvay they'll get together, or the loss vvill put this huge shadovv over it all, and they simply vvont be able to deal vvith something like that.
I'm still hoping. And, part of me cant bare to go over the summer vvithout at least a tiny little clue that something vvill happen. But let's just say I have keyvvords for my next 10 fanfictions that vvill be half finished before I lose inspiration... *sigh*