LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

Nick laughed at Greg. "its ok." he turned around still smiling and shut the door with his foot. The man looked at nick. "girl scouts..." he said. The man loosened his grip on sara, but kept her close, as he began to rub his hand up her back. Nick frowned, not being able to do anything. "STOP!" he shouted. The man jumped at Nick's loud voice. He looked up at Nick and threw Sara to the side. he walked up to nick and aimed the gun at nicks jaw. "you got something to say tough guy?" he said. Nick sighed. 'here we go again. wheres is greg...'
Greg got out again he knew that the police were comming but he knew they might be to late so he got his gun out and his back up one from the back and headed around the back looking for a spare key.
Nick swollowed hard. "um... i, just, want you to- leave her alone!" he said. The man nodded his head. "oh yeah!" he took the gun and aim for nicks stomach. "say ANYTHING else, i'll shoot you instead... where it hurts the most to!" he smiled and backed off nick.
Greg looked under the mat and he finally found it "Yes" he said quietly he opened the door quietly "Hey Nick where are you" he whispered
Nick heard Greg enter the house. "DAM IT!" he said out loud. He then shot a look over at the man, who let it slip. "what?" he asked. Nick cleared his throat. "neighbors are looking inside the back window." he said. The man motioned toward the back. "go close the curtans!" he said standing there. Nick nodded and headed for Greg.
"listen, i told you to get the cops, and here you are in my house! this isnt a safe place right now! you have to go!" he wispered back. THe man heard nick talking, so he walked into the back and aimed his gun at the two. "I SAID NO FUNNY BUISNESS!" he shouted. He looked madly at Nick and aimed his gun at Nick. "CUM ON YOU TWO!" he shouted. Nick frowned and looked at greg. "NOW!"
Sara was in tears now she wasnt about to hide her emotions ,this reminded her so much of her childhood,thankfully then the police had intervened, but NOW the feeling was back,the Feeling of fear of her life ending of Nicks life ending of their unborn childs life ending
Greg looked at the man and slowly walked towards his keeping his hands up. While the mans back was tured he slowly reached for his gun and gave his back up to Nick.
The two drew their guns and held them up to the man. When the man turned and saw they had guns, he jumpe! droping his gun by accident. Nick sighed in relief as he and greg now had control of the situation. Nick looked at greg and nodded in thanks. He then turned to the man, "you, put your hands on your head, and get on the ground." the man looked at his gun as Nick swiped it away with his foot. The man had gotten on his stomach just as the police entered the house. Nick put his gun on the counter as he ran to Sara to comfert her. "sara..." he ran up to her and hugged her dearly. He pulled away to kiss her and then hug her again. "its ok now, its ok..." he continued holding her and rocking her slightly. When greg entered the room, he looked up at him. "thanks man..." he said
"no... it was, it was our lives, and thanks to you, we still have em!" he smiled. "i dont know how i'll ever say thank you enough times!"
Nick nodded his head. The man came walking out of the house, with a few cops behind him. Nick frowned and wished he could kill the guy with his bear hands for the things he did to sara, not so much him, just sara.
Wendy came in and looked around the room and ran to Greg and gave him a huge hug and a kiss "Are you alright" she asked. Greg laughed "I'm fine" Wendy smiled and turned around "What about you two are you guys ok" she asked