LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

grissom buckled his seat belt and waited for catherine to get in. he was silently trying to lock up his feelings for sara and think only of greg's accident. "what?"he said coming out of hie daze.
"how can you help? no one can help she's moved on and i have to live with it, or fire her but she's a good csi so i can't."
stokeluver said:
Nick looked into sara's eyes and staired befor be had begun talking again. "you dont... DONT have to worry abot greg and wendy hating us... TRUST ME! there not like that!" he assured her. "i will not..." he wrapped his arms around her. "... let anything happen to you! i promise." he said "infact, i might just have to mention it to gill, who will probaly get a bunch of csi's working our case, to find the guy that is responcible for this. We might just have to stay at home for a while, or become lab rats all over agian." he parted from her. "together!" he said looking in her eyes.
Sara looked at him "I cant not work Thats not Me at all" she frowned "eventhough now that I'm Pregnant I'll have to become a lab rat anyways" She kissed him "and you Make me feel Safe anyways dont ever leave me okay"
Nick nodded. "ok, but your gonna have to do as i say, cause i am not putting you two at risk of dieing here!" he said acting all protective.
Meanwhile back in his room Wendy was lying beside Greg just talking, "why did we lie to nick", wendy asked, greg looked at her "about what", "we have been going out longer then five months greg dont you think we should tell him the truth, we should tell all of them the truth", greg rubbed her arm "wendy i love you, you know that right?" wendy laughed "of course i do i love you too", she kissed him on the cheek "well we have been going out for what a year now right" he asked "one year and two months is how long we have been keeping this relationship from are friends" wendy told him, greg looked at her and smiled after he went into deep thought.
"i trust you cath." he said being completely trithful."with my life." he knew she knew it but had to say so.
Back in the room greg was thinking about something big, he wanted to call all of his friends so they could be there when he did it so he waited. He knew something was wrong with Sara and Nick and he wouldn't do it unless they were ok so he would ask them before he did it.