CSI Level One
That's great that we have a history thread here. 
History was one of my favorite subjects at school and besides the 'normal' history lesson I also had in class 11 and 12 a basic course about Greco Roman antiquity. It was a mixture of history, literature, politics, culture and religion. It was very interesting and I liked it very much.
I'm also interested in the French Revolution and the Napoleon period. This is important for my german literature studies 'cause these periods had big influence on german authors.
But I have one of my main interests on WWII and german history from 1933-45. For me it is important to face up with this bad and sad historic chapter of my folk. (I don't know if I used the right words for that what I wanted to say.
My second main interest is the cold war. I was born in the former GDR and I had to become a member of the Junge Pioniere for Thank God only one year. I hated to wear that damn stupid uniform. I wasn't able to make this special knot for the blue necktie. And I hated the whole proceedings we had to do. But happily then there was the German reunification. But I'm still interested in this period 'cause it is part of my past.
I also study theology and there I have church history. Eg. I wrote a paper about Evangelical Church and WWII and another about Kurt Gerstein. He was an very interesting and contradictory person. He was a pious Christian and he also was a member of the ss. But he also witnessed mass murders in the concentration camps. You should read about him. And there is also a good movie. I think the english title is Amen.
History was one of my favorite subjects at school and besides the 'normal' history lesson I also had in class 11 and 12 a basic course about Greco Roman antiquity. It was a mixture of history, literature, politics, culture and religion. It was very interesting and I liked it very much.
I'm also interested in the French Revolution and the Napoleon period. This is important for my german literature studies 'cause these periods had big influence on german authors.
But I have one of my main interests on WWII and german history from 1933-45. For me it is important to face up with this bad and sad historic chapter of my folk. (I don't know if I used the right words for that what I wanted to say.
My second main interest is the cold war. I was born in the former GDR and I had to become a member of the Junge Pioniere for Thank God only one year. I hated to wear that damn stupid uniform. I wasn't able to make this special knot for the blue necktie. And I hated the whole proceedings we had to do. But happily then there was the German reunification. But I'm still interested in this period 'cause it is part of my past.
I also study theology and there I have church history. Eg. I wrote a paper about Evangelical Church and WWII and another about Kurt Gerstein. He was an very interesting and contradictory person. He was a pious Christian and he also was a member of the ss. But he also witnessed mass murders in the concentration camps. You should read about him. And there is also a good movie. I think the english title is Amen.