LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

"wendy i don't know, i really don't know. i'm going to go see him now, i'll come back and tell you." grissom stood up slowely, wishing nick would leave. "hey greg, how you doing in there?" grissom asked.
the doctor came up to him "sorry sir he's in pretty bad shape i dont think he can talk", wendy was watching as the doors closed on greg while wiping away a tear.
grissom walked back to wendy trying to find a way to tell her. "wendy, he's not doing so good. you should go home and rest and see him in the morning." he said when he reached her.
grissom stood there frozen, he didn't know what to do, she was crying! "wendy, they have to take greg to the hospital. you can't stay out here. how about you come with cath and i." grissom sugested akwardly patting her back trying to comfort her
wendy looked up at him and stood up walking to the car with the blanket around her and a cup of coffee in her hand but she saw sara come towards he so she stopped and waited for her she looked stressed.
Sara walked over to Wendy ,her heart was racing she knew what it was like to be terrified of losing the Man you loved When she had almost lost Nick That was when she realized she was in love with him but as always Fear got in the way at first she smiled as things had changed for her, she then frowned as she said to herself "why am I thinking of Nick when I should be worried about Wendy" she walked over to her friend "Wendy he's going to be okay I promise you" she sat down next to the young new labtech "did I ever tell You when I realized I was in love with Nick?" she watched as Wendy shook her head no " He was on a case and he had gotten abducted the man put him in a box and buried him in the ground video taping his every move when I watched that tape My heart broke That was the very Moment I realized he was more then Just my Bestfriend and I did everything in my power to make sure he was okay and Now Look at us,we're seeing eachother,We're going to have a baby and We're Happy and I Promise you Wendy You and Greg will have the same thing He will be okay" she looked up to see Grissom standing there ,she truly felt bad for the man He never knew any of that and how could he She never told him all she said was that she Didnt love him,She Loved someone else and thats why they broke up ,She knew eventually the hurt would go away and he'd find someone else Until then he'd have to deal with the fact that she was very much with and very Happy with Nick
wendy smiled and wiped away a tear, "when me and greg first started dating i had this thought in my mind that every time he went to work his life was on the line that someone could hurt him and i didn't know what to feel, i loved him from the start and now we live together and one day we might even get married and if he doesn't make it i don't know what i would do without him, it must have felt terrible to see the one you love in the ground knowing that there is only so much you can do for him huh" she asked sara not wanting to make her feel bad
Sara felt a lump in her throat as the memories came back to her "all I could think about was getting him out of there of course once I did I was to afraid to tell him I Loved him in more then Just the friendly way I messed things up so bad But the Night I did tell him was amazing and" she whispered softly as she rubbed her stomach "it gave me this"
Imperfect said:
grissom stood there frozen, he didn't know what to do, she was crying! "wendy, they have to take greg to the hospital. you can't stay out here. how about you come with cath and i." grissom sugested akwardly patting her back trying to comfort her

Cath knelt beside Wendy, pulling her into a hug. "Greggo's got a lot to fight for. He'll be just fine. I know he will. I can feel it." She patted her back like Grissom had, only it was much less awkwaed for her.
csikicksurass said:
wendy smiled and thought came into her head "do you think greg would want to have kids" she asked her with wonder
Sara smirked "he's still a kid himself but I'm sure he'd be thrilled over the idea"
wendy smiled "i hope he does, i really want to and i want to do it with him" she said looking over at sara "i want to spend my life with greg but the only way i can is if he make it" she said with some tears going down her face