LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

greg got up in his chair "well if we have no cases im going to see someone" he said with a smile as he walked out the door but he backed uped "oh and you guys enjoy your coffee"
Sara cocked an eyebrow at him, and, upon hearing his statement, playfully backed away. That small smile continued to stay stuck upon her lips, and she turned to face him again. "In an hour." She informed him, checking her watch briefly. 'So much for a relaxing after-work time.' She thought.
greg walked up to the lab and knocked on the window with a flirty smile, it was his 'secret girlfriend', well she smiled back and gave him a little wave of love, they could really hold a secret since they have been seeing each other for nearly five months
(thanks for joining toomuchovertime, we needed you! and... are you playing Werrick?)

Nick yawned. "Do you know when we are suppose to be back at work, im tired... GOT TO GET SOME SHUT EYE!" he said. He looked at Cath, "when did you get here?" he rubbed his eyes for the second time. "man, i got to stop falling a sleep in the middle of things." he said with a chuckle.
greg walked into the lab with a smile on his face "hey, what you up to", she smiled and quicky gave him a kiss "not much the labs been slow today", "so do you want to get a coffee or something" he said with puppy dog eyes, she blushed she always said yes to those eyes, she sighed with a smile "let me get my coat", greg showed of his lovely smile which made her melt.
Nick lifted his arm from behind Sara's sholders and stood up. "I'd LOVE to stay here and make out with you Sara, and talk to you Cath, but if i dont walk around, im gonna pass out!" Nick said. he then turned around and made a search for Greg. Once he found him, he laughed. "Hey Greggo!" he said abnoctously. "WAZUP?"
greg had his arm around his girlfriend but quicky removed it with nicks presence "nick uhh you know wendy" he said not knowing to do with his arm knowing that nick saw them and wendys face was frozen
nick smiled, "ya... you two dating?" Nick asked. "it's cool! I mean, now theres more than just one couple, now there's two!" He looked at Wendy. "We could even double date!" he said teasingly.
wendy laughed "how about it greg" he was to busy staring at nick "greg, greg honey" she said while shacking him "oh yeah" he said looking in her eyes "no swinging though i dont SWING that way" he said while smiling not knowing how lame it was, wendy smirked "aww greg" she said while kissing him, it was so lame she felt bad for him
Nick's eyes just about hopped out of his head. He was only kidding when he talked about the dating, but aparently it was real. "aww! GREG & WINDY! how sweet! ill tell sara ASAP!" he joked.
greg flinched towards him "no!" he said grabbing onto his arm, wendy grabbed gregs hand from nicks arm "it's been five months i think it's time we tell them" she said smiling and looking in his eyes