LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

Nick smiled. "good!" he went over to greg, "hey man... what did you do?" he looked at greg's body, stiches were everywere, and where there wernt stiches, there where banages.
greg could here the voice of his friend and smiled but for some reason he couldn't talk that well so he tried his best "i got in a little accident you" he weakly joked
Nick laughed. "yeah, so say hi" he joked. He enjoyed being able to joke with greg. INstead of having to moarn over his death.
greg shifted his eyes towards here "i can hear you cat just not that well" he smirked "wendy come inside" he said motining to her as she slowly stepped inside "hows she been" he askes nick and cat quietly not wanting her to hear
"greg, good to see you alive, you gave us quite a scare" grissom said in his non emotion, completely calm voice. he was greatful the young csi had made it through so far and hoped he would recover fully in a short time.
wendy smiled "hey", she took gregs hand "how you feelin" she asked, "good i feel better knowing your ok", she shed a tear, greg smiled and wiped it away "dont cry wen im fine" he looked over at the others happy to see them all there except for warrick bue he was married so he had other stuff to do so he let it go