LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

Nick didnt know what to do, he wasnt gonna watch as the man preformed some creapy act on Sara, he would rather die. But he wasnt gonna leave Sara there alone with the man either. He held on to Sara and gave her an assuring look. The man sighed. "TODAY PLEASE!" he shouted.
Sara certainly didnt want to die but she didnt want the man to hurt Nick either,she looked at him and obliged to the mans request with a faint tear in her eyes
Before anything could go on, the phone rang. Nick frowned wondering who that could be. He looked at the stranger. The man stood up and retrieved the phone and handed it to Nick. "dont try anything funny either... or i'll shoot you, after shooting her!" he laughed and sat down. Nick sighed and picked up the phone. *clears throat. "um... yeah?"
Greg looked at the phone and cleared his throat "I was...i was just thinking we could get a drink to celebrate" he asked in a very worried tone
Greg looked back at Wendy "What are you talking about Nick look me and Wendy are going to cowboys bar so if you want to come thats where we'll be", Greg hung up the phone as quickly as he could "Where going to Nicks", "Why whats wrong" Wendy asked. Greg looked at her "I dont know" he said breaking up his voice and he began to speed to Nicks house.
Sara stood there in thier captors arms,the gun pointing to her head,she shuddered in fear this was not the way she wanted to have her life end
nick began to cry. "cum on man, just... let her go." he said pleading. The man shook his head. "not until i get what i want from you guys..." nick frowned. "WHAT!?" the man frowned. "revenge..." Nick looked at the man confused. THe man tightened his grip on sara, and pushed the gun into her head slightly. "you guys worked on a case a couple of months ago, a little girl, raped... stabbed, then left on the side of the road." Nick began to search mentaly for the case the man was talking about, but he couldnt remember it. He shook his head. The man frowned, "she was 15?!? daughter." Nick suddenly remebered what the man was talking about, and then relized where he knew the man. The strager began to cry slightly. "you guys thought i did it... when my wife heard that, she..." he sighed, "comitted suicide." he looked at Sara. "YOU GUYS, PISSED HER OFF TO THE POINT OF SUICIDE!" Nick shook his head. "it was just a mistake..." the man shook his head. "no, it wasnt. Neither was the accident. The one your friends went through?" nick sighed. "why did you even bother bringing them into this?" he asked. The man smiled. "a warning..." He looked at Sara and began to rub his face aganst hers. Nick cried. "stop it!" he said trying his best to protect her, with out either one of them getting hurt.

(sorry for the length! :) :rolleyes: )
Greg began to speed down the roads with cars beeping at him he even flipped one off. Wendy was holding on to her seat as tight as she could but she knew that something was wrong with Nick and Sara so she didn't beg him to slow down. When they pulled up at the house they saw that the light was on "Wendy stay here" Greg told her as he began to unbuckle his seat belt. He walked up to the door and began to knock not knowing what he was getting himself into but he had his gun close by "Nick, Sara it's Greg open up"
the man instantly stopped rubbing up against sara's face, and looked at the door. "what the hell did you say!!!" he shouted. Nick frowned. "...nothing." he looked at the door, then back at the man. The man pointed to the door. "answer it..." he said. He held the gun to Saras face, "if you leave, or let them come in, i'll shoot her brains out!" he said smiling but loudly. Nick nodded his head and slowly walked up to the door. He opened it and looked at greg, he then mouthed 911 to him and cleared his throat. "no thank you... we just got a whole bunch of cookies from the other girls scouts!" he stood there.
Gregs eyes got big and slowly back away "sorry mister" he said sounding as girly as posible but from a far distance it sounded like a real girl. Greg ran into his car and drove down the road a little bit "What happened" Wendy asked "I dont know but it's not good" he got out his cell and phoned the police