LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

SaraSidleStokes said:
sissi59100 said:
Hey Imperfect, here is the list of characters made by stokeluver

(people playing)
Cath: toomuchovertime
Sara: BurnedToast
Nick: stokeluver
Greg: csikicksurass

Looks like Grissom is free ;) but it's a snicker RP so if you expect some romance between Sara and Griss , i'm afraid it won't work ;)

Hope that helps

and Actually I dont know if StokeLuver ever revised that but Burned Toast gave me the Role of Sara since she wasnt comfortable doing a Snicker RP So No worries Sara wasnt stolen I took over with Burned Toasts permission

(uh FYI Imperfect Grissom isnt the Father of Sara's baby its Nicks *smirks* but no one knows about Sara and Nick so I could see how Grissom would think it was his)

Sara Looked up to see Grissom standing thier angrily she wondered how much he had heard,she knew it was Hard for him to have been Dumped by Her because she was in love with someonelse But to later find out it was Nick she was in love with and Now to hear she was carrying Nicks child Must have pushed Gil Grissom over the edge
"sara don't say anything" grissom said as they niticed him.
with that grissom turned and walked down the hallway blindly bumping into catherine. he muttered a quick apology and went to review case files while really sorting out how he felt. "like sara but she's over me. plain and simple. get it through your head that she doesn't love you any more, she probally never did... how can you just not lve someone any more? i like nick, he's a good guy, it's good this is happening to him heck i don't want kids so why do i feel like this? i never wanted a family. it's good for the both of them." grissom tried to convince himself. "brooding here won't do you any good, go congratulate them on their happy family." grissom said to himself firmly and got up to go back to the break room.

( i know it's a snickers rp...just trying out a stratagy)
(no no I like the way you're going with it You have grissom down to a t)

Sara sighed,she never fully explained to Grissom that she never loved him in the first place that her affection for him was a crush solely based on her confusion because of her childhood that somewhere deep inside her she's always been in love with Nick ,she was in no mood to deal with this now she was happy ,Nick had made her the happiest she'd ever felt and thier baby was made out of Love,she was More then positive it was Nicks since her and Grissom had broken up long before the child was concieved
(thanks, i got grissom on the which csi are you tests so i thought i'd have fun playing is fun)

as he walked down the hallway he slowed his breathing and concentrated at being happy for them. grissom casually walked in the break room wincing slightly as he saw them kissing. they were truly in love, he couldn't deny them their happieness.
"wwell i'm glad to hear about you two" grissom said trying to make conversation after an akward silence.
Sara sat up long enough to look at Grissom,she knew she had to do this now and she knew she had to do it with Nick in the room "Yes Gris we are Happy so Happy that I'm carrying His chid" she made it clear that the baby was not Grissoms as she went on "I've been in love with him since I met him,but fear of turning out like My mother wouldnt allow me to admit that to myself Till awhile ago" she stopped trying to gage how Grissom would feel
(Yeah see I'm just like Sara in every way imagineable)
(lol my girlfriend is too)

"oh yes, i know that, of course" grissom replied dazed by what she said. i his mind he knew it was true but his heart had so desperately wanted it to be his.
stunned he wandered around wanting to be any where but at the lab for once in his life. when he stepped outside the cold air stung him slightly but no more then sara's words had. "yes gris we are happy so happy that i am carrying his child" kept repeating in his mind "nick's child, not grissom's"
(apparently I even look like her but to see for yourself go check out the Photos thread in miscellanous)

Sara looked up at Nick as she layed back down ,feeling his hand gently rub her belly again "well that went well He took that better then I thought he would" she Kissed Nick again
"and I do love you I always have"
outside grissom was silently crying to himself scolding himself for getting attached. he had vowed never to get attatched again and he had. all getting attatched caused was heartache, he though he knew that enough all ready. grissom wipped away his salty tears as the lab door opened and some one stepped outside to join him.
(you probally do. i look somewhat like catherine, i have the same hair and all)
(grissom wasn't in his office, he was outside of the building, but that's okay)
"not now catherine, i'm up to my ears in work, i'm stressed enough as it is, i don't need you coming in here making stupid comments" grissom totally lashed out on her and only felt slightly guilty when he did, he ususlly didn't have emotions to del with. but now he did.
"nothing okay. just leave me alone i don't need you standing here being all like'what's the matter' nothing okay" grissom was almost screaming at her.
"i'm sorry cath, i lost it just then" he apologized meekly. he really didn't mean to take out his emotions on her. it just came out wrong.
greg was knocked out, he had a big gash on his head and was bleeding alot, wendy on the other hand had her seat belt on so she got a couple of scapes and bruises but she was fine, when she opened her eyes she saw the window was broken and though her vision was blurry she saw greg outside on the greg and ran to his aid, "greg, greg" she said shaking him up, he wasn't responcing and she began to crie, she saw people saw there car and one of them was calling the ambilace, she rushed over to a stranger "can i use your cell" she said with a tear "of corse" he said handing her the phone, she wasn't sure if she called nick or sara but she just wanted someone to answer.
grissom hated the way catherine could read him so easily. he hung his head in shame that he let himself be bothered by her relationship.
"some days i swear you're physcic." he said a lot more relaxed now.