Love or the inevitable: a sara/cath fic

kay here's a really cute update.

Chapter 6

"What?" Catherine said with a shocked look. Her blue eyes were red from crying but seemed to sparkle either way. Sara swallowed hard and said "Marry me...i can't live without you." Catherine's eyes filled with tears as she said "of course ill marry you." She leaned in and kissed Sara deeply.

A few weeks later, Catherine was being released. Her head wound was fully healed and there was no memory loss. Sara was mobile in the room but she wasnt able to leave just yet. She was sat up in the bed reading a book with Catherine at her side. She had climbed on the bed with sara just as she opened the book. The nurses warned them about it, but she didnt seem to care. Catherine rested her head on sara's thinly covered shoulder. She looked at her and kissed her forehead. A smile spread across Catherine's face. Just then, a grenade was thrown through the window of the room. Sara grabbed Catherine and ran out of the room. They reached the outside of the room and it exploded. "What the hel* is going on?" Sara asked as Catherine coughed at the sight of dust. "He's still trying to kill us." Suddenly a receptionist ran up to them. Her features were simple and calm as her runners brought her quickly up to the room. "A man in a duck costume asked to see you...what happened here?" she asked. Sara coughed a laugh and said "Long story...did you just say duck costume?" The young woman nodded quickly and ran to call the cops. "A duck costume?" Catherine asked. "You gotta be kidding me."

After being moved to another room and closing the blinds to avoid being seen by the mystery duck man, sara began to get antsy. It seemed that the hospital gown was getting hard to bear...and itchy. She decided that she would be good in only her spandex shorts and her tank top. "Can you help me get this off, hun?" Sara asked. Catherine nodded and said "Sure. Hold still." Sara did as she was told. Catherine's fingers glid across sara's neck as she undid the tie. Sara closed her eyes as Catherine's hands slid across her arms. Soon she was in a black pair of spandex shorts and a black tank top. Catherine laid down next to sara, who picked up the book and kept on reading. Catherine looked at Sara's side. "Does it still hurt?" She asked finally. Sara locked her bright brown eyes with Catherine's bright blue eyes and said "A bit." Sara lifted up her tank top to show the now unbandaged mark. A deep red mark was left on the skin as the stiches began to fully heal. Catherine placed her hand around the wound and she said "Im so sorry this happened to you." Sara shook her head and said "Not your fault."

Should i continue?
omg! like LadySara, Im loving the emotional rollercoster you are taking us on. :D teehee. Every chapter is action packed. Yes please continue! I cant wait to see who's behind the duck costume. :lol:
okay okay keep your pants on lol

Chapter 7

Sara flipped the page of the book as Catherine placed a hand on her mark. A jolt of pain flew through Sara's body. She groaned in pain. Catherine looked at her worriedly. "im so sorry hun." She said softly. Sara looked at her and said "No problem." Sara leaned in and kissed Cath soflty on the lips. Then went back to her book. Catherine placed a hand on Sara's bare stomach and stroked it gently. "You know, you would be perfect for carrying our children." Sara put her bookmark in her book and said "What?" Catherine smiled at her and said "Yeah." Sara laughed and placed a hand on cath's.

weeks later, after sara had been released, They went back to Catherine's house. Empty. The only thing they had was a bed and a bag full of groceries. Sara changed into a pair of yoga pants and a white wifebeater and walked to the kitchen to make dinner. Catherine changed into a pair of tight fitting jeans and a pink tank top. She walked to the stove where sara was standing. She wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head on sara's shoulder. "she smells so good." She thought. Sara smiled at the light red hair that was pushed past her shoulder. "geez Cath." She said softly as she stirred the contents of the pot. "Can i do something for you?" Catherine said softly. Sara nodded and said "Go get the plastic bowls and spoons from the bedroom." Catherine let go of sara, not before placing a kiss in the middle of her neck. Sara smiled and squirmed slightly.

Catherine found the bowls and spoons. After she pulled them out, a piece of paper fell out of one of the bowls. Catherine picked it up and read it silently. "Quack?" She said. "What the hel* does quack mean?" Catherine dropped the paper and ran back to the kitchen. She grabbed Sara's hand and said "No time to explain, we have to get out now." Sara ran at the same pace as Catherine. They jumped behind the denali that was securely parked in the street. The entire house exploded.

"Oh my god." Nick said as he looked at the debris that used to be Catherine's house. "Yeah...oh my god." Sara said sarcastically. Sara and Cath sat in the denali completely terrified of what might happen next. Catherine spotted something yellow. A burst of yellow and covered in fur. "The duck costume." She said to sara. "That means..." Catherine looked at her and said "Sara. honey, whoever wore this costume is behind this."

Is it too slashy...cause i could tone it down a bit.
Hey Katie! I love it!! I just came in to bookmark the page to read it on friday when I'm off, but then I started reading the first chapter, and of course couldn't help reading the rest of the chapters either.. :D Compliment!! I so need to know who the Duck Man is :lol: And believe me, nothing is too slashy Teehee!!

*starts wondering whether Calleigh will enter this fic* :lol:
awesome thanks for the input...unfortunately im at actually kinda sitting next to someone that is alot like calleigh...ya..but when i get the time to type an update between my study times. haha wish me luck on the tests!
hate to double post but my edit time is gone....haha... okay!

chapter 8

Calleigh walked up to Sara at the remainder of Cath's house. "Well lookie here!" She said with her thick southern tone. Sara turned around to see Calleigh, complete with sunnies, and her crime kit. "Calleigh!" Sara said with a jolt of energy. Catherine turned around to see Sara hugging Calleigh. "Cath baby... this is Calleigh." Sara said softly. Cath rolled her eyes and said "We have met." Sara looked at her and said "Cath, lighten up...we were college roommates." Catherine held out a hand and plastered a smile on her face. "Charmed im sure." Catherine said sarcastically. Calleigh opened her kit and began to process the side of the denali. Catherine pulled Sara to the side. "Is that an old girlfriend?" Catherine said enraged. Sara looked at her with a shocked expression. "WHAT? NO!" All of a sudden a thick cloud of smoke headed their way. It was chloroform. Calleigh passed out on the ground, but sara held on. "Cath?" She said softly as she became drowsy. "Cath...." She said again, falling on the ground. From the sky, the cloud resembled

btw i have the same name as Catherine!!! cept mine's spelled katherine!
btw i have the same name as Catherine!!! cept mine's spelled katherine!
my name is Maaike :( I doubt that any name that will ever be used on any of the CSI's even resembles my name :(
but hey Calleigh is in the fic YAYness :D My three fave women are together oh and there is one more thing:
*kicks duckman for screwing up a moment for my three fave women*
*straightens clothes and walks out*