LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

SaraSidleStokes said:
Sara smiled she enjoyed how overprotective he was being "as long as you're by my side the two of us will be just fine" she rubbed her stomach

Nick smiled. "i will" he said. "so... now what?" he asked. "do we go home, continue working on this case, go tell griss what we think?" he asked.
Nick smiled. "i will" he said. "so... now what?" he asked. "do we go home, continue working on this case, go tell griss what we think?" he asked.
I really want to go home but we need to work this Case for Greg we cant leave him hanging We need to find out the truth even if its bad for us"
Cath nodded and drove. "I wish I knew what I could say to make this easier. I know how hard this is. Even though Ed didn't treat us right and got what he had coming, it still tore me up when we separated, and Linds hasn't been the same since."
Greg wanted his friends to be with him when he did it but he really wanted to make sure if it was ok for nick and sara "Hey wen can you find nick and sara for me", "yeah why" wendy asked "i need to ask them something personal" wendy kissed greg and walked out to find the two
Nick saw wendy in the hall, so he walked up to her. "hey wendy, whats up? what are you looking for?" he asked. Wendy looked at nick. "you" she said. Nick looked into her eyes, "ok, but i think you should really reconsider what your about to do, i mean, me with sara, you and greg... it just wouldnt be right!" he said laughing. "explain away!"
"wendy can you leave the room for a minute i have to talk to nick alon" he smiled, she smiled back and left. When she was gone greg looked at nick "Whats going on with you and sara is everything ok"
greg made a serois face "i dont know sara has been acting different, now nick before i do this i have to know i dont want my friends to have a problem while we're all happy"
greg smiled "im going to propose" he laughed "but before i do i have to know is everything ok because if something happens to you two i well i dont know if i could go through with it"