LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

greg shook his head "wendy" he asked, "uh no thank you", "come on wendy you have to eat" he said squeezing her hand, "i'll just have a coffee then" she said smiling at catherine.
Sara reached for Nicks hand again as she squeezed it "dont do that again you gave us all a scare" she decided now wasnt the time to tell him his accident may not have been an "accident" at all , She instead eyed the Young CSI "Nick and I have some News we were going to wait to tell you But we figured you might need some good news right now"
She nodded. "A coffee and a tea, comin' up." She smiled as she left the room. On her way down, she noticed Gil. "What's up?" she asked, walking over.
"hi cath" grissom said greatfull sara hadn't been sent on the coffee run. his curiosity was getting the better of him though and wanted to know what nick wanted to tell him
Sara smiled "well you know about Nick and I right?" she gazed lovingly into Nicks eyes "well he and I just found out we're going to have a baby" she smirked "apparently those flu symptons I've been having werent flu symptons at all"
"well i suppose i should... but she's always with nick and they look so happy when frankly i'm just not" grissom siad draining his second cup.
Cat sat down across from him. "I know this is eating at you, Gil. I can see it in your eyes. You'll feel better once you talk to Sara." She smiled and patted his shoulder.
Sara looked at Greg "we're only at three months right now" she leaned into Nick "and we're so happy" she looked at Greg when he winced in pain "are you okay?" she questioned him
he squinted his eyes "im fine just the drugs a waring off" he squeezed wendy's hand in pain "so whats the bad news" he asked releasing the pain
Sara looked at him "I Have no clue what you're talking about" she lied she hadnt even told Nick about the "accident" Yet and she knew he wouldnt be pleased either
"sara you wouldn't tell me the good news first if there wasn't any bad news" he looked at her wanting her to tell him what was on her mind