LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

Sara frowned refusing to believe that maybe Nick and Her were supposed to get hurt not Greg and Wendy
she eyes Greg "all I know is what the evidence tells me" she questions him "the car you were driving what it your own or was it a CSI car" she didnt really want to hear the answer
greg looked around "i dont rememmber sorry, do you know wen", "i wasn't sure i think we were driving gregs car but then again it happened so fast so we might have drove in the csi car, why" she looked at sara, someting was her mind
Sara frowned "well if you were driving a CSI car maybe it had to do with your case" she didnt want to tell them that the "Accident" was supposed to happen to her and Nick instead Just yet she didnt want to believe it herself
Sara took Nicks hand frightened of what he might want to talk about,she was afraid that Grissom would force Nick to break up with him so he could have her back but that could never Happen she Never loved Grissom He had to realize that by now ,she gazed into Nicks eyes "What is it Nicky?"
As Cath nursed a cup of coffee, she took a deep breath. Her feet were killing her, so she sat down. She sighed. She'd been really tense lately.
when sara went into the hallway to join nick grissom looked at them hisvoice trembling and said " we need to get back to the lab and work on greg's case. wendy can stay, i'll get cath." he turned abruptly and walked down the hallway to the elevator.
Cath stood when she saw him and walked over. "Come on. I'll give you a lift back to the lab." She patted his shoulder, knowing this was hard for him.
Nick sighed and shook off what Gill said. "Sara, if someone was... aiming to kill us, then shouldnt we be carful... even scared?" he asked. "i know i am." Nick looked at Sara with heavey eyes. "Arent you?" he asked rubbing her arm.
She Looks at him You could see the fear in her eyes "I'm Terrified Nicky But I didnt want to show that emotion in there
I mean if this was Our Fault somehow Greg and Wendy could end up hating us and I couldnt live with that" she shuddered as she remembered their last case
"ya sure, that'd be great" he said not really seeing the world. just torn over sara. how could he have let a woman do this to him? how could one person make him feel so useless? he had given her his heart and she had throwen it away like yesterday's paper. he felt worthless.
Nick looked into sara's eyes and staired befor be had begun talking again. "you dont... DONT have to worry abot greg and wendy hating us... TRUST ME! there not like that!" he assured her. "i will not..." he wrapped his arms around her. "... let anything happen to you! i promise." he said "infact, i might just have to mention it to gill, who will probaly get a bunch of csi's working our case, to find the guy that is responcible for this. We might just have to stay at home for a while, or become lab rats all over agian." he parted from her. "together!" he said looking in her eyes.