LV rp . . . Anyone interested?

gregs face dropped, his mouth was open and his eyes were concentrated on the ground but in his mind he was thinking 'it wasn't my falt' "how do you know" he asked his eyes where still fixed on the floor
"okay cath, i'll go talk to her seeing as how you'll bug me untill i talk to her." he said finally giving in. grissom stood up and threw his empty cups away walking slowely back up to greg's room.
She could see pain in his eyes. She knew this wouldn't be easy for him. "What is it?" she asked, sensing that his pain somehow went deeper then his problems with Sara.
"nothing." he answered untruthfully adverting his eyes from hers. catherine didn't know about sara's baby yet. she didn't know how he and sara had tried to get pregnant. she didn't know how much he wanted that baby to be his, not nick's, his.
Nick looked at Sara. "ya sar, what, -how do you know? and... what makes you think so?" he said.
(sorry i was gone for so long, please forgive me! if i disapear agian, then look again every hour or so, cause i come every now and then)
grissom entered the hospital room with catherine and glanced at sara happily rubbing her stomach, looking lovingly at nick.
greg had no expression on his face, he felt like nothing again and know he knew how nick felt all those times. Wendy was crying but not out loud, she just let the tears go down her face squeezing gregs hand and fearing for their lifes.
grissom couldn't bring himself to talk to sara. instead he called to nick, still curios about what he wanted to tell him.