Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

kay i dont want this fic to go belly up so im gonna continue when i get home...after i watch emily on martha ya...and i might get a duck tattoo soon.
haha im glad you like i sent the fic jayne...its probably not good as a sugar induced fic oh well...

Chapter 10

"Wake up." Catherine's clear blue eyes opened slightly. She had a hard time adjusting to the light in the room. It was yellow. "This is moronic...where the he*l am i?" She demanded. "Mugs." The voice said softly. Catherine's ears perked up. "Sam?" She asked. He walked closer. His facial profile came into view. "Your behind this???" Cath asked as the rage filled her heart. Sam shook his head. "No mugs...It wasnt just here to tell no one." Sam said as he faded away. "What does that mean!?" Cath screamed to the fading figure. The voice faded away with the wind. "SAM NO! WHAT DOES IT MEAN???" Cath asked while reaching into the darkness. Tears stung her eyes as she tried to reach sam.

"Cath? SHE'S ALIVE...GET ME RESUCUE RIGHT NOW!!!" Cath awoke to the sound of Nick's voice. His accent flew out of the words like a storm of wasps from a nest. "Cath, stay with me." His hands were under her head, trying to keep her head from falling backwards and her slipping into a coma. As she was loaded onto a streacher, Cath asked softly, "Sara." Nick leaned in and listened as she whispered the name again. "Sara." Nick frowned and said "Sara, she was taken to the nearest gonna bring you to her after you get the proper medical attention." Cath nodded and looked up at the roof off the ambulance. Out of Nick's collar, a feather stood out. "Trust no one." Sam's distant voice said in her head. "Trust no one." She repeated. As nick looked down at her with the nicest texan smile she had ever seen, Cath smiled back uneasily, knowing that he was one of the people that she needed to avoid, in order to stay alive.
I hope Sam will die then.. not Sara or Cathy.. they can't die!! You promised, Katie!!! Not one of the girls *majorly freaking out here* I'm reminding you, you'll let one of the girls die, I take away Calleigh from you!! j/k :D
I hope Sam will die then.. not Sara or Cathy.. they can't die!! You promised, Katie!!! Not one of the girls *majorly freaking out here* I'm reminding you, you'll let one of the girls die, I take away Calleigh from you!! j/k :D

lol And I'll help take Calleigh away from you! lol j/k...or am I? :lol: goin...

Chapter 11

"This isnt your first time here, aint it hon?" A nurse said softly. Cath was in the hospital getting her new head wounds tended to. Cath frowned and said "I was here earlier in the month." The nurse coughed a laugh and said, "This just aint your month hun."

Sara burst into the emergency room, dragging Grissom in with her. "Sara! your not in proper shape to go off like this on your own!" He said, with concern present in his voice. Sara shot a death glare at Grissom and said "Nothing will keep me from Cath, including my boss....SO PI*$ OFF!!" Shocked at the snap to his ego, Grissom, being the nice guy that he is, took sara's hand and said softly and calmly, "Sara, she's going to be okay. Im going to find out about Cath's condition." Sara took a deep breath and nodded. Grissom smiled and walked to the reception desk, leaving Sara sitting among a group of injured civilians.

"Sara!" Cath said as she was wheeled out of the room. Sara's eyes widened as she saw her beautiful red haired girlfriend. Sara got up and ran to Cath. She picked her up off the chair and kissed her deeply. Taking a breath, Sara said "God i was so worried about you!" Cath smiled and said "So was i." Before leaning in to kiss her again, Sara felt a sting in her leg. "ouch." She said softly. Cath looked at sara then looked over her shoulder and saw a flash of yellow and orange...and a flurry of feathers. "Crap, not again." Sara's eyes closed and she fell to the ground. "Sara...sara hun, stay with me please." Cath said trying to keep Sara from slipping into a coma. Grissom rushed back, and saw Cath on the floor. "Catherine, what happened?" Cath plucked what was sticking out of Sara's leg. A tranquilizer dart. "This is getting too weird." Cath said as she looked down at Sara.

It was apparent...the duckman had struck again.