LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

{Well...I'm certainly not confused about the ship anymore. That's fine, stokeluver.}

As Nick kissed her, Sara felt that familiar feeling of her heart jumping out of her chest. It always did, after all. "I'm sure, Nick." She said sarcasticly, fake disbelief lathering her words as she sat down. Of course, the brunette was only joking. The door probably was locked on accident.

"What's that, Greg?" Sara asked, hearing him talk. A small grin appeared on her lips as she did so.

{Though I'm more of a Greg/Catherine shipper, I have thought about Greg/Wendy before. I could play her as well, if you like.}
greg laughed "my friend nick had quie the detailed dream about you and him, wouldn't you like to her it since you are in it" he said while smiling at nick
Nick brought his face down, but kept his eyes on Greg, followed by a long sigh. He then focused on Sara "Hunny, Sara, trust me... you dont -want -to know! If dreams were rated, it would be rated R !"
"Right..." Sara said, leaning against Nick's arm as if it was the most natural thing in the world. After looking at him for a moment, Sara managed to drag her dark eyes over to Greg. "You two've been talking about me, then?" That small smile formed on her lips again. It was the only logical conclusion. She had been in one of Nick's dreams, and it was obviously at the top of their 'things to talk about' list.

{Sorry Sara is so out-of-character in this one. She's supposed to be a bit lighter now that she's with Nicky...Or, something like that.}
(its ok that sara's a little bit out of charactor. In the NEW GUY rp, nick... my charactor... is really ooc! wouldnt you say? by the way, about that rp, nick is going to give sara a kiss, just a simple heads up! [ya i know, i like wrighting/reading about nick kissing Sara])

Nick looked at Greg. "how about i dont tell you!" he teased. He looked into Sara's eyes. "Damn you hot!" he leaned in and kissed her lips. He was about the break his lips to allow his toung slip out into Sara's mouth, but he remembered he was still at work... in the breakroom... with greg. So he broke the kiss and looked at Greg. "so!" he said. Any news about the case?"
{Okie-dokie. That's fine, my Sara over there is horribly out-of-character too. -sighs- That's okay that you like him kissing Sara, because I like certain other people kissing. -clears throat-}

Sara was becoming more and more used to the random comments and kisses that she was recieving from Nick. That happened when you were in a relationship with someone. Though, she was rather glad that he had backed off of the kiss. Being in the room with Greg would have proven to be fairly awkward. At Greg's reply to Nick, her eyebrow cocked slightly, now curious as to what he was talking about.
"DROP IT ALREADY!" he looked at sara. He then wispered in her ear "i'll SHOW you later!" He then smiled and looked at Greg. "What?"
Frankly, Sara didn't know whether to be afraid, or seriously excited about 'later'. She was stuck in the middle, and, surprisingly, that was quite fine. "Be quiet, Greg." Sara instructed, still in rather close proximity to Nick.

{Seriously horrible post...}
(Hey Alexx I know Snicker isnt your favorite ship and it seems as though this RP is going that way If You want I can take over as Sara because we ALL know I'm a MAJOR Snicker shipper But its up to you I dont care either way)
{Actually, Mis, I was having a bit of fun doing this one. We could share her if you like, because I know you love doing that. ;) Thank you for offering though, that was nice. By the way, you are such a Snicker shipper, it isn't even funny.}
(im sorry that im dissapointing you burndtoast... what type of ship do you like? and, i will lighten up on the Snickers deal if you'd like... is everyone ok with that?)

Nick could see she was abviously confused. "sorry sara, let me fill you in. I was asleap here about 5 minuts ago, and greg woke me up. But the first thing i said when i woke up, regretably, was 'I had a cool dream! Sara was involved this time!' then Greg got all jumpy and kept asking what it was about. And SOMEHOW, greg found out it was... saucy."